26 February 2009

(1991) Huss - Combined Wave Induced Stresses in Ships

Mikael Huss, Combined Wave Induced Stresses in Ships - Application of a rationally based direct calculation method, Report TRITA/SKP-91/1070 (1991) ISSN 0349-0025

Combined Wave Induced Stresses in Ships - Application of a rationally based direct calculation method
Mikael Huss, [Royal Institute of Technology Department of Naval Architecture S-100 44 Stockholm]

Calculations of combined wave induced stresses in longitudinal and transverse primary members of ship structures have been performed with a direct method. The wave loads are calculated with linear strip-theory and include global hull girder moments and shear forces, and local loads from external hydrodynamic pressure and internal inertia forces from the cargo. Structural response is calculated by ordinary hull beam idealization for global loads and finite-element analysis for local loads. Results from the linear structural analysis are coupled to wave loads with discrete influence coefficients. Transfer functions of combined stress response in regular waves are obtained by superposition of the different wave induced stress components considering their phase lag. Non-linear stress response from hydrodynamic pressure fluctuation close to the still-water line is evaluated by a simplified time step procedure where the ship motions and global loads are assumed to be linear. Short-term and long-term linear stress responses are calculated for standard wave energy spectra and wave statistics for the North Atlantic.
The statistical correlation between different stress components is analysed and shown to be important to take into account at the design stage. Of special importance is the counteracting effect of external hydrodynamic pressure and internal mass forces in full cargo holds.
The influence of different load conditions, speed reduction, and non-linear effects on the long-term stress distribution is discussed.
Fatigue analysis of a few typical hot-spots are performed considering local geometric stress concentrations and the correlation between nominal normal and shear stresses.
The direct calculation method is found to yield reasonable results and could be advantageous to introduce in the design process especially for novel type of ship structures and for highly optimized structures where the specific ship characteristics must be considered.

ship structural design, wave loads, stress response,direct analysis,long-term distribution, fatigue


A Direct Calculation Method
Summary of Results
Some Notes on Long-Term Stress Distributions
Application in an Ordinary Design Process

Part 1 (1987):
Combined Wave Induced Stresses in a Lo/Lo Containership;
Application of a Rationally Based Direct Calculation Method

Part 2 (1990):
Combined Wave Induced Stresses in an OBO Carrier;
Application of a Rationally Based Direct Calculation Method

Part 3 (1990) :
Prediction of Combined Long-Term Wave Induced Stresses and Corresponding Fatigue Damage in a Ship's Bottom Girder;
Application of a Rationally Based Direct Calculation Method (with Gustaf Lidvall)

Source : mhuss.se

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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(1994) Huss et.al - Theoretical Seakeeping Predictions On Board Ships

Mikael Huss and Anders Olander, Theoretical Seakeeping Predictions On Board Ships - A System for Operational Guidance and Real Time Surveillance, TRITA-FKT Report (ISSN 1103-470X) (ISRN KTH/FKT/SKP/FR--94/50--SE) (1994)

Theoretical Seakeeping Predictions On Board Ships - A System for Operational Guidance and Real Time Surveillance
Mikael Huss and Anders Olander [Naval Architecture Department Of Vehicle Engineering Royal Institute Of Technology,KTH,Sweden]

A prototype of an on board based guidance and surveillance system for waveinduced effects on ships has been developed. The system includes a complete model of the ship for direct hydrostatic and hydrodynamic analysis of arbitrary operating conditions. The sea state is evaluated from measurements of the ship motions.
Criteria for warnings of non-desired events can be initiated on board. The system can work as an automatic real time monitoring system which will alert the bridge officer when risk levels are exceeded. At the same time advice can be given on changes of speed and heading that will decrease the risk. The system can also be used in a manual mode for analysis of forthcoming situations in order to optimise the operation of the ship.

ship operational guidance, on board seakeeping predictions, surveillance system

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(1988) Huss - The Stability Of Ships In Waves: A Comparative Study Of Modern Hull Forms With Large B/T Ratio

Mikael Huss, The Stability Of Ships In Waves: A Comparative Study Of Modern Hull Forms With Large B/T Ratio, Report TRITA-SKP 1060 (1988) ISSN:0349-0025

The Stability Of Ships In Waves: A Comparative Study Of Modern Hull Forms With Large B/T Ratio
Mikael Huss, [Senior research engineer, KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Sweden]

The variation of initial stability in waves has been studied for different hull forms with large B/T. The study was performed in regular following waves with close to zero encountering frequency as well as in regular waves with a frequency in resonance with parametric excitation of roll. The variation of restoring moment was calculated with a quasi-static approach taking into account the influence from the position of the wave profile and the ships vertical motions calculated with linear strip theory.
The study shows that both the sectional forms of the hull and the B/T ratio has a significant influence on the stability variation in waves.


1 Introduction
2 Hull Forms
3 Loss Of Stability In Waves With Close To Zero Encountering Frequencies
4 Parametric Excitation Of Roll
5 Reference To Model Test
6 Influence Of B/T Ratio
7 Conclusions

Source : mhuss.se

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25 February 2009

[yim300] Analisis Gerakan Coupled Heaving-Pitching Kapal_Edi(2003)

Eddi Husni , Analisis Gerakan Coupled Heaving-Pitching Kapal Purse Seine Terhadap Gelombang Reguler Head Seas, Pengantar Falsafah Sains (PPS702)(2003)

Analisis Gerakan Coupled Heaving-Pitching Kapal Purse Seine Terhadap Gelombang Reguler Head Seas
Eddi Husni [Program Pascasarjana / S3 Institut Pertanian Bogor]

Efektivitas pengoperasian kapal penangkap ikan di laut pada dasarnya sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan kapal untuk tetap selamat (seaworthiness) dan karakteristik yang menekankan pada respon kapal terhadap kondisi operasional di laut (seakindliness), kedua hal tersebut merupakan kriteria utama yang harus dipenuhi oleh suatu kapal, yang berkaitan erat dengan karakteristik gerakan kapal.
Dalam penelitian ini secara khusus dianalisis gerakan coupled heaving-pitching di gelombang reguler head seas dengan sudut encounter 180o. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan (1) menganalisa besarnya amplitudo dan frekuensi gerakan coupled heaving-pitching kapal purse seine pada gelombang reguler head seas (2) Menganalisa gerakan coupled heaving-pitching pada gelombang reguler head seas.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium Kapal Perikanan dan Sistem Navigasi, Jurusan Pemamfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Pelaksanaan penelitian kurang lebih enam bulan, yaitu mulai bulan Maret 2002 hingga September 2002.
Data-data hasil pengukuran dilapangan dianalisis secara numerik dan besarnya tinggi gelombang adalah 3m dalam kondisi full capacity selama 600 detik. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa berdasarkan rasio dimensi utama kapal purse seine (L/B, L/D dan B/D) dan parameter hidrostatis menunjukkan bahwa kapal purse seine yang diteliti memiliki kemampuan laju kapal, kekuatan memanjang, turning ability dan propulsive ability yang cukup baik.
Dari perhitungan secara teoritis diperoleh, (1) Gerakan coupled heaving-pitching dapat menurunkan besarnya amplitudo gerakan heaving dan sudut pitching jika dibandingkan dengan gerakan uncoupled. (2) Gerakan coupled heaving-pitching lebih nyaman daripada gerakan uncoupled heaving-pitching bagi operasional di atas kapal dan menjamin keselamatan serta konstruksi kapal selama berada dilaut, (3) Sudut pitching pada gerakan coupled heaving-pitching dengan kecepatan kapal 3,090 m/det pada gelombang reguler head seas akan selalu mengikuti pola gerakan gelombang, sedangkan gerakan heaving akan bervariasi pada pola gerakan gelombang yang terjadi.

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LK1325 Perancangan Kapal

Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep basic design, preliminary design, contract design dan detail design, menjelaskan jenis kapal dan hal-hal yang dipertimbangkan dalam penentuan mission requirements, melaksanakan concept design dan preliminary design berdasarkan mission requirements, menjelaskan persyaratan SOLAS 1974 dan Maritime Labor Conventions and Recommendations dalam pembuatan Rencana Umum, menjelaskan pemeriksaan yang harus dilakukan dalam spiral perancangan, menjelaskan persyaratan internasional dan nasional yang harus dipenuhi, menjelaskan design philosophy, menysun spesifikasi teknik terutama untuk badan kapal

Materi pokok:
pengertian dan batasan basic design: concept design dan preliminary design, contract design dan detail design, jenis kapal dan hal-hal yang dipertimbangkan dalam penentuan mission requirements, beberapa metode dalam melaksanakan concept design: dengan dibantu komputer dan berdasarkan empirical data, preliminary design dan hal-hal yang dipertimbangkan dalam pembuatan rencana garis, pemeriksaan yang harus dilakukan dalam spiral perancangan, persyaratan internasional dan nasional yang harus dipenuhi. Rencana Umum dan persyaratan SOLAS 1974 dan Maritime Labor Conventions and Recommendations: Accommodation of Crews Convention (Revised) 1949 no. 92 dan Accommodation of Crews (Supplementary Provisions) Convention 1970 no. 133, Crew Accommodation (Air Conditioning) Recommendation 1970 no. 140 dan Crew Accommodation (Noise Control) Recommendation 1970 no. 141. Konstruksi penampang melintang, perkiraan resistance dan powering dan pemilihan motor induk, perkiraan massa dan titik pusat massa, kapasitas dan titik pusat massa bagian-bagian deadmass, design philosophy, penyusunan spesifikasi teknis, terutama untuk badan kapal

LK1321 Teori Bangunan Kapal II
LK1326 Hambatan dan Propulsi I atau sedang diambil
LK1329 Motor Penggerak Kapal atau sedang diambil


  • Taggart, R. and E. Society of Naval Architects and Marine (1980). Ship design and Construction. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, New York, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
  • Manning, G. C. (1956). The theory and technique of ship design; a study of the basic principles and the processes employed in the design of ships of all classes. [Cambridge], Published jointly by the Technology Press of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Wiley.
  • Munro Smith,”Element of Ship Design”
yirfan recommended reading :
  • Munro-Smith, R. (1964). Merchant ship design. London, Hutchinson.
  • Benford, H. (1979). Fundamentals of ship design economics: lecture notes. Ann Arbor (Mich.), Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Michigan.
  • Lamb, T., Engineering for ship production. Final report,1986 (part 1) (part2)(part3)

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LK1324 Sistem dan Peralatan

Mahasiswa mampu : menjelaskan cara kerja dan karakteristik permesinan bantu (pompa, separator, purifier, fan, blower dan lain-lain) dan perlengkapannya (valves, gauges, filters dan lain-lain), menjelaskan, menghitung dan menggambar bagian-bagian sistem ballast, sistem bilga, sistem pemadam kebakaran dengan air laut, sistem air tawar, sistem air laut, sistem ventilasi, menjelaskan persyaratan SOLAS 1974 dan MARPOL 73/78 untuk sistem-sistem tersebut dan bagian-bagiannya, menjelaskan bentuk dan cara kerja macam-macam jangkar, bentuk macam-macam rantai jangkar dan menentukan besarnya sesuai peraturan kelas, menjelaskan macam dan cara kerja mesin-mesin geladak: mesin kemudi, cargo winch, mooring winch, mesin jangkar dan menghitung daya yang dibutuhkan, menjelaskan persyaratan SOLAS 1974 dan MARPOL 73/78 untuk berbagai peralatan dan mesin geladak

Materi pokok:
macam-macam pompa: pompa torak, pompa sentrifugal dan pompa lainnya dan cara kerjanya, diagram debit-rpm untuk berbagai tinggi tekan untuk macam-macam pompa, kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing jenis, sistem di kapal yang menggunakan pompa: sistem ballast, sistem bilga, sistem pemadam kebakaran dengan air laut, sistem air tawar, sistem air laut dan perlengkapannya. Persyaratan menurut SOLAS 1974. Memilih pompa yang sesuai untuk suatu sistem, macam-macam separator dan purifier, cara kerja dan karakteristiknya. Persyaratan menurut MARPOL 73/78, macam-macam fan dan blower dan cara kerjanya, diagram debit-rpm untuk berbagai tinggi tekan untuk macam-macam fan, kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing jenis, sistem di kapal yang menggunakan fan: sistem vetilasi dan perlengkapannya. Persyaratan menurut SOLAS 1974. Memilih fan yang sesuai untuk suatu sistem, macam-macam jangkar, rantai jangkar dan peralatan labuh dan tambat. Perhitungan untuk menentukan ukuran jangkar, rantai jangkar dan peralatan labuh dan tambat, macam dan cara kerja mesin-mesin geladak: mesin kemudi, cargo winch, mooring winch, mesin jangkar, macam dan cara kerja penutup palkah, menghitung kebutuhan daya untuk masing-masing mesin. Persyaratan menurut SOLAS 1974

Tidak ada


  • De Haan JP, ”Practical Ship Building B”, The Technical Publishing Comp, H.Stam, 1961
  • Taggart, R. and E. Society of Naval Architects and Marine (1980). Ship design and Construction. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, New York, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
  • Khetagurov, ”Marine Auxiliary Machinery and System”, Peace Publishers, Moscow
yirfan recommended reading :

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[yim182] Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice - Rao(1996)

A rigorous mathematical approach to identifying a set of design alternatives and selecting the best candidate from within that set, engineering optimization was developed as a means of helping engineers to design systems that are both more efficient and less expensive and to develop new ways of improving the performance of existing systems. Thanks to the breathtaking growth in computer technology that has occurred over the past decade, optimization techniques can now be used to find creative solutions to larger, more complex problems than ever before. As a consequence, optimization is now viewed as an indispensable tool of the trade for engineers working in many different industries, especially the aerospace, automotive, chemical, electrical, and manufacturing industries.

Table of Content :


1. Introduction to Optimization
2. Classical Optimization Techniques
3. Linear Programming I: Simplex Method
4. Linear Programming II: Additional Topics and Extensions
5. Nonlinear Programming I: One-Dimensional Minimization Methods
6. Nonlinear Programming II: Unconstrained Optimization Techniques
7. Nonlinear Programming III: Constrained Optimization Techniques
8. Geometric Programming
9. Dynamic Programming
10. Integer Programming
11. Stochastic Programming
12. Further Topics in Optimization
13. Practical Aspects of Optimization

Appendix A: Convex and Concave Functions
Appendix B: Some Computational Aspects of Optimization
Answers to Selected Problems

# Title : Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice
# Author : Singiresu S. Rao

# Hardcover: 920 pages
# Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 3 edition (February 15, 1996)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0471550345
# ISBN-13: 978-0471550341


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24 February 2009

[yim110] Lecture notes on fatigue, static tensile strength and stress corrosion of aircraft materials and structures: Part I: text - Schijve (1982)

The present course book was primarily written up as lecture notes for a summer course, given at the Technical University of Bandung (ITB) in. August 1982. The summer course was part of a cooperation between ITB and the Department of Aerospace Engineering of the Delft University of Technology. The cooperation is a contribution to the TTA-79 Technical Assistance' Project as agreed between the Governments of Indonesia and The Netherlands.
The subjects of the course are listed in the contents. The main emphasis is on fatigue (chapter 7 to 12), while stress corrosion (chapter 6) and static failure in tension (chapter 5) are covered each in a separate chapter. Stress concentrations at notches, stress intensities at crack tips and residual stresses are highly relevant to all topics. For that reason these concepts are treated first (chapters 2, 3 and 4).
For convenience the test and the figures have been printed in separate volumes.

Table of Content :

Introduction - Failure modes - Failure prevention - Failure analysis - Subjects of the present course
Introduction - Definition of Kt - Analytical calculations - The effect of the geometry (shape) on Kt - Superposition of notches and similarity of notches - Methods for determination of stress concentrations
Introduction - Different sources of residual stress systems - Calculations on residual stresses at notches - Some additional remarks

Introduction - Different types of cracks and crack opening modes- Definition of the stress intensity factor K - Examples of stress intensity factors - K-factors by superposition - Crack opening and the state of stress - Energy considerations and the Griffith criterion Cracks with a curved crack front - Determinations of K-values Crack tip plasticity
Introduction - The tensile strength of a material - The hardness of a material - The static tensile strength of a notched element - The fracture toughness K - Cracks in sheets, behaviour under static loading
Introduction - The stress corrosion process - Stress corrosion tests, variables and purpose of tests - How to prevent stress corrosion in aircraft structures - Hydrogen embrittlement
Introduction - The fatigue process in different phases - The fatigue mechanism - Characteristics of a fatigue fracture - Factors which influence fatigue behaviour - Stress amplitude and mean stress, fatigue' curves and fatigue diagrams - Environmental effects - Some surface effects - Fretting
Introduction - The fatigue strength of a notches element under CA-loading - Estimation of the fatigue limit of a notched element for a > 0 - Estimation ofmthe fatigue limit of a notched element for a > 0 - The notch effect for finite life - Fatigue crack propagation and the stress intensity factor - Fatigue crack propagation properties of a material,and the stress intensity factor - Prediction of fatigue crack growth based on the stress intensity factor
Introduction - Fatigue damage, damage accumulation and interaction effects - Some results of tests with variable-amplitude loading - Macrocrack growth and variable-amplitude loading - Some concluding remarks on fatigue prediction for VA-loading
Introduction - Bolt loaded in tension - Fatigue of lugs - Symmetric joints with rows of bolts or rivets - Asymmetric joints with rows of bolts or rivets' - Riveted joints - Adhesive-bonded joints - Some concluding remarks
Introduction - The load history - Counting methods - Deterministic and stochastic loads - Mission analysis - The purpose of mission analysis - Some concluding remarks
Introduction - Design aspects - Predictions and calculations - Fatigue testing methods - Full-scale tests and scatter factors - Maintenance and inspection

Tabel 12.1

# Title : Lecture notes on fatigue, static tensile strength and stress corrosion of aircraft materials and structures: Part I: text
# Author :
Schijve, J
# Publisher:Delft University of Technology, Department of Aerospace Engineering (1982)
# Language: English
# Report LR-360


Schijve, J.(1990) Fatigue, static tensile strength and stress corrosion of aircraft materials and structures (LR-630) Part I: Text Part II: figures

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23 February 2009

Blasting Coating Info : Alat Ukur Titik Embun dan Kelembaban

Terdapat puluhan brand dan macam alat ukur Titik Embun dan Kelembaban, baik yang digital (otomat) maupun manual, baik yang portable maupun fixed. Macam-macamnya bisa dilihat pada site ini (sebagai contoh).

Pada kesempatan ini, akan digambarkan petunjuk penggunaan salah satu yang umum dipakai dalam pekerjaan yaitu sling psychrometer dan dew calculator
Kedua alat ukur ini dipilih karena sederhana, mudah penggunaan dan perawatannya serta relatif murah dibanding tipe digital.

Petunjuk Penggunaan :

  1. Untuk menentukan temperatur titik embun atau dew point, terlebih dahulu diukur temperatur lingkungan pada area kerja yang terdiri dari temperatur basah (wet temperatur) dan kering (dry temperatur) dengan sling psychrometer
  2. Bukalah tutup sling psychrometer dimana sumbu terletak dan basahi sumbu tersebut dengan air bersih secukupnya.
  3. Tunggulah beberapa menit hingga air dirasa sudah menyerap dan membasahi bagian sumbu yang membungkus termometer basah (wet bulb)
  4. Putar sling psychrometer searah jarum jam minimal selama 1 menit dengan kecepatan putaran 2 s/d 4 putaran perdetik
  5. Baca temperatur pada temperatur basah terlebih dahulu sebelum membaca temperatur pada termometer kering
  6. Catat hasil pengukuran kedua termometer tersebut. Kedua catatan ini akan digunakan untuk menentukan temperatur titik embun dan prosentase kelebamban udara
  7. Gunakan Dew Point Calculator untuk menentukan temperatur titik embun dan prosentase kelebamban udara
  8. Untuk memperoleh temperatur titik embun, gunakan hasil pengukuran dari dua catatan sling psychrometer (dry and wet temperatur). Kelembaban Relatif (Rh) ditentukan pula dengan membandingkan kedua temperatur tersebut...(how?)
  9. Kelembaban udara harus dibawah 85% dan temperatur permukaan yang akan dibersihakan minimal 3 derajat celcius diatas temperatur pengembunan
  10. Catat hasil pengukuran dan kendalikan rekamannya. Frekuensi pengukuran dilakukan sesering mungkin, dengan interval tidak lebih dari 4 jam sekali pengukuran.

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Collection of Fluid Mechanics book (31 book)

A massive Collection of Fluid Mechanics book:

  1. A Course in Fluid Mechanics with Vector Field Theory - D. Prieve
  2. A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 3rd ed. - J. Chorin, J. Marsden
  3. Computational Fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer - Anderson
  4. Low-Gravity Fluid Mechanics - Myshkis A.D
  5. Fluid Mechanics - L D Landau, E M Lifschitz
  6. Fluid Mechanics - Problem Solver - WILLIAMS
  7. Fluid Mechanics 2nd ed. - P. Kundu, I. Cohen
  8. Fluid Mechanics 4th ed - F. White
  9. Fluid mechanics and the environment dynamical approaches - Lumley J.L.
  10. Foundations of Fluid Mechanics - G. Gallavotti
  11. Fundamentals Of The Finite Element Method For Heat And Fluid Flow - Lewis, Nithiarasu,Seetharamu
  12. Intermediate Fluid Mechanics [ME563 Course Notes]
  13. Introduction fo Fluid Mechanics - Y. Nakayama
  14. Introduction to Hydrodynamic Stability - Drazin
  15. Mathematical Theory Of Viscous Incompressible Flow - Ladyzhenskaya
  16. Perturbation Methods In Fluid Mechanics - Van Dyke
  17. Practical Fluid Mechanics For Engineering Applications - Bloomer
  18. Prandtl's Essentials of Fluid Mechanics - Herbert Oertel
  19. Vectors, Tensors, And The Basic Equations Of Fluid Mechanics - Aris R
  20. Viscous Fluid Flow - Papanastasiou,Georgiou
  21. Fluid dynamics :
  22. An introduction to fluid dynamics - G.K. Batchelor
  23. Computational Fluid Dynamics - T. Chung
  24. Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, 3rd ed. - J. Ferziger, M. Peric
  25. Dynamics of polymeric liquids, vol 1 Fluid mechanics - Bird R.B., Armstrong R.C., Hassager O.
  26. Fluid Dynamics for Physicists - Faber, T.E.
  27. Fundamentals Of Computational Fluid Dynamics - Lomax, Pulliam
  28. Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, 2e - R. Zucker, O. Biblarz
  29. Gas Dynamics - Becker
  30. The finite element method. Fluid dynamics - Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor R.L.
  31. The Properties of Gases and Liquids, Fifth Edition - Poling, Prausnitz, O’Connell

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[yim698) An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics - Batchelor (2002)

This book gives an excellent introduction to fluid dynamics … many interesting and important photographs of fluid flows are included in order to help the students who do not have an opportunity of observing flow phenomena in a laboratory. The book also contains exercises at the end of each chapter. In comparison with many currently available books, I find this book by Batchelor especially stimulating and useful for students of applied mathematics and engineering.'

First published in 1967, Professor Batchelor's classic work is still one of the foremost texts on fluid dynamics. His careful presentation of the underlying theories of fluids is still timely and applicable, even in these days of almost limitless computer power. This reissue ensures that a new generation of graduate students experiences the elegance of Professor Batchelor's writing.

Table of Content :

# Title : An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
# Author :
G. K. Batchelor
# Paperback: 635 pages
# Publisher: Cambridge University Press (February 15, 2000)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0521663962
# ISBN-13: 978-0521663960


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[yim202] Fluid Mechanics fourth edition - White (2002)

The fourth edition of this textbook sees some additions and deletions but no philosophical change. The basic outline of eleven chapters and five appendices remains the same. The triad of integral, differential, and experimental approaches is retained and is approached in that order of presentation. The book is intended for an undergraduate course in fluid mechanics, and there is plenty of material for a full year of instruction.
The author covers the first six chapters and part of Chapter 7 in the introductory semester. The more specialized and applied topics from Chapters 7 to 11 are then covered at our university in a second semester. The informal, student-oriented style is retained and, if it succeeds, has the flavor of an interactive lecture by the author

Table of Content :

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Pressure Distribution in a Fluid
Chapter 3 Integral Relations for a Control Volume
Chapter 4 Differential Relations for a Fluid Particle
Chapter 5 Dimensional Analysis and Similarity 277
Chapter 6 Viscous Flow in Ducts
Chapter 7 Flow Past Immersed Bodies
Chapter 8 Potential Flow and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Chapter 9 Compressible Flow
Chapter 10 Open-Channel Flow
Chapter 11 Turbomachinery

Appendix A Physical Properties of Fluids
Appendix B Compressible-Flow Tables
Appendix C Conversion Factors
Appendix D Equations of Motion in Cylindrical Coordinates
Appendix E Introduction to EES
Answers to Selected Problems

# Title : Fluid Mechanics, fourth edition
# Author :
Frank M. White
# Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies (2002)
# Language: English
# ASIN: B000OG36LA


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Blasting Coating Info : Kondisi Lingkungan

Kondisi lingkungan yang dimaksud adalah lokasi/tempat dimana pembersihan akan dilakukan. Beberapa kondisi lingkungan yang mutlak diperhatikan sebelum pembersihan permukaaan adalah:

Temperatur Permukaan (Substrate Surface Temperature)
Pemeriksaan terhadap temperatur permukaan loga sebelum pembersihan bertujuan untuk mendeteksi adanya kondensasi atau embun pada permukaan. Temperatur permukaan yang akan dibersihkan, minimal harus diatas 3 derajat celcius diatas temperatur titik embun

Titik Embun
Titik embun adalah temperatur tertentu dimana kelembaban udara berubah menjadi uap air dan akan membasahi permukaan logam

Kelembaban udara
Kelembaban udara adalah prosentase kadar air yang ada dalam udara. Tingginya prosentase kadar akan akan menyebabkan hujan. Pembersihan hanya dapat dilakukan bila kelembaban dibawah 85%.

Arah dan kecepatan angin
Tujuan utama mengetahui aspek ini adalah supaya selama proses penyemburan (blasting) tepat pada sasaran permukaan dan kontaminasi yang dapat terjadi pada permukaan yang telah dibersihkan akibat debu dan partikel kimia yang terbawa angin dapat dihindari. Penyemburan permukaan tidak disarankan apabila kecepatan angin melebihi 25 km/jam.

[alat ukur yang dipakai...]

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22 February 2009

Monitoring Hull Performance

Hull performance is critical for both fuel economy and fuel emissions control. The ability to accurately monitor fuel economy and emissions was the subject of a presentation, “Hull Performance Monitoring: A Tool for Fuel/Emissions Management,”by Daniel Kane, Propulsion Dynamics,also given at the Marine Coatings Conference.
The speaker presented a monitoring system that has been in use for about five years. The system gives a precise speed-through-water analysis and the corresponding fuel consumption. The factors affecting hull performance are :

  • age of ship/ time out of dock;
  • time in port;
  • service speed;
  • water temperature;
  • fouling; and
  • loading conditions.
All ships have “performance monitoring systems,” and all owners say they are aware of their fuel consumption per day. The factors affecting consumption that owners can control are coating selection during newbuilding, drydocking interval, hull pre-treatment and coating at drydocking and a maintenance program. The speed log, however, isn’t measured relative to the water conditions. Wind, and, to a certain extent, the fuel itself and the loading conditions are all parameters that influence the sailing characteristics. By making use of the hydrodynamic technique in the proprietary monitoring system, these and variables like trim and fouling can be monitored. The problem is then correcting the performance data into actual speed through the water. For example, 60% power can lead to anything between 19 and 26 knots.
By using the performance-monitoring program, examples were given to show :
  • how polishing the propeller can reduce drag by up to ten percentage points;
  • that cleaning the hull led to reducing the fuel consumption from 190 to 170 tons a day in one instance;
  • that a ship that anchored for four weeks used up nine tons a day more than before anchoring; and
  • different antifouling coatings can be compared for effectiveness.
By analyzing all the operational variables for a vessel, an accurate picture of hull performance (drag) can be obtained, and the optimum cleaning/coating cycle can be predicted to give maximum fuel savings and minimum emissions. It has been calculated that typical average fuel savings in the merchant fleets worldwide are about 5–15 tons a day.

J P C L N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 8

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21 February 2009

Majalah Ikatan Marine Engineer (IMarE) Indonesia

Menjelang akhir abad ke-20, tepatnya sekitar tahun 1993, enam plus enam* mantan masinis kapal Indonesia yang semuanya bermukim di Jakarta dan peduli dengan kemerosotan mutu yang sangat memprihatinkan dari para perwira laut umumnya dan khususnya para perwira mesin, merasa perlu untuk mendorong sebanyak mungkin para perwira mesin kapal Indonesia untuk bergabung dengan organisasi tingkat dunia IMarE. Branch atau Cabang IMarE Indonesia didirikan setelah jumlah anggotanya memenuhi syarat ART.

Berikut Majalah ImarE Indonesia :

Buletin No. 40 Januari 2009 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.39 Oktober 2008 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.38 Juli 2008 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.37 April 2008 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.36 Januari 2008 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.35 Oktober 2007 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.34 Juni 2007 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.33 Februari 2007 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.32 September 2006 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.31 Mei 2006 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.30 Februari 2006 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.29 Oktober 2005 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.28 Juni 2005 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.27 Februari 2005 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.26 Oktober 2004 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.25 Juni 2004 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|
Buletin No.24 Desember 2003 |code:pdf1| |code:pdf2| |code:pdf3|

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ImarE Indonesia
Mailing List Migas Indonesia

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20 February 2009

(2008) Benedek - A Simple Method To Reduce Scale Effect On Wake And Thrust Deduction Fractions Of Ships

Zoltán Benedek , A Simple Method To Reduce Scale Effect On Wake And Thrust Deduction Fractions Of Ships, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA SER. TRANSP. ENG. VOL. 36, NO. 1–2, PP. 21-23 (2008)

A Simple Method To Reduce Scale Effect On Wake And Thrust Deduction Fractions Of Ships
Zoltán Benedek [Transportation Engineering]

The author propose a simple method for the calculation of the necessary thrust and the open water velocity of propeller from the results of model experiments According to the investigation of the measured results of several geosim it may be stated, that it is a better approximation to calculate the thrust and the open water velocity by means of the proposed method instead of thrust deduction and wake fraction.

Scale effect, wake fraction, thrust deduction fraction

Source : Periodica Polytechnica

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(2008) Benedek - A Method For Testing Small Shipmodels

Zoltán Benedek , A Method For Testing Small Shipmodels, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA SER. TRANSP. ENG. VOL. 36, NO. 1–2, PP. 25-27 (2008)

A Method For Testing Small Shipmodels
Zoltán Benedek [Department of Aeroplans and Ships]

In a small tank there are possibilities for testing only small models (length of 1-2 m). They are engaged to measure the resistance of the ship, but self propulsion tests cannot be performed because the dimensions of the propeller are too small. This paper proposes a method for determining the mutual influence of ship body and propeller without using propeller model behind the ship body. On the towing carriage there is mounted a pump. The inlet end of the pipe is behind the investigated ship model at the place of its propeller, and has the same diameter as the propeller. This propeller simulator gives possibility to calculate the thrust of the propeller according to the momentum theory of propeller.

Wake fraction, thrust deduction fraction, ship model experiment tank

Source : Periodica Polytechnica

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(2005) Zoldy et.al - The Technical And Economical Preparation Of Investigations Carried Out With Ethanol-Diesel Oil

Máté Zöldy, István Emőd, Iván Pollák , The Technical And Economical Preparation Of Investigations Carried Out With Ethanol-Diesel Oil, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA SER. TRANSP. ENG. VOL. 33, NO. 1–2, PP. 47–58 (2005)

The Technical And Economical Preparation Of Investigations Carried Out With Ethanol-Diesel Oil
Máté Zöldy, István Emőd [Department of Automobiles,Budapest University of Technology and Economics], Iván Pollák [Environmental Protection and Acoustics Division,Institute for Transport Sciences]

Our investigation took place at the Technical University of Budapest - TUB - where we looked for possible uses of ethanol or an ethanol-diesel mixture in agricultural engines in Hungary. First we examined the international and the Hungarian experiments and as a second step we selected the appropriate engine and procedure. In this first article we show the preparation of the dyno measurements and the pre-calculations. In the second one the results of the investigations and the added calculations will be described. The main aspect of the engine selection was to find an engine that is current in Hungary, and to find a procedure which implies only minimal changes on this engine. The procedure - the combination of the possible useful fuels and solutions - was selected through technical, economical and environmental investigations.

alternative fuel, bioethanol, biofuel, emission, LCA

Source : Periodica Polytechnica

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(2001) Ronai - Cost estimation methods of transport infrastructure projects

Péter Rónai , Cost estimation methods of transport infrastructure projects, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA SER. TRANSP. ENG. VOL. 29, NO. 1-2, PP. 107–116 (2001)

Cost estimation methods of transport infrastructure projects
Péter Rónai [Department of Transport Economics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics]

Since overhead costs, general and administrative expenses, and profit are usually added to costs as a percentage of direct transport project costs, it is imperative that estimate accuracy begin with precise estimates of the materials and labour hours required to the job. In many transport firms and infrastructure concession investors it is the materials and `hands-on´ labour that are estimated before any other peripheral costs are calculated even though these peripheral costs frequently exceed the original hardware costs. The paper describes the methods used to determine material quantities and costs, labour hours, some of the engineering activities, and `factors´ that affect these material and labour costs, and direct costs other than those that are normally classified as material and labour costs. The introduced cost estimation methodology can also be understood as a value analysis process for the assessment methodology. In this look, the described cost estimation process is an equivalent of the value engineering of the cost calculation.

transport infrastructure, cost estimation, infrastructure, establishment

Source : Periodica Polytechnica

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(1999) Duma - The Measurement Of The Performance Of Freight Transportation

László Duma , The Measurement Of The Performance Of Freight Transportation, PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA SER. TRANSP. ENG. VOL. 27, NO. 1–2, PP. 83–92 (1999)

The Measurement Of The Performance Of Freight Transportation
László Duma [Department of Transport Economics,Technical University of Budapest]

This paper analyses the present role and use of the traditional transportation measurement, namely the (freight)tonne-kilometre. It is argued that this measurement has some limitations to assess properly the real transportation work, and not to characterise the importance of transport modes. Other measurement methods should have to taken into consideration. Monetarisation of transport services or derivative measurement could be the key to properly characterise differentiated freight transport activities and support decision making on both macro- and microeconomic level.

freight transportation performance, work, measurement, tonne-kilometre

Source : Periodica Polytechnica

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[yim699] McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology (19 Volume Set)

The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology is the definitive resource for keeping up with the amazing advances in science and technology. Featuring entries written by international leaders in science and technology selected by our distinguished board of consulting editors, no other reference so thoroughly and dynamically chronicles the expanding frontier, facts, and trends so vital to students, professionals, and general readers. Readers will find 7,000+ articles covering nearly 100 fields of science in this amazing 20 volume set. The Tenth Edition features more than 1,700 new and updated articles, 12,000+ illustrations, and more than 5000 contributors - including 25 Nobel Prize winners.

The Encyclopedia provides comprehensive coverage of all major disciplines in science and technology, including: Acoustics /

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Ship and Hydrodynamic Research - AMC selected paper

Selected publication regarding ship and hydrodynamics research from Australian Maritime College (AMC)

  • Ireland, J., Macfarlane, G.J. and Drobyshevski, Y.
    Investigation into the Sensitivity of the Dynamic Load During Subsea Deployment of a Suction Can
    Proceedings of the Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference (OMAE 2007), June 2007.
    Download - PDF

  • Sprent, A. and Macfarlane, G.J.
    The Alignment of the Australian Maritime College’s Towing Tank
    Proceedings of the Spatial Sciences Institute Biennial International Conference (SSC2007), Hobart, May 2007
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  • Thomas, G, Duffy, J. T., Macfarlane, G. J. and Polmear, J.
    Water Stilling for Towing Tank Experiments of High Performance Craft
    Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Engineers Australia, Volume X, No. X, 2007.
    (also within the Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on High Performance Marine Vehicles, Launceston, Australia, 8-10 November 2006).
    Download - PDF

  • Macfarlane, G. J. and Cox, G.

    An Introduction to the Development of Rational Criteria for Assessing Vessel Wash Within Sheltered Waterways
    IMarEST Journal of Marine Design and Operations, December 2006.
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  • Macfarlane, G. J.

    Correlation of Prototype and Model Wave Wake Characteristics at Low Froude Numbers
    RINA Transactions, Part A2, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 2006.
    Download - PDF

  • Duffy, J.T. (2005)
    ‘Prediction of mooring line loads on cape size vessels berthed at Cape Lambert’
    Coasts and Ports 2005, Adelaide, September 2005.
    Download - pdf (174Kb)
  • Gourlay, T.P., Duffy, J.T. and Forbes, A., (2005)
    ‘The bore produced between the hulls of a high-speed catamaran in shallow water’
    International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 2005.
    Download - pdf (1.3Mb)
  • Xia, J., Hayne, S., G. J. Macfarlane, Field, D. and Drobyshevski, Y. (2005)
    Investigation into Float-Over Installations of Minimal Platforms by Hydrodynamic Model Testing
    Proceedings of 24th International Conference of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2005), Halkidike, Greece, June 2005.
    Download - pdf (566Kb)
  • Macfarlane, G. J. and Cox, G. (2004)
    ‘The Development of Vessel Wave Wake Criteria for the Noosa and Brisbane Rivers in Southeast Queensland’
    Fifth International Conference on Coastal Environment 2004 – Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions, Alicante, Spain, April 2004.
    Download - pdf (231Kb)
  • Holloway, D., Thomas, G. and Davis, M. (2004)
    ‘Added Mass of Whipping Modes for Ships at High Froude Number by a Free Surface Boundary Element Method Coupled with Strip Theory.’
    Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, Pages C831-C844, August.
    Download - pdf (190Kb)
  • Holloway, D., Thomas, G. and Davis, M. (2004)
    ‘Boundary Element Methods in the Prediction of the Acoustic Damping of Ship Whipping Vibrations.’
    Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal, Pages C845-C856, August.
    Download - pdf (166Kb)
  • Thomas, G. , Davis, M., Holloway, D. and Roberts, T. (2003)
    ‘The Whipping Vibration of Large High Speed Catamarans.’
    International Journal of Maritime Engineering (RINA Transactions Part A).
    Download - pdf (2.7Mb)
  • Thomas, G., Harris, D., d’Armancourt, Y. & Larkins, I. (2006)
    ‘The Performance And Controllability Of Yachts Sailing Downwind In Waves.’

    Proceedings of the 2 nd High Performance Yacht Design Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, February.
    Download - pdf (414Kb)
  • Roberts, T., Davidson, G., Casamassina, C., Brady, T., Davis, M.R. and Thomas, G. (2006)
    ‘Global Load Derivation of Large High Speed Vessels Based on Strain Measurements.’
    Pacific 2006 International Maritime Conference, Sydney, January.
    Download - pdf (803Kb)
  • Roberts, T., Davidson, G. and Thomas, G. (2005)
    ‘Global & Slam Loads For A Large Wave Piercing Catamaran.’
    Proceedings of the 8 th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST 05, June.
    Download - pdf (458Kb)
  • Thomas, G., Davis, M., Holloway, D. and Roberts, T. (2005)
    `The Influence Of Slamming And Whipping On The Fatigue Life Of A High-Speed Catamaran.’
    Proceedings of the 8 th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST 05, June.
    Download - pdf (635Kb)
  • Thomas, G., Davis, M., Holloway, D. and Roberts, T. (2004)
    ‘An Investigation into the Whipping of Large High-Speed Catamarans.’
    Proceedings of 4 th International Conference on High-Performance Marine Vehicles (HIPER 04). September.
    Download - pdf (2.2Mb)
  • Thomas, G., Davis, M., Holloway, D. and Roberts, T. (2003)
    ‘Transient Slam Response of Large High Speed Catamarans.’
    In FAST '03, Vol. 2, Pages B1.1-B1.8. October.
    Download - pdf (1.2Mb)
  • Holloway, D., Davis, M. and Thomas, G. (2003)
    ‘Rigid Body Dynamic Hull Bending Moments, Shear Forces and PCM in Fast Catamarans.’
    In FAST '03, Vol. 2, Pages B1.57-B1.64. October.
    Download - pdf (421Kb)
  • Duffy, J. T., Webb, G. (2003)
    ‘Berthed Ship - Passing Ship Interaction: A Case Study for the Port of Newcastle.’
    In Coasts & Ports Australasian Conference 2003, September, 2003.
    Download - pdf (554Kb)
  • Miao, Q., Xia. J., Chwang, A. T., Duffy, J. T. (2003)
    ‘Numerical Study of Bank Effects on a Ship Travelling in a Channel.’
    In 8th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Busan, Korea, 22-25 September 2003.
    Download - pdf (200Kb)
  • Duffy , J. T. (2000)
    ‘The Effect of Channel Geometry on Ship Operation in a Port.’
    In PIANC-AIPCN Congress, Sydney, September 2002.
    Download - pdf (125Kb)
  • Duffy , J. T. (2001)
    ‘The Hydrodynamics of Berth Design.’
    In Maritime Structures 2000, Sydney, November 2001.
    Download - pdf (735Kb)
  • Macfarlane , G. J., Renilson , M. R. (2000)
    ‘When is Low Wash Low Wash? - An Investigation using a Wave Wake Database.’
    In Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference on Hydrodynamics for High Speed Craft - Wake Wash and Motions Control London, 7-8 November 2000.
    Download - pdf (93Kb)
  • Duffy , J. T., Renilson M. R. (2000)
    ‘An Investigation into the Effect of Propulsion on Ship Squat.’
    In Oceanic Engineering International, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2000, pp. 1-12.
    Download - pdf (139Kb)
  • Macfarlane , G. J., Renilson , M. R. (1999)
    ‘Wave Wake - A Rational Method for Assessment.’
    In Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference on Coastal Ships and Inland Waterways, London, February 1999.
    Download - pdf (180Kb)
  • Bojovic, P and Sahoo P K (2000)
    Effect Of Stern Wedges And Advanced Spray Rail System On Calm Water Resistance Of High-Speed Displacement Hull Forms
    Proceedings of Sea Australia 2000, An International Maritime and Naval Exposition Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, Sydney, 1-3 February, 2000.
    Download - pdf (631Kb)
  • Sahoo P K and Doctors L J (2000);
    Theoretical and Experimental Study of Seakeeping Characteristics of High-Speed Displacement Hull Forms
    Fourth Osaka Colloquium on Seakeeping Performance of Ships, October 17-20, 2000, Osaka, Japan.
    Download - pdf (397Kb)
  • Pham X P, Kantimahanthi K and Sahoo P K (2001);
    Wave Resistance Prediction of Hard-Chine Catamarans through Regression Analysis
    2nd International Euro-Conference on High-Performance Marine Vehicles, May 2-5, Hamburg, Germany 2001.
    Download - pdf (573Kb)
  • Schwetz A and Sahoo P K (2002);
    Wave Resistance of Semi-Displacement High-Speed Catamarans Through CFD and Regression Analysis
    3rd International Euro-Conference on High-Performance Marine Vehicles, 14-17 September, Bergen, Norway 2002
    Download - pdf (1.1Mb)
  • Sahoo P K and Doctors L J (2003);
    A Study on Wave Resistance of High-Speed Displacement Hull Forms in Restricted Depth
    Proc. of 7th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, Ischia, 7-10 October 2003.
    Download - pdf (1.2Mb)
  • Bojovic P, Sahoo P K and Salas M (2004);
    A Study on Stern Wedges and Advanced Spray Rail System on Calm Water Resistance of High-Speed Displacement Hull Forms
    Proc. of International Maritime Conference, Pacific 2004, Sydney, Australia, 2004.
    Download - pdf (1.7Mb)
  • Sahoo P K, Browne N A and Salas M (2004);
    Experimental and CFD Study of Wave Resistance of High-Speed Round Bilge Catamaran Hull Forms
    Proceedings of 4th International Conference on High Performance Marine Vehicles, Rome, Italy, September 2004.
    Download - pdf (497Kb)
  • Salas M, Luco R, Sahoo P K , Browne N A and M. López (2004);
    Experimental and CFD Resistance Calculation of a Small Fast Catamaran
    Proceedings of 4 th International Conference on High Performance Marine Vehicles, Rome, Italy, September 2004.
    Download - pdf (1.5Mb)
  • Sahoo P K and Doctors L J (2004);
    Theoretical and Experimental Study of Motion Characteristics of High-Speed Catamaran Hull Forms
    Proceedings of The Ninth International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and other Floating Structures, Luebeck-Travemuende, Germany, September 12-17, 2004.
    Download - pdf (251Kb)
  • Sahoo P K and Doctors L J (2005);
    The Waves Generated by a Trimaran
    Proc. of at the 8 th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2005), St-Petersburg, 26-30 June 2005. Also will be published as a journal paper by Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineers.
    Download - pdf (3.2Mb)
  • Sahoo P K, Doctors L J and Pretlove L (2006);
    CFD Prediction of the Wave Resistance of a Catamaran with Staggered Demihulls
    Proc. of the 1 st International Conference on Marine Hydrodynamics (MAHY 2006), Visakhapatnam, India, 5-7 January 2006.
    Download - pdf (358Kb)
  • Nguyen, H.D. (2005)
    Recursive Optimal Manoeuvring Systems for Maritime Search and Rescue Mission
    Proceedings of OCEANS'04 MTS/IEEE/TECHNO-OCEAN'04
    (OTO'04), pp. 911-918, Kobe, Japan.
    Download - pdf (2.6Mb)
  • Nguyen, H.D. (2004),
    Marine Control Systems Using Recursive Estimation Procedures
    Proceedings of International Maritime Conference (Pacific 2004), pp. 727-736, Sydney, Australia.
    Download - pdf (229Kb)
  • Penesis, I., and Shepherd, J. J.,
    "The Gas-Lubricated Rayleigh Step Slider Bearing of Narrow Geometry"
    ICIAM 2003, 5th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, EMAC 2003 Proceedings, Sydney, Australia, July 7th, 2003, pp.187-191.
    Download - pdf (203Kb)
  • Penesis, I., Shepherd, J. J. and Connell, H. J.,
    "The Pressure Field in the Gas-Lubricated Step-Slider Bearing of Narrow Geometry"
    J. ANZIAM, 45(3), January, 2004, pp.423-442.
    Download - pdf (475Kb)
source : amc.edu.au

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