[yim336] Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science - Perez
The purpose of this book is to introduce mathematical and engineering approximation schemes for describing the thermodynamics and kinetics of electrochemical systems, which are the essence of corrosion science. The text in each chapter is easy to follow by giving clear definitions and explanations of theoretical concepts, and full detail of derivation of formulae. Mathematics is kept simple so that the student does not have a stumbling block for understanding the physical meaning of electrochemical processes, as related to the complex subject of corrosion. Hence, understanding and learning the corrosion behavior and metal recovery can be achieved when the principles or theoretical background is succinctly described with the aid of pictures, figures, graphs and schematic models, followed by derivation of equations to quantify relevant parameters. Eventually, the reader’s learning process may be enhanced by deriving mathematical models from principles of physical events followed by concrete examples containing clear concepts and ideas.
Example problems are included to illustrate the ease application of electrochemical concepts and mathematics for solving complex corrosion problems in an easy and succinct manner.
Table of Contents
1 Forms Of Corrosion
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Classification Of Corrosion 1.2.1 General Corrosion 1.2.2 Localized Corrosion 1.3 Atmospheric Corrosion 1.4 Galvanic Corrosion 1.4.1 Microstructural Effects 1.5 Pitting Corrosion 1.6 Crevice Corrosion 1.7 Corrosion-Induced Spalling 1.8 Stress Corrosion Cracking 1.9 Nonmetallic Materials 1.10 Summary 1.11 References
2 Electrochemistry
2.1 Introduction 2.2 Electrical Poles 2.3 Electrochemical Cells 2.3.1 Open-Circuit Condition 2.3.2 Closed-Circuit Condition 2.3.3 Application Of Galvanic Cells 2.4 Thermodynamics 2.5 Standard Electric Potential 2.6 Pourb Aix Diagrams 2.6.1 Diagram For Water And Oxygen 2.6.2 Pourbaix Diagram For A Metal M 2.7 Electrical Double Layer 2.8 Degree Of Dissociation 2.9 Summary 2.10 Problems/Questions 2.11 References
3 Kinetics Of Activation Polarization
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Energy Distribution 3.3 Polarization 3.4 Activation Polarization 3.5 Polarization Methods 3.5.1 Linear Polarization 3.5.2 Tafel Extrapolation 3.6 Corrosion Rate 3.7 Impedance Spectroscopy 3.8 Characterization Of Electrolytes 3.9 Electrolyte Conductivity 3.10 Summary 3.11 Problems/Questions 3.12 References
4 Kinetics Of Concentration Polarization
4.1 Introduction 4.2 Mass Transfer Modes 4.3 Migration Molar Flux 4.4 Fick’S Laws Of Diffusion 4.4.1 Diffusion In A Rectangular Element 4.4.2 Diffusion In A Cylindrical Element 4.4.3 Solution Of Fick’S Second Law Equation 4.4.4 Stationary Boundaries 4.5 Diffusion And Migration 4.6 Reversible Concentration Cell 4.7 Limiting Current Density 4.8 Gal Vanostatic Polarization 4.9 A.C. Polarization 4.10 Summary 4.11 Problems/Questions 4.12 References
5 Mixed Potential Theory
5.1 Introduction 5.2 Mixed-Electrode Potential 5.3 Interpretation Of Polarization 5.4 Predetermined Corrosion Rate 5.5 Polarization Of A Galvanic Cell 5.6 Effect Of Surface Area 5.7 Summary 5.8 References
6 Corrosivity And Passivity
6.1 Introduction 6.2 Instrumentation 6.2.1 Tree-Electrode System 6.3 Polarization Curves 6.4 Cyclic Polarization Curves 6.5 Passive Oxide Film 6.6 Kinetics Of Passivation 6.7 Mechanism Of Passivation 6.8 Summary 6.9 Problems 6.10 References
7 Electrometallurgy
7.1 Introduction 7.2 Electrowinning 7.3 Mathematics Of Electrowinning 7.3.1 Faraday’S Law Of Electrolysis 7.3.2 Production Rate 7.3.3 Economy 7.3.4 Electrowinning Of Zinc 7.4 Electrorefining 7.5 Electroplating 7.6 Molten Salt Electrolysis 7.6.1 Current Efficiency Model 7.6.2 Magnetohydrodynamic Flow 7.7 Moving Boundary Diffusion 7.8 Diffusion And Migration 7.9 Mass Transfer By Convection 7.9.1 Stationary Planar Electrodes 7.9.2 Rotating-Disk Electrode 7.10 Limiting Current Density 7.11 Summary 7.12 Problems 7.13 References
8 Cathodic Protection
8.1 Introduction 8.2 Electrochemical Principles 8.3 Cathodic Protection Criteria 8.4 Impressed Current Technique 8.5 Stray Current Technique 8.6 Potential Attenuation 8.7 Equivalent Circuit 8.8 Mass Transfer In A Crevice 8.9 Crevice Growth Rate 8.10 Design Formulae 8.11 Designing Pressure Vessels 8.12 Summary 8.13 Problems/Questions 8.14 References
9 Anodic Protection
9.1 Introduction 9.2 Design Criteria 9.3 Relevant Data 9.4 Summary 9.5 References
10 High-Temperature Corrosion
10.1 Introduction 10.2 Thermodynamics Of Oxides 10.3 Point Defects In Oxides 10.4 Kinetics Of Corrosion In Gases 10.4.1 Pilling-Bedworth Ratio 10.4.2 Mathematics Of Oxidation 10.5 Ionic Conductivity 10.6 Wagner Theory Of Oxidation 10.7 Experimental Data 10.8 Summary 10.9 Problems 10. 10 References
A Solution Of Fick’S Second Law
A.1 First Boundary Conditions
A.2 Second Boundary Conditions
A.3 Third Boundary Conditions
B Crystal Structures
C Conversion Tables
D Glossary
# Title : Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science
# Author : Nestor Perez
# Hardcover: 376 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (April 30, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1402077440
# ISBN-13: 9781402077449
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