09 February 2009

HRCAK2007 - 41648A Comparison Of A Ship Hull Resistance Determined By Different Methods

Dunja Matulja, Roko Dejhalla, A Comparison Of A Ship Hull Resistance Determined By Different Methods, Engineering Review, Vol.27 No.2 December 2007

Nonlinear Ship Rolling and Capsizing
Dunja Matulja, Roko Dejhalla [Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia]

The main idea behind this paper is to compare the ship hull resistance predicted through different methods. The results derived from potential flow calculations have been compared both with the results from Holtrop and Hollenbach methods as well as the experimental results. The agreement noted for particular resistance components needs to be confirmed for a larger number of ship hull forms.

ship resistance; potential flow; Holtrop method; Hollenbach method

Source : hrcak.srce.hr

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