The International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) Documents
The International Towing Tank Conference is a voluntary association of worldwide organizations that have responsibility for the prediction of hydrodynamic performance of ships and marine installations based on the results of physical and numerical modeling.
"A major objective of the ITTC is to stimulate progress in solving the technical problems that are of importance to towing tank Directors and Superintendents, who are regularly responsible for giving advice and information regarding full-scale performance to designers, builders and operators of ships and marine installations based on the results of physical and numerical modeling. It is thus a major task for the ITTC to develop common standards within the ITTC as regards symbols and terminology, procedures and quality control. The development of these standards is a continuous process to improve them and also to take due considerations of the ongoing development processes in the maritime industries"
"ITTC Symbols & Terminology"
ITTC Quality Systems Manual
Proceedings from the ITTC Full Conferences
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