[yim338] Analytical Methods In Corrosion Science and Engineering - Marcus et.al
In order to understand the mechanisms of corrosion, solve the corrosion problems encountered in service conditions, and improve the corrosion resistance of commonly used materials as well as materials of the future, the use of modern surface analytical and electrochemical techniques is essential.
Corrosion phenomena take place at the surface of materials exposed to chemically aggressive environments. Not only the initiation of corrosion, but also its propagation is essentially a surface chemical and electrochemical process. Therefore no significant progress can be achieved in this area without the use of modern surface chemical and structural characterization methods combined with electrochemical techniques.
The aim of this book is to provide the readers, for the first time, with a book in which both the major surface analytical techniques and the electrochemical techniques are presented, discussed, and illustrated by selected examples of applications to corrosion science and engineering.
In order to cover the large number of surface analytical and electrochemical techniques used for corrosion science and engineering, this book contains 19 chapters. The surface analytical techniques provide the necessary information on the surface chemical composition, structure, topography, defects, mechanical and electronic properties, in close relationship with the kinetic data on corrosion that are obtained by electrochemical techniques.
Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Corrosion Research - Hans-Henning Strehblow and Philippe Marcus
- Chapter 2 Auger Electron Spectroscopy - James E. Castle
- Chapter 3 Studies of Metal Corrosion and Oxidation Phenomenon Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry - N. Stewart McIntyre and Michael J. Graham
- Chapter 4 MeV Ion Beam Analytical Methods - Didier Schmaus and Ian Vickridge
- Chapter 5 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy - Vincent Maurice and Philippe Marcus
- Chapter 6 Synchrotron Methods for Corrosion Research - Dirk Lu ¨tzenkirchen-Hecht and Hans-Henning Strehblow
- Chapter 7 Infrared Spectroscopy - Christofer Leygraf and Magnus Johnson
- Chapter 8 Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy - Arne Bengtson
- Chapter 9 Recent Developments in the Application of Radiotracer Methods in Corrosion Studies - G. Horanyi and E. Kalman
- Chapter 10 Nanoindentation and Nanoscratching Techniques for Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Surface Films - Masahiro Seo
- Chapter 11 Introduction to Electrochemical Instrumentation - Carl-Albrecht Schiller
- Chapter 12 DC Electrochemical Methods - Ewald Heitz
- Chapter 13 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy - Florian Mansfeld
- Chapter 14 Electrochemical Noise Technique - Francois Huet
- Chapter 15 Scanning Electrode Techniques for Investigating Near-Surface Solution Current Densities - R.Scott Lillard
- Chapter 16 Application of Scanning Kelvin Probe in Corrosion Science - M. Rohwerder, M. Stratmann, P. Leblanc, and G.S. Frankel
- Chapter 17 The Microcell Technique - Thomas Suter and H. Bo ¨hni
- Chapter 18 Photoelectrochemical Techniques in Corrosion Studies - Francesco Di Quarto, Monica Santamaria, and C. Sunseri
- Chapter 19 Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance - C.-O. A. Olsson and D. Landolt
# Title : Analytical Methods In Corrosion Science and Engineering
# Author : Philippe Marcus, Florian B. Mansfeld
# Hardcover: 776 pages
# Publisher: CRC (July 27, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0824759524
# ISBN-13: 9780824759520
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