[yim366] Mechanics of Materials: A Modern Integration of Mechanics and Materials in Structural Design - Jenkins - Khanna
This book is the first to bridge the often disparate bodies of knowledge now known as applied mechanics and materials science. Using a very methodological process to introduce mechanics, materials, and design issues in a manner called "total structural design", this book seeks a solution in "total design space" Features include:
- A generalized design template for solving structural design problems.
- Every chapter first introduces mechanics concepts through deformation, equilibrium, and energy considerations. Then the constitutive nature of the chapter topic is presented, followed by a link between mechanics and materials concepts. Details of analysis and materials selection are subsequently discussed.
- A concluding example design problem is provided in most chapters, so that students may get a sense of how mechanics and materials come together in the design of a real structure.
- Exercises are provided that are germane to aerospace, civil, and mechanical engineering applications, and include both deterministic and design-type problems.
- Accompanying website contains a wealth of information complementary to this text, including a set of virtual labs. Separate site areas are available for the instructor and students.
Table of Contents
About the Authors
1. Mechanics and Materials
2. Total Structural Design
3. Design of Axial Structures
4. Torsion Structures
5. Flexural Structures
6. Combined Static Loading
7. Fracture
8. Slender Compressive Axial Structures
9. Materials for the Twenty-First Century
Review Modules
Answers to Selected Problems
# Title : Mechanics of Materials: A Modern Integration of Mechanics and Materials in Structural Design
# Author : Christopher Jenkins, Sanjeev Khanna
# Hardcover: 408 pages
# Publisher: Academic Press; 1 edition (March 15, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0123838525
# ISBN-13: 9780123838520
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