Monitoring Hull Performance
Hull performance is critical for both fuel economy and fuel emissions control. The ability to accurately monitor fuel economy and emissions was the subject of a presentation, “Hull Performance Monitoring: A Tool for Fuel/Emissions Management,”by Daniel Kane, Propulsion Dynamics,also given at the Marine Coatings Conference.
The speaker presented a monitoring system that has been in use for about five years. The system gives a precise speed-through-water analysis and the corresponding fuel consumption. The factors affecting hull performance are :
- age of ship/ time out of dock;
- time in port;
- service speed;
- water temperature;
- fouling; and
- loading conditions.
By using the performance-monitoring program, examples were given to show :
- how polishing the propeller can reduce drag by up to ten percentage points;
- that cleaning the hull led to reducing the fuel consumption from 190 to 170 tons a day in one instance;
- that a ship that anchored for four weeks used up nine tons a day more than before anchoring; and
- different antifouling coatings can be compared for effectiveness.
J P C L N o v e m b e r 2 0 0 8
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