[yme4840] Ancient ships - Torr (1895)
This book is one of classic book regarding of Naval Architecture studies. The material was described here become an fondation for further research. Many of subject still use untill today.
FOR some while author have been at work upon a history of ancient shipping; and the following pages are meant to form a portion of that history. Assuming that ancient shipping means shipping in the Mediterranean between 1OOOB.C. and 1000 A.D., and that a history of shipping should deal with everything connected with ships, I find that I have upon my hands a task of no small magnitude ; and I do not quite know when this task will be accomplished. That being so, I am bringing out this portion of the work before the rest ; this portion being tolerably complete already, and dealing with a question that may conveniently be discussed apart from any other, namely, the character of the ships them- selves.
Ships with oars
the oars arranged in banks - number of oars in each bank - auxiliary oars on sailing ships
Dimensions of the ships
Tonnage of the ships
Materials for ship-building
timber - tar, paint, wax, etc. - metal
Structure of the hull
keel, ribs, skin, waling-pieces - cables for strengthening the sides - port-holes in the sides - beams, etc, in the interior - superstructure and upper decking - lower decks, forecastle and poop - deck-houses and turrets - ballast and bilge - the ram and its auxiliaries . - figure-heads, etc.
Anchors and cables
on the ships of early date - in the Athenian navy - on ships of later times - material and colour of the sails
Flag and Lights
Sounding lead, Log , etc.
Ship's Boat
Appendix on types of ships
Index to subject
Index to technical terms - Greek - Latin
Index to authorities
Index to Illustration
# Title : Ancient ships (1895)
# Author: Torr, Cecil, 1857-1928
# Subject: Ships; Shipbuilding -- History
# Unknown Binding: 170 pages
# Publisher: Cambridge University Press
# Language: English
# Book contributor: Robarts - University of Toronto
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