Selected Papers and Publications Dr. Alan Brown - MIT
Ph.D., Massachussetts Institute of Technology
NAVSEA Professor of Naval Ship Design
313B Randolph Hall
(540) 231-4950
1. Stepanchick, J.*, Brown, A.J., “Revisiting DDGX/DDG-51 Concept Exploration”, Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 119, No. 3, 67-88, 2007.
2. Klenow, B.*, Nisewonger, A.*, Batra, R.C., Brown, A.J., “Reflection and Transmission of Plane Waves at an Interface between two Fluids”, Computers and Fluids 36 (2007), 1298-1306, 2007.
3. Brown, A.J., Sajdak, J.*, “Probabilistic Collision Damage Extents for Tanker Oil Outflow Assessment and Regulations”, SNAME Transactions 2004, Vol. 112, pp. 514-522, 2005.
4. Mierzwicki, T.*, Brown, A.J., “Risk Metric for Multi-Objective Design of Naval Ships”, Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 116, No. 2, pp 55-71, 2004.
5. Brown, A.J., Salcedo, J.*, "Multiple Objective Genetic Optimization In Naval Ship Design", Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 115, No. 4, pp 49-61, 2003.
6. Brown, A.J., Moon, W.*, Louis, M.*, “Structural Design for Crashworthiness in Ship Collisions", SNAME Annual Meeting T&R 2002 and SNAME Transactions 110, pp. 499-512, 2002.
7. Brown, A.J., "Collision Scenarios and Probabilistic Collision Damage", Marine Structures, 15 (2002), pp.335-364, 2002.
8. Brown, A.J., Chen, D.*, "Probabilistic Method for Predicting Ship Collision Damage", Ocean Engineering International Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 54-65, 2002.
9. Brown, A.J., "Oil Tanker Design Methodology Considering Probabilistic Accident Damage", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 25-34, September 2001.
10. Brown, A.J., Tikka, K., Daidola, J., Lutzen, M., Choe,
11. Laverghetta, T.*, Brown, A.J., "Dynamics of Naval Ship Design: A Systems Approach", Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 111, No. 2, pp. 307-324, May 1999.
12. Rawson, C.*, Crake, K.* and Brown, A.J., "Assessing the Environmental Performance of Tankers in Accidental Grounding and Collision", SNAME Transactions 106, pp. 41-58, 1998.
13. Brown, A.J., Deybach, F.*, "Towards Rational Intact Stability Criteria for Naval Ships", Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 110, No. 1, pp. 65-77, January 1998.
14. Sirkar, J., Ameer, P., Brown, A.J., Goss, P., Michel, K., Nicastro, F., Willis, W., "A Framework for Assessing the Environmental Performance of Tankers in Accidental Grounding and Collision", SNAME Transactions 105, pp. 253-295, 1997.
15. Markle, S.*, Brown, A.J., "Naval Ship Engine Exhaust Emission Characterization", Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 108, No. 5, pp. 37-47, September 1996.
16. Brown, A.J., Heywood, J., "A Fundamentally Based Stochastic Mixing Model Method for Predicting NO and Soot Emissions from Direct-Injection Diesel Engines", Combustion Science and Technology, Vol 58, pp 195-207, 1988.
1. Klenow, B.*, Brown, A.J., "Prevention of Pressure Oscillations in Modeling a Cavitated Acoustic Fluid", 78th Shock and Vibration Symposium Proceedings,
2. Scofield, T.*, Brown, A.J., “Manning and Automation Model for Naval Ship Analysis and Optimization”, ASNE Human Systems Integration Symposium,
3. Klenow, B.*, Brown, A.J., “Far-Field UNDEX Modeling Using Acoustic Pressure Elements”, 77th Shock and Vibration Symposium,
4. Klenow, B.*, Brown, A.J., “Assessment of NRBCs for Far-Field UNDEX Modeling”, 77th Shock and Vibration Symposium,
5. Good, N.*, Brown, A.J., “Multi-Objective Concept Design of an Advanced Logistics Delivery Ship”,
6. Stepanchick, J.*, Brown, A.J., “Revisiting DDGX/DDG-51 Concept Exploration”, ASNE Day (Annual Meeting) 2006,
7. Brown, A.J. and Sajdak, J., “Predicting Probabilistic Collision Damage Extents for Tanker Oil Outflow Assessment and Regulation”, SNAME Annual Meeting 2004 T&R Session and SNAME Transactions 2004.
8. Brown, A.J., Simbulan, M.*, McQuillan, J.*, Gutierrez, M., “Modeling Motion and Loads on Stranded Ships in Waves", World Maritime Technology Conference, 2003.
9. Brown, A.J., "Collision Scenarios and Probabilistic Collision Damage", 2nd International Conference on Collision and Grounding,
10. Brown, A.J., "Optimum Risk Tanker (ORT): A Systematic Approach to a TAPS Tanker Design", Ship Structure Committee (SSC) Symposium 2000,
11. Brown, A.J., Staub, J.A., Masubuchi, K., “Fundamental Study of Underwater Welding”, Offshore Technology Conference, Paper OTC 1621, 1972.
12. Brown, A.J., Thomas, M.*, "Reengineering the Naval Ship Concept Design Process", From Research to Reality in Ship Systems Engineering Symposium, ASNE, September, 1998.
13. Brown, A.J. and Haugene, B.*, "Assessing the Impact of Management and Organizational Factors on the Risk of Tanker Grounding", 8th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-98-HKP-03, ISOPE Proceedings: Vol. 4, pp. 469-483, ISBN 1-880653-38-9, May 1998.
14. Marcus, H., Brown, A.J., "The Relationship Between Public Policy and Risk Assessment in Tanker Design Regulation", 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,
15. Amrozowicz, M.*, Brown, A.J., Golay, M., "A Probabilistic Analysis of Tanker Groundings", 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,
16. Miller, T.C.*, Jackson, M.A.*, Brown, A.J., Wong, V.W., “Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships: Diesel Engine Particulate Emission Reduction via Lube-Oil-Consumption Control”, ASNE Environmental Symposium, 1997.
17. Brown, A.J., Amrozowicz, M.*, "Tanker Environmental Risk - Putting the Pieces Together", Joint SNAME/SNAJ Conference on Designs and Methodologies for Collision and Grounding Protection of Ships, San Francisco, 1996.
18. Brown, A.J., Barentine, J.*, "The Impact of Producibility on Cost and Performance in Naval Combatant Design", paper presented to NE Section of SNAME, November, 1996.
19. Laurence, R.B.*, Wong, V., Brown, A.J., "Effects of Lubrication System Parameters on Diesel Particulate Emission Characteristics", SAE International Congress & Exposition, February, 1996, SAE Paper 960318.
20. Markle, S.*, Brown, A.J., "Navy Diesel Engine Emissions Duty Cycle Development", SAE Paper 950733, February 1995.
21. Brown, A.J., Kotaka, R., "Improving the Transient Response of USN Diesel Generator Sets", presented to the Chesapeake Bay SNAME Marine Engineering Symposium, 1987.
22. Brown, A.J., Heywood, J.B., "A Fundamentally Based Stochastic Mixing Model Method for Predicting NO and Soot Emissions from Direct-Injection Diesel Engines", paper presented to the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, 1986.
1. Report: Brown, A.J. and Sajdak, J., Modeling Longitudinal Damage in Ship Collision, Ship Structure Committee, Report SSC-437/SR-1426. Paper. Appendices.
2. Formal Discussion: ISSC Report of Committee V.3, Collision and Grounding, 2003.
3. Report: Brown, A.J., Modeling Structural Damage in Ship Collisions, Ship Structure Committee, SSC No. 442, 164 pages, 2002.
4. Report: Brown, A.J., Predicting Motion and Structural Loads in Stranded Ships, Ship Structure Committee, SR No. 1419, 120 pages, 2003.
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