31 August 2008

[4S/yim219] Handbook of Corrosion Engineering

Reduce the enormous economic and environmental impact of corrosion

Emphasizing quantitative techniques, this guide provides you with:
* Theory essential for understanding aqueous, atmospheric, and high temperature corrosion processes
* Corrosion resistance data for various materials
* Management techniques for dealing with corrosion control, including life prediction and cost analysis, information systems, and knowledge re-use
* Techniques for the detection, analysis, and prevention of corrosion damage, including protective coatings and cathodic protection

#Handbook of Corrosion Engineering
#by Pierre R. Roberge (Author)
#Date September 30, 1999
#Format Hardback, 1072 pages
#ISBN 0070765162 / 9780070765160
#Edition Number 1
#Language English
#Imprint McGraw-Hill Professional

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Ikhbar Pemberitahuan Hasil Rukyat bil Fi'ii Awal Ramadhan 1429 H

Ikhbar Pemberitahuan Hasil Rukyat bil Fi'ii Awal Ramadhan 1429 H

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Nomor : 1386/A./1.03/8/2008
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Hal : Ikhbar/pemberitahuan hasil rukyat bil fi'ii awal Ramadhan 1429 H

Kepada Yang Terhormat
1. Pengurus Wilayah Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU)
2. Pengurus Cabang Nahdlatul Ulama (PCNU) Seluruh Indonesia

Di Tempat

Dengan hormat kami laporkan, bahwa dalam rangka penentuan awal bulan Ramadhan 1429 H, Tim Rukyatul Hilal Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama/Lajnah Falakiyah telah melakukan rukyat bil fi'li pada hari Ahad tanggal 31 Agustus 2008 di lokasi-Iokasi rukyat yang telah ditentukan, dan BERHASIL MELIHAT HILAL.

Atas dasar rukyatul hilal tersebut dan sesuai dengan fatwa Madzahibul Arba'ah maka dengan ini Pengurus Sesar Nahdlatul Ulama mengikhbarkan/memberitahukan, bahwa: AWAL BULAN RAMADHAN 1429 H. JATUH PADA HARI SENIN TANGGAL 1 SEPTEMBER 2008.

Kepada warga Nahdlatul Ulama dan umat Islam pada umumnya kami sampaikan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa Ramadhan 1429 H, dengan penuh keimanan dan keyakinan dan menjadikan bulan Ramadhan sebagai mementum kerohanian untuk mensucikan diri dengan meningkatkan ketaqwaaan dengan memperbanyak bacaan Al-Qur'an, dzikir beribadah dan bertaubat. Semoga ibadah puasa kita diterima Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Amin.

Jakarta, 31 Agustus 2008

Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU)

Prof. DR.KH Chatibul Umam (Rais)
Drs. H. Masrur Ainun Najih (Katib)
Ir. H. Musthofa Zuhad (Ketua)
DR. Endang Turmudi, MA (Sekjen)

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[4S/yim005] Ship Design and Construction Volumes I

The purpose of the book is "to assist students and others entering the field of shipbuilding towards a knowledge of how merchant ships are designed and constructed and to provide them with a good background for further study."

[Introduction - Mission Requirements - Concept Design - Steps in the Preliminary Design Process - Summation and Adjustment - Design Philosophy]
[Introduction - Commercial Ships - Industrial Vessels - Service Vessels]
[General - Cargo Spaces - Crew and Passenger Spaces - Machinery Spaces - Tanks - Relationship Between Spaces and Access - Miscellaneous Factors - Ship Types]
[General - Considerations Affecting Freeboard - Load Line Calculation - Conditions of Assignment - Seasonal, Fresh-Water, and Timber - Freeboard Marks - Domestic Load Lines - Subdivision Load Lines]
[Introduction - History Leading to the 1969 Convention - International Convention on Tonnage Convention Measurement of Ships, 1969 - Precautions to Minimize Adverse Economic Impact of the Tonnage
[ShipTypes - Framing Systems - Development of Ship Types - Design Loads - Stresses and Deflections - Application of Classification Rules - Other Design Criteria and Procedures]
[The Function of Ship Structural Components - Design Philosophy and Procedures - Relation of Structure to Molded Lines - Structural Alignment and Continuity - Sections Used for Frames, Beams and Stiffeners - Transverse Frame Spacing - Longitudinal Framing - Double-Bottom Construction - Single-Bottom Construction - Shell Plating - Deck Plating - Transverse Side Framing - Transverse Deck Beams - Bulkhead Stiffeners and Plating - Pillars, Girders, and Hatch Coamings - Machinery Casings - Superstructures and Deckhouses - Foundations - Bow and Stern Structures - Bossings and Struts - Bilge Keels and Fenders]
[Prefacing Remarks - Material Properties and Tests - Structural Steels - Special Steels - Nonferrous Alloys - Non-Metallic Materials - Joining Metallic Materials - Qualification Tests - Nondestructive Evaluation - Miscellaneous Processes]
[Closures for Hull Openings - Deck Fittings - Hold sparring, Ceiling, and Gratings - Deck Coverings - Joiner Bulkheads, Linings, Ceiling, and Insulation - Stewards Outfit - Lifesaving Systems - Pilot Boarding]
[Introduction - The General Cargo Ship - Containerships - Barge Carrying Vessels - Roll-on/Roll-off Ships - Heavy Lift Ships - Bulk Cargo Handling]
[Introduction - Cargo-Variety and Characteristics - Transport of Liquid Cargos - Design Requirements]
[Maneuvering Systems - Navigation and Control Systems - Ship Motion Control]
[Introduction - Ventilation Systems - Air Conditioning Systems - Acoustical Habitability - Vibrational Habitability]
[Introduction - Objectives of a Hull Preservation and Maintenance Program - Corrosion - Fouling - Preservation Design - Selection of Preservation and Maintenance Systems - Planned Maintenance Programs]
[Introduction - Genesis and Framework of a Typical Contracts Ship Construction Program- General Aspects of Contracts - U.S. Government and Shipbuilding - Additional Elements of the Contracting Process - U.S. Regulatory Bodies and Construction - Financing]
[Introduction - Modern Shipyard Facilities - Planning and Scheduling - Lofting - Steel Ordering and Storage - Steel Cutting and Forming - Fabrication and Erection - Dimensional Control - Surface Preparation and Painting - Hull Steel Welding - Aluminum Hull Construction - Preoutfitting - General Outfitting - Machinery Installations]
Chapter 17 : LAUNCHING
[Launching Methods - Groundways - Ground Way and Sliding Way Interface and Launching Lubricants - End Launch Cradle - Side Launch Cradle - Platform Launch Blocking and Cradle - Releasing and Starting - Checking - End Launch Calculations - Side Launch Calculations - Platform Launch Calculations - Launching Tests - Instrumentation and Equipment - Launch Observations -
Launch Preparations, Crew and Schedule - Post Launch Calculations]
[Testing - Stability Test - Drydocking - SeaTrials - Delivery - Guarantee Settlement]

#Ship Design and Construction Volumes I
#by Thomas Lamb (Author)
#Publisher: SNAME (1980)
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[RS/DF] AWS D1.1/D1.1M : Structural Welding Code Steel

AWS D1.1/D1.1M - 2004 : Structural Welding Code Steel (historical)
This 2004 Code's is Containing the latest workmanship standards, inspection procedures, acceptance criteria. Clarifies requirements for obtaining an engineers approval, minimizing code interpretation conflicts Enhances construction safety by requiring additional tests when FCAW and GMAW constant current power supplies are used Updates certain ASTM steel specifications and adds new prequalified steels, reflecting advances in technology Details newest allowable stress range formulae Presents latest revision of prequalified base metal list Adjusts welder qualification essential variables Adjusts prequalification figure details. Engineers, architects, and fabricators depend on this book to ensure the integrity of welded steel structures. ANSI Approved. **This Code is Replaced BY AWS D1.1/D1.1M Rev. 2006**

AWS D1.1/D1.1M - 2004 here the link
for ANSI/AWS D1.1-2002 (D1.1M-2002) here the link
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[4S/yim006] Theory of Plates and Shells

Since the publication of the first edition of this book, the application of the theory of plates and shells in practice has widened considerably, and some new methods have been introduced into the theory. To take these facts into consideration, we have had to make many changes and additions. The principal additions are (1) an article on deflection of plates due to transverse shear, (2) an article on stress concentrations around a circular hole in a bent plate, (3) a chapter on bending of plates resting on an elastic foundation, (4) a chapter on bending of anisotropic plates, and (5) a chapter reviewing certain special and approximate methods used in plate analysis.

Table of Contents
• Introduction
1. Bending of Long Rectangular Plates to a Cylindrical Surface
2. Pure Bending of Plates
3. Symmetrical Bending of Circular Plates
4. Small Deflections of Laterally Loaded Plates
5. Simply Supported Rectangular Plates
6. Rectangular Plates with Various Edge Conditions
7. Continuous Rectangular Plates
8. Plates on Elastic Foundation
9. Plates of Various Shapes
10. Special and Approximate Methods in Theory of Plates
11. Bending of Anisotropic Plates
12. Bending of Plates under the Combined Action of Lateral Loads and Forces in the Middle Plane of the Plate
13. Large Deflections of Plates
14. Deformation of Shells without Bending
15. General Theory of Cylindrical Shells

#Theory of Plates and Shells
#S. Timoshenko (Author), S. Woinowsky-Krieger (Author)
# Hardcover: 580 pages
# Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies; 2 edition (June 1959)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0070647798
# ISBN-13: 978-0070647794

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29 August 2008

Kenali Kelebihan Diri

Anak-anak, coba tuliskan tiga kelebihanmu, " kata seorang guru pada anak-anak sekolah dasar.
Menit demi menit berlalu namun anak-anak itu seakan masih bingung.
Dengan setengah berakting, sang guru kemudian bersuara keras :
"Ayo, tuliskan! Kalau ngga, kertasmu saya sobek lo." Anak-anak manis itu seketika menjadi salah tingkah.
Beberapa di antara mereka, memang tampak mulai menulis. Salah satu di antara mereka menulis di atas kertas, "Kadang-kadang nurutin kata ibu. Kadang-kadang bantu ibu. Kadang-kadang nyuapin adik makan."
Penuh rasa penasaran, sang guru bertanya kepadanya : "Kenapa tulisnya kadang-kadang? ". Dengan wajah penuh keluguan, sang bocah hanya berkata :
"Emang cuma kadang-kadang, Bu guru." !
Ketika semua anak telah menuliskan kelebihan dirinya, sang guru kemudian melanjutkan instruksi berikutnya :
"Sekarang anak-anak, coba tuliskan tiga kelemahanmu atau hal-hal yang buruk dalam dirimu."
Seketika ruangan kelas menjadi gaduh. Anak-anak tampak bersemangat. Salah satu dari mereka angkat tangan dan bertanya :
"Tiga saja, Bu guru?".
"Ya, tiga saja!" jawab sang guru. Anak tadi langsung menyambung :
"Bu guru, jangankan tiga, sepuluh juga bisa!".

Apa pelajaran yang bisa kita petik dari cerita sederhana itu? Saya menangkap setidaknya ada beberapa hal penting yang bisa kita pelajari. Salah satunya, kita sering tidak menyadari apa kelebihan diri kita karena lingkungan dan orang di sekitar kita jauh lebih sering mengkomunikasikan kepada kita kejelekan dan kekurangan kita.
Baru-baru ini, saya menyaksikan di sebuah televisi swasta pertunjukkan seni dari para penyandang cacat. Kami benar-benar terharu. Ada orang buta yang begitu piawai bermain piano atau kecapi. Pria tanpa lengan dan wanita muda yang tuli dapat menari dengan begitu indahnya.
"Luar biasa, dia bisa menari dengan penuh penghayatan. Yang membuat saya heran, dia kan tuli tapi kok bisa mengikuti irama lagu dengan sangat tepat?", kata saya dalam hati terkagum-kagum.
Seorang pria buta yang bernyanyi dengan nada merdu sempat berkata,
"Saudaraku, saya memiliki dua mata seperti Anda. Namun yang ada di depan saya hanyalah kegelapan. Ibu saya mengatakan saya bisa bernyanyi, dan ia memberi saya semangat untuk bernyanyi."
Benarlah apa yang dikatakan Alexander Graham Bell : "Setelah satu pintu tertutup, pintu lainnya terbuka; tetapi kerap kali kita terlalu lama memandangi dan menyesali pintu yang telah tertutup sehingga kita tidak melihat pintu yang telah dibuka untuk kita."

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[RS/yimx2] Corrosion Control on PipeLines

Corrosion Controll on PipeLines

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28 August 2008

[RS/yim220]Engineering Optimization: Methods and Applications

The classic introduction to engineering optimization theory and practice--now expanded and updated
Engineering optimization helps engineers zero in on the most effective, efficient solutions to problems. This text provides a practical, real-world understanding of engineering optimization. Rather than belaboring underlying proofs and mathematical derivations, it emphasizes optimization methodology, focusing on techniques and stratagems relevant to engineering applications in design, operations, and analysis. It surveys diverse optimization methods, ranging from those applicable to the minimization of a single-variable function to those most suitable for large-scale, nonlinear constrained problems. New material covered includes the duality theory, interior point methods for solving LP problems, the generalized Lagrange multiplier method and generalization of convex functions, and goal programming for solving multi-objective optimization problems. A practical, hands-on reference and text, Engineering Optimization, Second Edition covers:
* Practical issues, such as model formulation, implementation, starting point generation, and more
* Current, state-of-the-art optimization software
* Three engineering case studies plus numerous examples from chemical, industrial, and mechanical engineering
* Both classical methods and new techniques, such as successive quadratic programming, interior point methods, and goal programming

Excellent for self-study and as a reference for engineering professionals, this Second Edition is also ideal for senior and graduate courses on engineering optimization, including television and online instruction, as well as for in-plant training.

Table of Content

1 Introduction to Optimization
(Requirements for the Application of Optimization Methods - Applications of Optimization in Engineering - Structure of Optimization Problems - Scope of This Book)
2 Functions of a Single Variable
(Properties of Single-Variable Functions - Optimality Criteria - Region Elimination Methods - Polynomial Approximation or Point Estimation Methods - Methods Requiring Derivatives - Comparison of Methods - Summary)
3 Functions of Several Variables
(Optimality Criteria - Direct-Search Methods - Gradient-Based Methods - Comparison of Methods and Numerical Results - Summary)
4 Linear Programming.
(Formulation of Linear Programming Models. - Graphical Solution of Linear Programs in Two Variables. - Linear Program in Standard Form. - Computer Solution of Linear Programs. - Computer Codes. - Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programming. - Applications. - Additional Topics in Linear Programming. - Summary)
5 Constrained Optimality Criteria
(Equality-Constrained Problems. - Lagrange Multipliers. - Economic Interpretation of Lagrange Multipliers. - Kuhn–Tucker Conditions. - Kuhn–Tucker Theorems. - Saddlepoint Conditions. - Second-Order Optimality Conditions. - Generalized Lagrange Multiplier Method. - Generalization of Convex Functions. - Summary)
6 Transformation Methods
(Penalty Concept - Algorithms, Codes, and Other Contributions - Method of Multipliers - Summary )
7 Constrained Direct Search
(Problem Preparation - Adaptations of Unconstrained Search Methods - Random-Search Methods - Summary)
8 Linearization Methods for Constrained Problems
(Direct Use of Successive Linear Programs - Separable Programming - Summary)
9 Direction Generation Methods Based on Linearization
(Method of Feasible Directions - Simplex Extensions for Linearly Constrained Problems - Generalized Reduced Gradient Method - Design Application - Summary)
10 Quadratic Approximation Methods for Constrained Problems
(Direct Quadratic Approximation - Quadratic Approximation of the Lagrangian Function - Variable Metric Methods for Constrained Optimization - Discussion - Summary)
11 Structured Problems and Algorithms
(Integer Programming - Quadratic Programming - Complementary Pivot Problems - Goal Programming - Summary)
12 Comparison of Constrained Optimization Methods
(Software Availability - A Comparison Philosophy - Brief History of Classical Comparative Experiments - Summary)
13 Strategies for Optimization Studies
(Model Formulation - Problem Implementation - Solution Evaluation - Summary)
14 Engineering Case Studies
(Optimal Location of Coal-Blending Plants by Mixed-Integer Programming - Optimization of an Ethylene Glycol–Ethylene Oxide Process - Optimal Design of a Compressed Air Energy Storage System - Summary)

Appendix A Review of Linear Algebra.
A.1 Set Theory.
A.2 Vectors.
A.3 Matrices.
A.3.1 Matrix Operations.
A.3.2 Determinant of a Square Matrix.
A.3.3 Inverse of a Matrix.
A.3.4 Condition of a Matrix.
A.3.5 Sparse Matrix.
A.4 Quadratic Forms.
A.4.1 Principal Minor.
A.4.2 Completing the Square.
A.5 Convex Sets.

Appendix B Convex and Concave Functions.

Appendix C Gauss–Jordan Elimination Scheme.

#Hardcover: 688 pages
#by A. Ravindran (Author), K. M. Ragsdell (Author), G. V. Reklaitis (Author)
#Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (May 19, 2006)
#Language: English
#ISBN-10: 0471558141
#ISBN-13: 978-0471558149
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[4S/yim221] MIT Lecture Note : Resistance and Propulsion

This lecture Notes is covering a brief description and formula for calculating ship resistance, principle of propulsor, designing propeller using Kt/Kq curves, designing, selecting and evaluating propeller, demonstrate ability to specify preliminary design parameters for a given vessel propulsor. A brief description of waterjet propulsor has described too.

- Resistance and propulsion (propulsors)
- Actuator disk
- Propeller testing - B series
- Design using Kt (Kq) curves
- Propeller Detail design Propeller
- Cavitation
- Waterjet notes
- Propeller lifting line theory (Dr. Rich Kimball)
- Propeller design plot example
- Units (propulsors)

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27 August 2008

[RS/yim222] Thin Plates & Shells: Theory, Analysis, & Applications

Presenting recent principles of thin plate and shell theories, this book emphasizes novel analytical and numerical methods for solving linear and nonlinear plate and shell dilemmas, new theories for the design and analysis of thin plate-shell structures, and real-world numerical solutions, mechanics, and plate and shell models for engineering applications. It includes computer processes for finite difference, finite element, boundary element, and boundary collocation methods as well as other variational and numerical methods. It also contains end-of-chapter examples and problem/solution sets, a catalog of solutions for cylindrical and spherical shells, and tables of the most commonly used plates and shells.

#Thin Plates & Shells: Theory, Analysis, & Applications
#by Eduard Ventsel, Theodor Krauthammer,
# Hardcover: 688 pages
# Publisher: CRC; 1st edition (August 15, 2001)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0824705750
# ISBN-13: 978-0824705756

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26 August 2008

[FY/DF] Proceedings ECCOMAS CFD 2006

This website is contains almost 479 paper presented at the ECCOMAS CFD 2006 Conference, held in Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 5-8 September 2006.
ECCOMAS (European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences) was founded in 1993 with the aim of fostering basic and applied research in the field of computational methods in applied sciences. ECCOMAS is supported by 25 member associations from 24 countries.

#September 5-8, 2006
#Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands
#Editors: P. Wesseling, E. Oñate, J. Périaux

How To Download :
The file is store under : http://proceedings.fyper.com/eccomascfd2006/documents/
if you download in simultaneously using download manager (i.e IDM or flashget), you have to change it to:
(number) is prefix number on title document.
Example, if you need to download :

  1. (3) Influence Of Coriolis Forces On The Dynamic Of A Turbulent Jet
  2. (6) Cfd Analysis Of Flow In The Solid Propellant Start System Of A Liquid Propellant Engine
  3. (8) Parallelisation Of Cfd Methods For Multi-Physics Problems
so you have to write a text like this :
and the copy link list into Download manager tools, and let the downloading process begin.

visit this link for remain item[yirf]

Part 1 Content
  1. (3) Influence Of Coriolis Forces On The Dynamic Of A Turbulent Jet
  2. (6) Cfd Analysis Of Flow In The Solid Propellant Start System Of A Liquid Propellant Engine
  3. (8) Parallelisation Of Cfd Methods For Multi-Physics Problems
  4. (9) Numerical Solution Of The Oldroyd-B Model For Three-Dimensional Viscoelastic Free Surface Flows
  5. (10) Les And Urans Unsteady Boundary Layer Strategies For Pulsating And Oscillating Turbulent Channel Flows Applications.
  6. (11) A Numerical Method For Simulating Viscoelastic Flows Governed By The Integral Maxwell Model
  7. (15) Numerical Simulation Of Free Overfall In A Rough Channel
  8. (16) Particle Sedimentation In Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows
  9. (17) Direct Numerical Simulation Of Deformable Bubbles In Wall-Bounded Shear Flows
  10. (18) A Domain Decomposition Approach To Compute Wave Refraction-Diffraction
  11. (22) Large Eddy Simulation Of 3D Turbulent Flow Around Deep-Sea Marina Structure
  12. (25) Random Walk Model In Case Of Iso- And Diapycnal Diffusion
  13. (26) The Parallel Implementation Of Forward-Reverse Estimator
  14. (29) Aerodynamical Global Optimal Shape Design, With Stiffness Constraints
  15. (32) Investigation Of The Effect Of Two-Components Injectors Arrangement On Injecting Rate In The Combustion Chamber Of A Liquid Propellant Engine
  16. (33) Simulation Of The Internal Ballistics Of A Liquid Propellant Engine Start System In Comparison With Experimental Verification
  17. (35) Adjoint Code By Source Transformation With Openad/F
  18. (36) Simulation Of Aneurysm In Different Sections Of Aorta Artery
  19. (37) Optimization Of Blended Wing Body Aircraft By Automatic Cfd Driven Design Tool
  20. (40) Reliable Computational Predictions By Modeling Uncertainties Using Arbitrary Polynomial Chaos
  21. (42) Numerical Study Of Aerosol Dust Behaviour In Aspiration Bunker
  22. (43) Implementation And Evaluation Of A Binary Mixure Model And Fe-Analysis On Water Saturated Soil
  23. (44) Convergence Acceleration For The Three Dimensional Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations
  24. (47) Level Set Based Parallel Computations Of Unsteady Free Surface Flows
  25. (48) Numerical Simulation Of Heat Transfer In Rectangular Microchannel
  26. (49) Computational Modelling Of Traffic Flows
  27. (50) Design Exploration Of Shielding Effect For Aircraft Engine Noise
  28. (53) Computational Cavitation Analysis Of A Submerged Body At Different Depths
  29. (54) Computational Modeling Of Gas Liquid Interfaces Using Different Multiphase Models.
  30. (55) Optimization Of Piston For Diesel Engine Using Kriging Model
  31. (56) Modeling And Simulation Of The Heat Transfer In A Thermal Battery
  32. (59) Non Linear Transformation Field To Build Moving Meshes For Patient Specific Blood Flow Simulations
  33. (60) Mark Formation Modeling In Optical Rewritable Recording
  34. (61) Design And Flow Analysis Of Radial And Mixed Flow Turbine Volutes
  35. (63) Noise Sources In Single And Coaxial Jets
  36. (64) On Grid-Independence Of Rans Predictions For Aerodynamic Flows Using Model-Consistent Universal Wall-Functions
  37. (66) An Ale Scheme For Numerical Simulation Of 2D Underwater Explosin
  38. (70) The Sampling Based Dynamic Procedure For Numerical Discretization Enhancement.
  39. (71) Numerical Resolution Of A Shape Optimization Problem In Hydraulic Engineering
  40. (72) Discontinuous Galerkin Methods For The Shallow-Water Equations With Bathymetric Terms And Dry Areas
  41. (74) Large Eddy Simulation For Turbulent Non-Premixed Fuel-Rich Combustion In A Cylindrical Combustor
  42. (75) Shape Optimization Of Axisymmetric Ejector
  43. (76) Numerical Schemes For Compressible Flow With All Mach Numbers
  44. (77) On Some Approach To Active Noise Control
  45. (82) Imesh Generating Quality Meshes From Images
  46. (83) A Scattered Data Interpolant For The Solution Of Three Dimensional Pdes
  47. (84) On The Solution Of The Die-Swell Problem Using An Unstructured Mesh
  48. (85) Modeling Of The Wave Breaking With Cicsam And Hric High Resolution Schemes
  49. (86) Noise Due To Unsteady Flow Past Trailing Edges
  50. (88) Regularization Models For The Simulation Of Turbulence In A Differentially Heated Cavity
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[4S/yim223] Consequences of the Gross Tonnage (GT) measurement

This Paper is descrine the influence of The 1969 International Tonnage Measurement Convention which is aimed to establish a truly international and uniform measurement system of ships, from ship design and would lead to safer ships.
Based on experience and factual data, maritime industry experts including naval architects, shipbuilders and classification societies have come to the conclusion that the 1969 Tonnage Measurement rules as presently applied, has as major detrimental
effect that although ships are being built, within all the stated rules, they are less safe than they could and should be.
The problem now lies in finding workable alternatives. These will inevitably have to take into account the type of vessel and the purpose that is being pursued by the use of a vessel measurement standard.
If it is accepted that an adaptation of the GT measurement rules or a new measurement regime is necessary, the result should be an unambiguous, incontestable and consistent set of proposals.[yirf]

The Gross Tonnage of a ship is determined by (The 1969 International Tonnage Measurement Convention)
* GT=K1 * V
* where V is the total volume of all enclosed spaces of the ship in cubic meters and
K1 = 0.2 + 0.02log10 (V)

(Shipbuilding Costs - Crew Costs - Voyage Costs - Port, canal and light dues - Insurance costs -
Operaional Costs)

#Title : Consequences of the Gross Tonnage (GT) measurement
#Author : Gustaaf De Monie, Senior Director
#Sub-Committee on Stability and Load Lines and of Fishing Vessels Safety
#London, 13 September 2005

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Universal Share Download USD merupakan program untuk mendownload file yang didesain mendownload list file dari file upload services, seperti RapidShare and MegaUpload, artinya multiple file bisa didownload dengan sekali klik.
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25 August 2008

Naval Architecture e-book Index

Here, i shall split Naval Architecture into 4 major field of expertise :

Hydro-Static & Dynamics (ex: trim & stability, resistance and powering, seakeeping, manoeuvring)
Ship Design and Economics (ex: concept design, volume & access, optimization)
Structures Arangements (ex: global strength, seaway responses, vibration)
Ship Production and Repair (ex: cutting, rolling and welding technology, launching, shipyard management)

Standard Rules:


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[4S/yim224] A Statistical Re-analysis of Resistance and Propulsion Data

According to full-scale test data result was described in previous publication (An Approximate power prediction method, ISP Vol. 29, 1982), a power prediction method was presented.
This obtained formulae was found insuifficient accuracy for some classes of ship, especially for high-speed craft (Froude Number above 0.5).
The regression analysis was based on the result of test on 334 model, in order to create more accurate power prediction/calculation.
In fact, the formulae is still in used until present day.

1. Introduction
2. Re-analysis of resistance test result
3. Re-analysis of propulsion data
4. The influence of propeller cavitation and partial propeller submergence.
5. Numerical Example

A Statistical Re-analysis of Resistance and Propulsion Data
#by J. Holtrop
#International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 31, 1984.

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[4S/yim225] An Approximate Power Prediction Method

This Paper is presenting extended method from original numerical prediction on previous publication (A statistical power prediction method, ISP Vol.25, 1978), by adjusting original numerical prediction model to test data obtain in some specific cases. This adaptation of method had resulted into a set of prediction formulae with a wider range of application.
This Method was focusessed on improving the power predition of high-block ships with low L/B-ratio and of slender naval ships with a coples appendages arrangement and immersed transom sterns.

1. Introduction
2. Resistance Prediction
3. Prediction of Propulsion Factors
4. Estimation of Propeller Efficiency
5. Numerical Example

#An Approximate Power Prediction Method
#by J.Holtrop and G.G.J. Mennen
#Internationa Shipbuilding Progress,Vol 29, 1982

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24 August 2008

[4S/yim226] Fundamentals of Physics, Student Solutions

This book is a part of Hallyday-Resnick, Fundamental of Physic, as solution manual.

(file is actually in zip, add suffix .zip, at the end of file name)
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Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan hukum-hukum dasar fisika tentang mekanika, mekanika cairan.

Materi Pokok:
Mekanika, Mekanika Cairan dan Kalor, Kinematika, Dinamika Titik Materi, Dinamika Sistem Benda Tegar dan Partikel, Mekanika Cairan.

Tidak ada

- Halliday-Resnick, "Fundamental of Physics." John Willey and Sons, New York, 1987
- Alonso-Finn, "Fundamental University Physics " Addison Wesley Publishing Company Inc, 1st edition, California 1990.....more
- Dosen-dosen Fisika FMIPA-ITS, "Diktat Fisika I."

yirfan recommended reading :
1. Richard Christman, Fundamentals of Physics, Student Solutions Manual ..more

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23 August 2008

[4S/yim229] Hydrodynamics for Ocean Engineers : Marine Propeller

Today, conventional marine propellers remain the standard propulsion mechanism for surface ships and underwater vehicles. Modifications of basic propeller geometries into water jet propulsors and alternate style thrusters on underwater vehicles, has not significantly changed how we determine and analyze propeller performance.
We still need propellers to generate adequate thrust to propel a vessel at some design speed with some care taken in ensuring some “reasonable” propulsive efficiency.
Considerations are made to match the engine’s power and shaft speed, as well as the size of the vessel and the ship’s operating speed, with an appropriately designed propeller.
Given that the above conditions are interdependent (ship speed depends on ship size, power required depends on desired speed, etc.) we must at least know a priori our desired operating speed for a given vessel. Following this we should understand the basic relationship between ship power, shaft torque and fuel consumption.

.. A brief introduction of Propeller Design and Definition.....


Marine Propeller
Choosing a Propeller
Propeller Section
Propeller Performance Characterization
Ideal Propellers and the Kramer Diagram
Propeller Series
Interaction with hull on performance
Propeller Cavitation

Hydrodynamics for Ocean Engineers
Prof. A.H. Techet
Fall 2004


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[4S/yim227] Research on Ducted Propeller NSMB

Open water tests and cavitation tests were carried out in order to investigate the influence of the propeller load at the tip and the clearance between blade tip and nozzle on efficiency, cavitation and noise.
The screw models 2978 through 2981 were tested in nozzle no. 19.

The diameters of the screw models were reduced step by step in order to obtain different tip clearances. The inner diameter of the nozzle model remained unaltered.
Clearances of 1, 1.5, 2.01 2.5 and 3.0 mm were realized.

The characteristics of these models are given :

#Diameter (mm) 240.00
#Number of blades 4
#Pitch at 0.7 R (mm) 240.00
#B.A.R. 0.55
Variation screw propeller :

  • Screw no. 2978 - Pitch at root (mm) 253.10 and Pitch at blade tip (mm) 219.84
  • Screw no. 2979 - Pitch at root (mm) 240.00 and Pitch at blade tip (mm) 240.00
  • Screw no. 2980 - Pitch at root (mm) 213.70 and Pitch at blade tip (mm) 280.32
  • Screw no. 2981 - Pitch at root (mm) 200.00 and Pitch at blade tip (mm) 300.48
The pitch of screw 2979 is taken uniform. The pitch increase from 0.7 R to the blade tip of screw 2981 is 1.5 that of screw 2980.
The decrease in pitch from 0.7 R to the blade tip of screw 2978 is taken half the pitch increase of screw 2980.

#Wageningen, January 1963
#Author :Prof.Ir. J.D. van Manen (Principal Investigator)

further reading

The design of screw-propellers in nozzles - by J.D. van Manen and A. Superina - Publication no. 137 of the N.S.M.B. - Int. Shipb. Progress Vol. 6 nod 55, 1959.

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[4S/yim228] A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates

This guide has been produced in order to outline to technical superintendents of ship owners and ship managers the manner in which the commercial departments of ship repairers compile quotations. The ship repairers use their tariffs for standard jobs to build up their quotations.
This guide is based on these tariffs, but is made up in manhours to assist long-term pricing. It can also be of assistance to shipyards without this information to prepare man-hour planning charts, helping them to assess manpower requirements for jobs and to produce time-based plans. Man-hours have been used so that this book will not be ‘dated’ and can be used without encountering the problems of increases in costs over the years. Where man-hour costs are not possible, these have been noted and suggestions made to compile costs against these items.

Table of Content
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Drydocking works
[Berth preparation - Docking and undocking - Dock rent per day - Hull preparation - Hull painting -Rudder works - Propeller works - Tailshaft works - Anodes - Sea chests - Docking plugs - Valves - Fenders - Anchors and cables - Chain lockers - Staging]
Chapter 3 : Steel works
Chapter 4 : Pipe works
Chapter 5 : Mechanical works
[Overhauling diesel engines (single-acting, slow-running, two-stroke, cross-head) - Overhauling diesel engines (single-acting, slow-running, in-line, four-stroke, trunk) - Valves - Condensers - Heat exchangers - Turbines - Compressors - Receivers - Pumps - Boilers (main and auxiliary)]
Chapter 6 : Electrical works
Chapter 7 : General works
Chapter 8 : Planning charts
-Sample graph loadings for major trades in ship repairing-

# Author : Don Butler
# Hardcover: 96 pages
# Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann (September 19, 2000)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0750648341
# ISBN-13: 978-0750648349


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21 August 2008

[RS/yimx3] Free Engineering E-book Link

Massive collection from : http://lovecalc0.tripod.com/

Engineering Ebooks Link 1
Engineering Ebooks Link 2
Engineering Ebooks Link 3
Engineering Ebooks Link 4
Engineering Ebooks Link 5
Engineering Ebooks Link 6
Engineering Ebooks Link 7
Engineering Ebooks Link 8

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Ada seorang pemuda yang lama sekolah di negeri pamanSam kembali ke tanah air. Sesampainya dirumah ia meminta kepada orang tuanyauntuk mencari seorang Guru agama,kiai atau siapapun yang bisa menjawab 3 pertanyaannya.
Akhirnya Orang tua pemuda itu mendapatkan orangtersebut.

  • Pemuda : Anda siapa? Dan apakah bisa menjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan saya?
  • Kyai : Saya hamba Allah dan dengan izin-Nya saya akanmenjawab pertanyaan anda
  • Pemuda : Anda yakin? Sedangkan Profesor dan banyak orang pintar saja tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan saya.
  • Kyai : Saya akan mencoba sejauh kemampuan saya
  • Pemuda : Saya punya 3 buah pertanyaan, Kalau memang Tuhan itu ada, tunjukan wujud Tuhan kepada saya. Apakah yang dinamakan takdir? Kalau syetan diciptakan dari api kenapa dimasukan ke neraka yang dibuat dari api,tentu tidak menyakitkan buat syetan. Sebab mereka memiliki unsur yang sama. Apakah Tuhan tidak pernah berfikir sejauh itu?

Tiba-tiba Kyai tersebut menampar pipi si Pemuda dengan keras.

  • Pemuda (sambil menahan sakit) : Kenapa anda marahkepada saya?
  • Kyai : Saya tidak marah...Tamparan itu adalah jawaban saya atas 3 buah pertanyaan yang anda ajukan kepadasaya
  • Pemuda : Saya sungguh-sungguh tidak mengerti
  • Kyai : Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya?
  • Pemuda : Tentu saja saya merasakan sakit
  • Kyai : Jadi anda percaya bahwa sakit itu ada?
  • Pemuda : Ya
  • Kyai : Tunjukan pada saya wujud sakit itu !
  • Pemuda : Saya tidak bisa
  • Kyai : Itulah jawaban pertanyaan pertama, kita semuamerasakan keberadaan Tuhan tanpa mampu melihat wujudnya.
  • Kyai : Apakah tadi malam anda bermimpi akan ditamparoleh saya?
  • Pemuda : Tidak
  • Kyai : Apakah pernah terpikir oleh anda akan menerimasebuah tamparan dari saya hari ini?
  • Pemuda : Tidak
  • Kyai : Itulah yang dinamakan Takdir
  • Kyai : Terbuat dari apa tangan yang saya gunakan untukmenampar anda?
  • Pemuda : Kulit
  • Kyai : Terbuat dari apa pipi anda?
  • Pemuda : Kulit
  • Kyai : Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya?
  • Pemuda : Sakit
  • Kyai : Walaupun Syeitan terbuat dari api dan Nerakaterbuat dari api, jika Tuhan berkehendak maka Neraka akan Menjadi tempat menyakitkan untuk syeitan.

Temans, dari hati yang paling dalam dari diri temansmasihkan meragukan akan ada TUHAN ??Semoga kita semua mendapatkan Rahmat NYA ...... Amiin [yir]

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20 August 2008

[4S/yim230] Hidrodynamics of Ship Propeller - Introduction-

Designing propellers for ships has always been a challenge due to the complexity of all the factors involved.
These factors are not only related to the propeller itself but also to the hull and the propulsion system which must work together as integrated systems in an optimized and reliable way.
Since, the propeller is an important part of the propulsion plant. The propeller must be carefully
designed in conjunction with each specific vessel in order to obtain not only a high efficiency but also a high level of comfort.
This paper is introduction for deep investigation on propeller design area. It has been described main factor that should be concern such as efficiency of design propeller, the noise and vibration level or other operational parameters.
Independent of the type of ship, a higher propeller efficiency can be translated into a proportional decrease in fuel consumption which over the lifetime of the ship can accumulate a substantial saving.
The knowledge of complete propulsion plant technology possessed by MAN B&W ensures the customer that the propeller is designed in an optimum manner with due regard to all parts of the propulsion plant, ship’s hull and operating profile.[yirf]


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[4S/yim231] KT-KQ Diagram Wageningen B-Series Propeller

The B-series propellers were designed and tested at the Netherlands Ship Model Basin in Wageningen. The open-water characteristics of 120 propeller models of the B-series were tested at N.S.M.B. and analyzed with multiple polynomial regression analysis.
The derived polynomials express the thrust and torque coefficients in terms of the number of blades, the blade area ratio, the pitch-diameter ratio and the advance coefficient. The Reynolds number effect and the effect of variation of blade thickness on the Bseries propeller characteristics have also been evaluated at N.S.M.B.
In this report the polynomials derived in are used to plot the open water propeller characteristics for Reynolds number 2.0x10^6 and for the ranges of number of blades, blade area ratio and pitch-diameter ratio recommended by N.S.M.B. The extent of applicability of the regression polynomials is also discussed.

KT, KQ and Efficiency Curves for the Wageningen B-Series Propellers
by M.M. Bernitsas, D. Ray, P. Kinley

This Curves of data becoming major input for calculation and design single screw propeller. From propeller with 2-blade and Ae/Ao = 0.70 upto propeller with 7-blade and Ae/Ao =1.05.
The data have been used until today, wide use from manual calculation until computer software development. Some polynomial equation have been created with reference from this curve.
--in bahasa--
Data babon untuk mendesain propeller kapal, sangat penting dalam menuntaskan TR-5 Propeller drawing (kurikulum 1994)

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[4S/yim232] Series-60:Methodical Experiment With Models of Single-Screw Merchant Ships

This Series is one of early investigation and experiment on very first stage of Ship Design.
The Data result, combine with Taylor's Series, provide assist method on determination of the necessary horsepower to fulfill the speed requirement and to assess the effect on this power of making different choices for the size, proportions and fullness of the ships

Although computer has take over the design work right now, but for Beginner Naval Architect, it is important to understand the first step method how to create a Ship Lines (Body Plan, Sheer Plan and Water Line).[yirf]

Series-60 Parent Models
Cb range from 0.60 to 0.80
L/B Range from 7.50 to 6.50
B/H equal to 2.50

CHAPTER 1 - Introduction
CHAPTER 2 - Selection of the range of proportion for the series
CHAPTER 3 - Choice of Hull Form for the Parent Models
CHAPTER 4 - Characteristic of Series 60 Lines
CHAPTER 5 - Resistance Tests on Series 60 Parent Models
CHAPTER 6 - Effect on Resistance of Variation in LCB Position
CHAPTER 7 - Effect on Delivered HORSEPOWER (DHP)of Variation in LCB
CHAPTER 8 - Effect on Resistance and DHP of variation in ship proportion
CHAPTER 9 - Design Chart
CHAPTER 10 - Effect of Variation in propeller diameter and ship draft and trim
CHAPTER 13 - Possible Extension of SERIES 60 & Future Research

#Personal Author(s): Todd, F. H.
#Report Date: JUL 1963
#Media Count: 318 Pages(s)

--in bahasa--
Untuk bisa menghitung dan menggambar Rencana Garis (TR-1-kurikulum 1994) ada 2 metode yang umum digunakan, pertama, Taylor Series, dan kedua Series : 60.
Berikut adalah Series 60 data dan chart-nya. Dulu waktu masih mahasiswa, keberadaan buku ini sangat langka dalam bentuk utuh..

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Detik-detik Penutupan Penyerahan Daftar Caleg

Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008 | 00:00 WIB

JAKARTA, SELASA - Menjelang detik-detik penutupan penyerahan daftar calon legislatif, suasana di ruang sidang utama Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), Selasa (19/8) malam, sangat ramai.

Beberapa kali panitia meminta orang yang tidak berkepentingan untuk keluar. Beberapa menit menjelang penutupan, jumlah parpol yang menyerahkan daftar caleg berjumlah 35 partai.[kompas.com]

akhirnya.....semua sudah menyerahkannya...duh kenapa lama ya...

Ada 2 alasan, pertama, karena Parpol tidak siap dalam menghadapi Pemilu ini. Nama-nama, syarat kelengkapan, konflik internal dan konflik kepentingan petinggi partai, akan berujung pada lambatnya penyerahan daftar ini.

Kedua, kesengajaan, sehingga diharapkan KPU pecah konsetrasinya dalam menghadapi begitu banyak data, dan kurang teliti mengecek data yang diberikan.[yirf]

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19 August 2008


LK1427/LK1326 (mungkin dua-duanya benar) 3 sks

Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan pengertian hambatan, komponen hambatan dan teori dasar hambatan kapal, menghitung besarnya hambatan kapal dengan berbagai metode dan memprediksi besarnya motor penggerak, menjelaskan macam-macam sistem penggerak dan teori dasar kerja baling-baling, mampu merancangkan baling-baling dengan berbagai metode

Materi pokok:
gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada kapal dan foil yang bergerak beraturan di air tenang, hukum-hukum kesamaan, komponen-komponen hambatan yang bekerja pada kapal yang bergerak beraturan di air tenang, analisa dimensi hambatan kapal, hambatan gesek, viscous pressure resistance, hambatan gelombang, appendages resistance, hambatan udara, bulbous bow, eksperimen hambatan, hubungan rencana garis dengan hambatan, metode-metode perhitungan hambatan, macam-macam alat penggerak kapal. geometri baling-baling, teori dasar kerja baling-baling, medan aliran wake dan thrust deduction, kavitasi, filosofi perancangan baling-baling, bahan baling-baling berdasarkan biro klasifikasi dan kekuatan baling-baling, hubungan propeler dengan badan kapal dan motor penggerak

LK 1320 Mekanika Fluida

- Harvad, SA,”Tahanan dan Propulsi Kapal”, Airlangga University Press, 1992 (terjemahan)
- Lewis, E.V., ”Resistance, Propulsion and Vibration in Principle of Naval Architecture” Volume II, SNAME, New York, 1988.
- Van Mannen, JD,”Fundamental of Ship Resistance and Propulsions”, International Shipbuilding Progress, 1957.

--- bahan bacaan lain (yirfan choice)---
# Basic Principle of Ship Propulsion
# Perhitungan Tahanan ala Holtrop-Method...more1..more2
# MIT Lecture Note : Resistance and Propulsion
# HidroDynamic of Ship Propeller

Click Here to

Baru Tujuh Partai Daftarkan Calegnya Ke KPU

Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008 | 20:18 WIB

JAKARTA, SELASA- Menjelang pukul 18.00 di hari terakhir pendaftaran bakal calon legislatif di kantor Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), baru tujuh partai yang mendaftarkan bakal calon legislatifnya ke KPU, Selasa (19/8).
Partai yang sudah mendaftar adalah :

  1. Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P)
  2. Partai Karya Peduli Bangsa (PKPB)
  3. Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS)
  4. Partai Perjuangan Indonesia Baru (PPIB)
  5. Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat (Hanura)
  6. Partai Bintang Reformasi (PBR)
  7. Partai Demokrat.
PDI-P bahkan terhitung sebagai partai pertama yang mendaftarkan bakal caleg kemarin sore.
[source : kompas.com]

Semoga bisa berlanjut seperti ini, khan jadinya yang dicoblos cuma tujuh, tidak perlu sebanyak yang kemarin..ayo..siapa lagi neh..

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Seorang petani menemukan telur elang dan menempatkannya bersama telur ayam yang sedang dieraminya. Setelah menetas, elang itu hidup dan berperilaku sama persis seperti anak-anak ayam, karena ia mengira bahwa dirinya memang anak ayam. Ia mengais tanah untuk mencari cacing dan serangga. Dia berkotek dan berkokok. Dia akan mengepak-ngepakkan sayapnya dan terbang beberapa meter di udara.
Pada suatu hari, ia melihat seekor elang yang dengan gagah terbang mengarungi angkasa. "Wow, luar biasa ! Siapa dia itu ?" katanya penuh kekaguman.
"Itulah elang, si raja segala burung !" sahut ayam disekitarnya.
"Kalau saja kita bisa terbang, ya ? Luar biasa !"
"Ah, jangan mimpi ! Dia adalah mahluk angkasa, sedang kita hanya mahluk bumi. Kita hanya ayam !"
Alkisah, elang itu makan, minum, menjalani hidup dan akhirnya mati sebagai ayam, karena begitulah anggapannya tentang dirinya.

Apakah kita ingin menjadi "AYAM" padahal kita semua "ELANG" ?
Jawabannya ada pada diri kita sendiri .!

- Anthony de Mello--

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Atas Nama C I N T A


Jika kita mencintai seseorang, kita akan senantiasa mendo'akannya walaupun dia tidak berada disisi kita.
Tuhan memberikan kita dua kaki untuk berjalan, dua tangan untuk memegang, dua telinga untuk mendengar dan dua mata untuk melihat. Tetapi mengapa Tuhan hanya menganugerahkan sekeping hati pada kita ? Karena Tuhan telah memberikan sekeping lagi hati pada seseorang untuk kita mencarinya. Itulah Cinta ...

Jangan sesekali mengucapkan selamat tinggal jika kamu masih mau mencoba.
Jangan sesekali menyerah jika kamu masih merasa sanggup.
Jangan sesekali mengatakan kamu tidak mencintainya lagi, jika kamu masih tidak dapat melupakannya.
Cinta datang kepada orang yang masih mempunyai harapan, walaupun mereka telah dikecewakan.
Kepada mereka yang masih percaya, walaupun mereka telah dikhianati.
Kepada mereka yang masih ingin mencintai, walaupun mereka telah disakiti sebelumnya dan Kepada mereka yang mempunyai keberanian dan keyakinan untuk membangunkan kembali kepercayaan.
Jangan simpan kata-kata cinta pada orang yang tersayang sehingga dia meninggal dunia lantaran akhirnya kamu terpaksa catatkan kata-kata cinta itu pada pusaranya. Sebaliknya ucapkan kata-kata cinta yang tersimpan dibenakmu itu sekarang selagi ada hayatnya.
Mungkin Tuhan menginginkan kita bertemu dan bercinta dengan orang yang salah sebelum bertemu dengan orang yang tepat, kita harus mengerti bagaimana berterimakasih atas karunia tersebut.
Cinta dapat mengubah pahit menjadi manis, debu beralih emas, keruh menjadi bening, sakit menjadi sembuh, penjara menjadi telaga, derita menjadi nikmat dan kemarahan menjadi rahmat.
Sungguh menyakitkan mencintai seseorang yang tidak mencintaimu, tetapi Lebih menyakitkan adalah mencintai seseorang dan kamu tidak pernah memiliki keberanian untuk menyatakan cintamu kepadanya.
Seandainya kamu ingin mencintai atau memiliki hati seorang gadis, ibaratkanlah seperti menyunting sekuntum mawar merah. Kadangkala kamu mencium harum mawar tersebut, tetapi kadangkala kamu terasa bisa duri mawar itu menusuk jari.
Hal yang menyedihkan dalam hidup adalah ketika kamu bertemu seseorang yang sangat berarti bagimu, hanya untuk menemukan bahwa pada akhirnya menjadi tidak berarti dan kamu harus membiarkannya pergi.
Kadangkala kamu tidak menghargai orang yang mencintai kamu sepenuh hati, sehingga kamu kehilangannya.
Pada saat itu, tiada guna penyesalan karena perginya tanpa berkata lagi.
Cintailah seseorang itu atas dasar siapa dia sekarang dan bukan siapa dia sebelumnya.
Kisah silam tidak perlu diungkit lagi, kiranya kamu benar-benar mencintainya setulus hati.
Hati-hati dengan cinta, karena cinta juga dapat membuat orang sehat menjadi sakit, orang gemuk menjadi kurus, orang normal menjadi gila, orang kaya menjadi miskin, raja menjadi budak, jika cintanya itu disambut oleh para pecinta PALSU.
Kemungkinan apa yang kamu sayangi atau cintai tersimpan keburukan didalamnya dan kemungkinan apa yang kamu benci tersimpan kebaikan didalamnya.
Cinta kepada harta artinya bakhil, cinta kepada perempuan artinya alam, cinta kepada diri artinya bijaksana, cinta kepada mati artinya hidup dan cinta kepada Tuhan artinya Takwa.
Lemparkan seorang yang bahagia dalam bercinta kedalam laut, pasti ia akan membawa seekor ikan. Lemparkan pula seorang yang gagal dalam bercinta ke dalam gudang roti, pasti ia akan mati kelaparan.
Seandainya kamu dapat berbicara dalam semua bahasa manusia dan alam, tetapi tidak mempunyai perasaan cinta dan kasih, dirimu tak ubah seperti gong yang bergaung atau sekedar canang yang gemericing.
Cinta adalah keabadian ... dan kenangan adalah hal terindah yang pernah dimiliki.
Siapapun pandai menghayati cinta, tapi tak seorangpun pandai menilai cinta karena cinta bukanlah suatu objek yang bisa dilihat oleh kasat mata, sebaliknya cinta hanya dapat dirasakan melalui hati dan perasaan.
Cinta mampu melunakkan besi, menghancurkan batu, membangkitkan yang mati dan meniupkan kehidupan padanya serta membuat budak menjadi pemimpin. Inilah dahsyatnya cinta.
Cinta sebenarnya adalah membiarkan orang yang kamu cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri dan tidak merubahnya menjadi gambaran yang kamu inginkan. Jika tidak, kamu hanya mencintai pantulan diri sendiri yang kamu temukan didalam dirinya.
Kamu tidak akan pernah tahu bila kamu akan jatuh cinta. Namun apabila sampai saatnya itu, raihlah dengan kedua tanganmu dan jangan biarkan dia pergi dengan sejuta rasa tanda tanya dihatinya.
Cinta bukanlah kata murah dan lumrah dituturkan dari mulut kemulut tetapi cinta adalah anugerah Tuhan yang indah dan suci jika manusia dapat menilai kesuciannya.
Bercinta memang mudah, untuk dicintai juga memang mudah. Tapi untuk dicintai oleh orang yang kita cintai itulah yang sukar diperoleh.
Jika saja kehadiran cinta sekedar untuk mengecewakan, lebih baik cinta itu tak pernah hadir.
Siapakah yang muncul dari padang gurun, yang bersandar pada kekasihnya? Di bawah pohon apel kubangunkan engkau, di sanalah ibumu telah mengandung engkau, di sanalah ia mengandung dan melahirkan engkau. Taruhlah aku seperti meterai dalam hatimu, seperti meterai pada lenganmu, karena cinta kuat seperti maut, kegairahan gigih seperti dunia orang mati, nyalanya adalah nyala api, seperti nyala api Tuhan! Air yang banyak tidak dapat memadamkan cinta, sungai-sungai tak dapat menghanyutkannya. Sekalipun orang memberi segala harta benda rumahnya untuk cinta, namun ia pasti akan dihina.
Source: bluefame.com]

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[4S/yim233] Basic Principles of Ship Propulsion

Ship propulsion normally occurs with the help of a propeller, which is the term most widely used in English, although the word “screw” is sometimes seen, inter alia in combinations such as a “twin-screw” propulsion plant.
This paper is divided into three chapters which, in principle, may be considered as three separate papers but which also, with advantage, may be read in close connection to each other.

  • Chapter 1, describes the most elementary terms used to define ship sizes and hull forms such as, for example, the ship’s displacement, deadweight,design draught, length between perpendiculars, block coefficient, etc.Other ship terms described include the effective towing resistance, consisting of frictional, residual and air resistance, and the influence of these resistances in service.
  • Chapter 2, deals with ship propulsion and the flow conditions around the propeller(s). In this connection, the wake fraction coefficient and thrust deduction coefficient, etc. are mentioned. The total power needed for the propeller is found based on the above effective towing resistance and various propeller and hull dependent efficiencies which are also described. The operating conditions of a propeller according to the propeller law valid for a propeller with fixed pitch are described for free sailing in calm weather, and followed up by the relative heavy/light running conditions which apply when the ship is sailing and subject to different types of extra resistance, like fouling, heavy sea against, etc.
  • Chapter 3, elucidates the importance of choosing the correct specified MCR and optimising point of the main engine, and thereby the engine’s load diagram in consideration to the propeller’s design point. The construction of the relevant load diagram lines is described in detail by means of several examples (i.e a ship with fixed pitch propeller)

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18 August 2008

[4S/yim003]PNA Vol. 3 :Motions in Waves and Controllability 2nd ed.

Principle of Naval Architecture Volume III provides excellent coverage of hydrodynamic issues for all levels of design, including parametric analysis of seakeeping and maneuvering (based on basic hull parameters) at the concept level to fundamental theories for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and model test data necessary for advanced analysis.
# Publisher: Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineer; 2nd Rev edition (June 1990)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0939773023

Table of Content
Chapter 8 MOTION in WAVES
Introduction - Ocean Waves - Ship Responses to Regular Waves - The Ship in Seaway - Derived Responses - Control of Ship Motion - Assessing Ship Seaway Performance - Design Aspects
Introduction - The Control Loop and Basic Equation of Motion - Motion Stability and Linear Equations - Analysis of Course Keeping-Controls Fixed Stability - Stability and Control - Analysis of Turning Ability - Free Running Model Test and Hydraulic Models - Nonlinear Equations of Motion and Captive Model Test - Theoterical Predition of Design Coefficienf and Systems Identification - Accelaration, Stopping and Backing - Automatic Control Systems - Effect of the Environment - Vessel Waterway Interactions - Hydrodynamics of Control Surfaces - Maneuvering Trials and Performance Requirements - Application to Design - Design of Rudder and Other Control Devices

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[4S/yim002] PNA Vol 1: Stability and Strength 2nd ed.

This resource rates as a necessity for any Naval Architect or engineer working in the marine industry. Although at times difficult to use, the mountains of useful information contained in this particular volume make it indispensable. It includes all the basic "hand" methods" for calculating strength and stability in floating structures.
# Publisher: Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineer; 2nd Rev edition (June 1989)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0939773007

Table of Content
Ship's Lines - Displacement and Weight Relationships - Coefficient of Form - Integrating Rules and Methods - Hydrostatic Curves and Calculations - Bonjean Curves - Wetted Surface - Capacity
Elementary Principles - The Weight Estimate - Metacentric Height - Curves of Stability - Effect of Free Liquid and Special Cargoes - Effect of Changes in Weight on Stability - Evaluation of Stability - Drafts Trim and Diplacement - The Inclining Experiment - Submerged Equilibrium - The Trim Dive - Methods of Improving Stability, Draft and List - Stability when Grounded - Intact Stability of Unusual Ship Forms
Introdution - Fundamental Effects of Damage - Subdivision and Damage Stability Calculations - Subdivision and Damage Stability Calculations by Computer - Definitions for Regulations - Subdivision and Damage Stability Criteria - Alternate Equivalent Passenger Vessel Regulations
Introduction - Ships Structural Loads - Analysis of Hull Girder, Girder Stress and Deflection - Load arrying Capability and Structural Performance Criteria - Reliability of Structures

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[4S/yim208] Introduction of Naval Architecture 3rd Ed.

The fundamental characteristics of a ship's design, and how they affect its behaviour at sea are clearly of great importance to a variety of different people. Whilst naval architects need to understand these principles in depth, those supporting them in design and production will need a good grasp of the basics. Marine engineers must likewise recognise the degree to which their activities will be influenced and bounded by these principles. This book offers a clear and concise introduction to the subject, and will therefore be of great interest to both students and practising professionals in both fields.

Introduction To Naval Architecture 3rd Ed. - E. C. Tupper, Muckle, W
Butterworth-Heinemann (1996)
Introduction - Definition and Regulation - Ship form and Calculations - Floation and Stability - The Environment - Seakeeping - Strength - Resistance - Propulsion - Manoeuvering - Vibration, Noise and Shock - Ship Design


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[4S/yim301] Standard Harga Satuan Dasar Pemkot Surabaya

Perencanaan Anggaran ternyata mempunya aspek yang sesungguhnya rumit dalam tataran praktisnya. Penentuan anggaran biaya suatu proyek pekerjaan harus diperhitungkan dari awal, sehingga peluang terjadi penyelewengan dapat diminimalkan. Pemkot Surabaya penyusun panduan untuk penentuan standard harga satuan dasar yang dituangkan dalam KEPUTUSAN WALIKOTA SURABAYA NOMOR : 188.45/271/436.1.2/2006 mengenai Standar Biaya dan Harga Satuan Belanja Daerah Kota Surabaya

Standar Biaya dan Harga Satuan Belanja Daerah terdiri dari :
a. Standar Harga Satuan Dasar (SHSD) merupakan harga elemen penyusun komponen kegiatan fisik/non fisik, terdiri dari :
1) standar harga satuan upah dan bahan;
2) standar harga satuan barang dan sewa;
3) standar harga jasa konsultasi/billing rate;
4) standar honorarium pegawai dan komponen kegiatan swakelola lainnya.
b. Harga Satuan Pokok Kegiatan (HSPK) merupakan harga komponen kegiatan fisik/non fisik melalui analisis yang distandarkan untuk setiap jenis komponen kegiatan dengan menggunakan Standar Harga Satuan Dasar (SHSD) sebagai elemen penyusunannya.

Namun lebih dari itu, data yang dicantumkan dalam dokumen ini bisa menjadi acuan bagi siapapun untuk menghitung kebutuhan material utama sebelum memasukkan komponen harga, dimana komponen ini bersifat fluktuatif.
Sangat berguna bagi mahasiswa pelajar atau praktisi yang berkecimpung didunia konstruksi sipil, mengingat data yang ada bisa dikatakan sangat lengkap untuk jenis pekerjaan sipil/perumahan.[yirf]


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[4S/yim001] Marpol 73/78 - 2002

Marpol 73/78 is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978. ("Marpol" is short for marine pollution and 73/78 short for the years 1973 and 1978.)

Marpol 73/78 is one of the most important international marine environmental conventions. It was designed to minimize pollution of the seas, including dumping, oil and exhaust pollution. Its stated object is: to preserve the marine environment through the complete elimination of pollution by oil and other harmful substances and the minimization of accidental discharge of such substances.

The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships - both accidental pollution and that from routine operations - and currently includes six technical Annexes:
Annex I Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil
Annex II Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
Annex III Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form
Annex IV Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships
Annex V Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships
Annex VI Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (entry into force 19 May 2005)

States Parties must accept Annexes I and II, but the other Annexes are voluntary.

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Lomba dan Karnaval 17-an

17 Agustus, identik dengan 2 hal, lomba dan karnaval. Bagi PNS ada tambahan satu lagi yaitu upacara bendera.
Ada adagium dalam benak orang Indonesia, semakin semarak lomba-lomba yang dipertandingkan, semakin tinggi rasa nasionalisme, semakin merah putih kampungnya, semakin syah menjadi orang Indonesia. Padahala, sesungguh sangat berlainan.
Warga mengadakan lomba, tidak lain untuk bersilaturahmi dengan tetangganya. Yah..sekedar kumpul-kumpul bersama putra putri, bercanda bareng, makan bareng dan tertawa bersama, melihat keluguan mereka berpacu memakan krupuk, misalnya.
Nasionalisme bagi warga seperti ini tidak layak diperbincangkan.

"Ga level lah, Khan udah ada yang ngurus", begitu kata mereka
"Merdeka? ga ah..jangan dibahas, nanti hati tambah kesal, mending liat lomba-lomba, anakmu ikut karnaval tah?," timpal yang lain.

Hmm...menarik...Aku ambil beberapa potret tentang kemeriahan itu di Jakarta dan Surabaya.
Karnaval..Panjat Pinang..Jalan ditutup..

Ya udah lah...yang penting patut disyukuri, bahwa negara indonesia masih bisa bertahan sampai 63 tahun, sesuatu yang dianggap mustahil oleh negara lain di awal tahun kemerdekaan.[yirf]

M E R D E K A !!!

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17 August 2008

[4S/yim502] ABS Guidance Notes on The Inspection, Maintenance and The Application of Marine Coatings Systems

These Guidance Notes start with an explanation of the chemistry and mechanics of corrosion. While coatings act as a barrier to corrosion, they are porous. The Guidance Notes review the way coatings work to reduce corrosion rates. The myriad of different coatings available can be confusing without a framework to aid understanding. These Notes define the generic categories and their characteristics.
The methods of surface preparation are introduced along with safety guidance and the advantages or disadvantages of each. The factors affecting coating application are examined. These include environmental controls, film thicknesses and the methods of application, among others. Coating technology uses specific measuring equipment and the typical devices are briefly described. In addition to coating technology, the proliferation of coating regulations are explained in context for ballast water tanks, void spaces, outer shell and cargo holds.
Once a vessel is in-service the coatings are subject to various stresses. To aid in the assessment of how the coatings are performing, typical failures are illustrated and guidance is provided on their repair and maintenance.
Also summarized is the ABS Guide for the Class Notation Coating Performance Standard (CPS) which details the procedure to obtain the ABS CPS notation and provides useful summary information on the responsibilities of the various parties during the coating application process.
Still under discussion at IMO is the extension of the coatings regulatory regime to cover cargo holds/tanks as well as void spaces. In particular, void spaces below bulkhead decks, within and forward of the cargo area of oil tankers and the cargo length of bulk carriers.

Copyright © 2007
American Bureau of Shipping

CHAPTER 1: Corrosion
(1.General - 2.Uncoated steel and the corrosion reaction - 3.Factors influencing corrosion rate - 4. Types of corrosion)
CHAPTER 2: Coatings and corrosion
(1. General - 2.Factors affecting coating lifetime - 3.Types of coating breakdown - 4.Anti-corrosion protection by coatings - 5.Coating compatibility - 6.Stripe coats)
CHAPTER 3: Coating types and their uses

(1.General - 2.Paint composition - 3.Binders - 4.Cross-linked (thermoset) coatings - 5.Thermoplastic coatings - 6.Pigments and extenders - 7.Solvents - 8.Anti-corrosion paints - 9.Impact and abrasion-resistant coatings - 10.Shop primers)
CHAPTER 4: Surface preparation
(1.General - 2.Surface cleanliness - 3.Surface cleaning and conditioning - 4.Solvent cleaning - 5.Abrasive blasting - 6.Spot blasting - 7.Sweep blasting - 8.Hydro blasting/water jetting - 9.Power tool cleaning - 10.Pickling - 11.Preparation of non-ferrous meta - 12.Edge and weld preparation at new building - 13.Surface preparation standards)
CHAPTER 5: Paint Application
(1.General - 2.Surface preparation - 3.Film thickness measurement - 4.Methods of paint application - 5.Curing conditions)
CHAPTER 6: Cathodic protection in ballast tanks and cargo holds
(1.General - 2.Sacrificial anodes - 3.Impressed current cathodic)
CHAPTER 7: Anti-Fouling
(1.General - 2.Fouling - 3.Anti-fouling system (AFS) - 4.Self-polishing anti-fouling coat - 5.Insoluble matrix (controlled depletion) coatings - 6.Foul release coatings) 7.Coating compatibility)
CHAPTER 8: Performance Standards for Protective Coatings
(1.Introduction - 2.Scope and application - 3.Review of the inspection agreement - 4.Primary surface preparation - 5.Secondary surface preparation - 6.Coating application 7.Coating inspection requirements - 8.Verification requirements - 9.Coating film thickness measurement - 10.Coating system approval - 11.ABS CPS Guide)
CHAPTER 9: Coating requirements for void spaces
CHAPTER 10: Coating requirements for cargo spaces
(1.Oil tankers - 2.Bulk carriers)
CHAPTER 11: Coating Technical File
(1 Statement of Compliance or Type Approval Certificate - 2.Technical datasheet - 3.Shipyard work records - 4.Inspection procedures - 5.Daily logs - 6.Shipyard’s verification report - 7.In-service repair procedure)
CHAPTER 12: Coating failures
(1.General - 2.Coating defects during application - 3.In-service coating failures)
CHAPTER 13: Assessment of coating breakdown
(1.Introduction - 2.Assessment of existing coating systems for all vessels except tankers - 3.Assessment of existing coating systems cargo holds - 4.Assessment of existing surface coating systems in oil carriers chemical carriers, and double hull oil carriers)
CHAPTER 14: Examples
CHAPTER 15: Glossary and definitions
CHAPTER 16: Appendices
Appendix A – IMO PSPC MSC215 (82)
Appendix B – IACS PR 34
Appendix C – IACS SC 122
Appendix D – IACS SC 127
Appendix E – IACS PR Z17
Appendix F – IACS Z9 177


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