[.DF ShipHyd] Hydro-Static & Dynamics
- Introduction of Naval Architecture 3rd Ed. .. more
- Basic Ship Theory Vol.1+2...more
- PNA Vol 1: Stability and Strength 2nd ed... more
- PNA Vol. 3 :Motions in Waves and Controllability 2nd ed. ..more
- Practical Ship Hydrodinamics
Propeller and Resistance
- Series-60:Methodical Experiment With Models of Single-Screw Merchant Ships ..more
- Hydrodynamics for Ocean Engineers : Marine Propeller...more
- An Approximate Power Prediction Method...more
- A Statistical Re-analysis of Resistance and Propulsion Data...more
- Lecture notes (MIT) : Resistance and Propulsion ...more
- Hidrodynamics of Ship Propeller...more
- KT-KQ Diagram Wageningen B-Series Propeller ..more
- Research on Ducted Propeller NSMB ... more
- Basic Principles of Ship Propulsion..more
Ship Stability
- Ship Stability Notes & Examples ..more
- Ship Hydrostatics and Stability ...more
- Ship Stability for Master and Mates..more
Ship Dynamics
- Ship Motion Control: Course Keeping and Roll Stabilisation Using Rudder and Fins..more
- Practical Ship Hydrodynamics ..more
- I C M R T 2nd - 2007 ...More
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