Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan teori aliran fluida disekeliling benda dalam fluida, mengaplikasikan teori tersebut pada bidang perkapalan
Materi pokok:
persamaan kontinuitas, persamaan Navier-Stokes, lapisan batas laminar dan turbulen, persamaan Euler, persamaan Bernoulli, persamaan Laplace, singularities (source, sink, vortex), penyelesaian persamaan Laplace dengan Singularity Method, lifting line theory, lifting surface theory, panel method, surface vorticity method, hydrodynamics of slender bodies.
LK 1320 Mekanika Fluida
- Newman, J.N., “Marine Hydrodynamics”, The MIT Press, Cambridge – Massachusetts, 1977.
- Moran, J., “An Introduction to Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1984.
- Lewis, R.I., “Vortex Element Methods for Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Engineering Systems”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.
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