31 January 2009

[yim355] Catatan Ujian Tugas Rancang

21 halaman ini merupakan hal-hal dasar yang patut dikuasai setelah mengerjakan tugas rancang 1 - 5 (i.e. Lines Plan, Hidrostatik dan Bonjean, Kebocoran, Peluncuran, Stabilitas, Rencana Umum, Penampang Melintang, Propeller, Kekuatan Memanjang)
Disertai dengan tahapan pengerjaan, konsepsi dasar, kegunaan praktis dilapangan untuk masing-masing tugas tersebut, pengertian dan istilah yang wajib diketahui sebagai seorang Naval Architecture.
Sebagai bagian dari Nilai Tugas Akhir, Ujian Tugas Rancang dilakukan maraton untuk keseluruhan materi diatas, selain dilakukan setiap selesai mengerjakan pada setiap term waktunya.

Kebijakan kurikulum yang baru (2004) untuk mengurangi jumlah tugas dan diganti dengan makin meningkatnya kompleksitasnya diharap dapat menambah pengalaman tersendiri bagi mahasiswa saat ini.

[urutan halamannya sedikit ngaco,mohon disesuaikan sendiri, gunakan windjview untuk mengintipnya...]

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30 January 2009

Order Membeludak, Industri Kapal Nasional Kurang Amunisi

Kamis, 15 Mei 2008 22:14 WIB - Penulis : Zubaidah Hanum

JAKARTA--MI: Pesanan kapal hingga 2010 mendatang dipastikan melimpah ruah, seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan di dalam negeri. Namun peluang tersebut terancam hilang jika melihat kondisi industri maritim nasional.

Kebutuhan kapal berbendera Indonesia pada 2010 mendatang diperkirakan akan mencapai 654 unit yang terdiri dari kapal pengangkut batu bara/coal carrier (390 unit), tanker (225 unit), kargo (25 unit), dan kontainer (14 unit). Kapal-kapal itu sebagian besar didominasi kapal berukuran di bawah 50.000 DWT Jumlah tersebut dipastikan membengkak dengan adanya kebutuhan pengadaan kapal tanker untuk mengangkut minyak mentah milik PT Pertamina (Persero) sebanyak 30 unit. Rinciannya sebagai berikut, kapal ukuran 3.500 DWT (4 unit), 6.500 DWT (3 unit), GP (7 unit), MR (13 unit) dan LR (3 unit).

Kebutuhan kapal tersebut akan bertambah lagi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan armada angkutan batu bara sebagai bahan bakar PLTU yang mencapai 47 set (ukuran 7.500-50.000 DWT) dan ekspor (20.000-50.000 DWT) sebanyak 79 unit.

"Kami siap untuk menyediakan kapal untuk memenuhi pangsa pasar yang besar itu. Tapi masih ada beberapa hal yang mengganjal seperti pajak yang begitu besar, akses perbankan yang belum luwes, dan tingginya harga sewa tanah di are pelabuhan," kata Ketua Umum Ikatan Perusahaan Industri Kapal dan lepas Pantai Indonesia (Iperindo) Joeswanto Karijodimedjo, seusai membuka rapat anggota Iperindo, di Jakarta, Kamis (15/5).

Dari sisi fiskal, industri kapal nasional masih menuntut pembebasan pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) pada saat pembelian bahan baku atau komponen kapal. Sementara itu perusahaan pelayaran nasional sebagai pengguna akhit industri perkapalan telah dibebaskan dari pengenaan PPN, baik untuk pembangunan kapal baru atau reparasi kapal.

"INSA hanya dikenakan pajak perseroan 1,2% nett final tapi galangan kapal progresif 30%. Kan bedanya jauh sekali," imbuh dia.

Dirjen Industri Alat Transportasi dan Telematika (IATT) Departemen Perindustrian (Depperin) Budi Darmadi menjelaskan, industri galangan kapal merupakan salah satu industri strategis dan masa depan bagi Indonesia.

Oleh karena itu, pemerintah berupaya membangkitkan geliat industri maritim nasional dengan memberikan sejumlah insentif. Salah satu bentuk insentif yang direalisasikan adalah insentif fiskal bagi industri yang membangun kapal dengan bobot di atas 50.000 DWT.

"Insentif PP 1/2007 untuk galangan kapal di atas 50.000 DWT. Kalau yang sedang diusulkan sekarang adalah yang di bawah 50.000 DWT untuk pembangunan industri galangan kapal baru," kata Budi.

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pemilik Kapal Nasional (Indonesia National Shipoweners Association/INSA) Oentoro Surya mengingatkan, kapal yang banyak dibutuhkan saat ini adalah kapal yang berbobot di bawah 50.000 DWT. "Yang lebih banyak dibutuhkan adalah yang di bawah itu seperti kapal 3.000 DWT dan 5.000 DWT. Kan serapan lapangan kerja juga lebih banyak," kata dia.

Selain insentif, menurut dia, dukungan lain yang diperlukan pengusaha maupun industri perkapalan dalam negeri adalah kelengkapan infrastruktur baik berupa sarana maupun industri komponen pendukung dari hulu ke hilir. Salah satunya, ungkap Oentoro, masih sedikitnya perusahaan yang memproduksi mesin-mesin kapal.

"Industri galangan kapal itu memang harus di back up. Kapal hanya akan menjadi kapal tongkang jika nggak ada mesin. Harga kapal di bawah 50.000 kurang dari US$45 juta, kalau yang di atas 50.000 DWT itu US$60 juta. Ini bisa tambah mahal kalau harga bahan baku dari baja terus naik," cetus dia.

Menanggapi hal itu, Budi mengatakan, pihaknya telah berupaya memfasilitasi relokasi perusahaan-perusahaan mesin perkapalan asing untuk masuk ke Indonesia. "Bagus sekali. Kita sedang memfasilitasi itu. Di Indonesia, engine otomotif banyak tapi kalau kapal masih sedikit misal PT Yanmar. Padahal order begitu banyak. Mungkin kita akan melakukan dengan cara membangun perakitannya dulu di Indonesia seperti otomotif," kata Budi.

Wakil Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia Bidang Industri, Teknologi dan Kelautan Rachmat Gobel mengatakan, saat ini pendanaan investasi dan modal kerja belum cukup mendapat respon dari kalangan perbankan nasional. Data Bank Indonesia (BI) menunjukkan, outstanding kredit perbankan untuk industri perkapalan, baru mencapai Rp9,8 triliun atau 1% dari total outstanding kredit perbankan nasional yang sudah mencapai sekitar Rp1.000 triliun.

Masalah lain yang dihadapi, lanjut Rachmat, adalah lemahnya dukungan struktur industri komponen perkapalan dalam negeri. Hal ini telah menyebabkan ketergantungan impor komponen dan menjadi faktor ketidakekonomisan bagi pengusaha kapal di dalam negeri.

Dikatakannya, jumlah armada angkutan laut nasional berbendera Indonesia untuk saat ini baru sekitar 6.500-7.000 unit kapal.

"Jumlah ini jauh dari cukup untuk melayani kebutuhan, sehingga sampai saat ini sebagian besar pasar dikuasai oleh pelayaran asing. Termasuk untuk angkutan laut di dalam negeri sendiri," ujar Rachmat.

Kondisi saat ini telah membuat neraca jasa Indonesia selalu mengalami defisit dan menghilangkan sekitar US$25 miliar devisa untuk membayar perusahaan pelayaran asing. Indonesia sedikitnya harus mempunyai 10.000 unit kapal dalam berbagai ukuran, agar semua angkutan laut di dalam negeri bisa ditangani sendiri dan 20% dari angkutan ekspor impor bisa dikuasai oleh kapal nasional. (Zhi/OL-03)
credit to : Media Indonesia Online

--industri perkapalan mulai menggeliat...[yirf]--

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[yim349] SNMT2006 - Studi Pemodelan untuk Investasi Galangan Kapal Kecil

Investasi merupakan aktifitas menanamkan faktor-faktor produksi terbatas dalam proyek tertentu yang bersifat baru sama sekali atau perluasan proyek yang ada. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh manfaat yang cukup layak di kemudian hari, baik manfaat ekonomi maupun non ekonomi. Model investasi galangan kapal kecil yang mempunyai daya saing tinggi di Indonesia dihadapkan pada beberapa kendala atau batasan yang cukup kompleks termasuk sifat investasi galangan kapal kecil yang capital intensive, slow and low yielding.
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh model perencanaan investasi dalam pemilihan alternatif galangan kapal di Indonesia umumnya dan di Kota Samarinda khususnya dengan menggunakan pendekatan Analytic Network Process (ANP).
Survey terhadap potensi pasar untuk pembangunan galangan kapal baru di Kalimantan Timur, terdapat sembilan alternatif peluang investasi pembangunan galangan kapal kecil. Dari kesembilan alternatif tersebut, dilakukan pilihan (choice) dengan ANP.
Hasil running Software Super Decision 2.1 menunjukkan peringkat/prioritas tertinggi adalah galangan kapal untuk reparasi kapal baja dan bangunan baru kapal baja (alternatif F) dengan nilai 20,9%. Total investasi sebesar Rp. 75,827.53 Milyard dengan profitabilitas untuk skenario pertama adalah PBP = 15,11 tahun, NPV = Rp 10,821 Milyard pada discount rate 10%, IRR = 11% dan skenario kedua PBP = 14,33 tahun, NPV = Rp 33,953 Milyard pada discount rate 10%, dan IRR = 15%.

Kata kunci : model, investasi, galangan kapal

Author : Achdian Nor*, Triwilaswandio WP**, Daniel M. Rosyid**
Teknik Produksi & Material Kelautan, Program Pascasarjana Teknologi Kelautan ITS.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi III
Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2006

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[yim348] SNMT2005 - Perencanaan Sistem Transportasi Laut di Kab. Buru

Percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pembangunan suatu daerah sangatlah ditentukan oleh kemampuan daerah untuk mengelola sumber daya yang dimiliki, dimana kondisi ini sangat ditentukan oleh keandalan sistim transportasi pada daerah yang bersangkutan.
Perencanaan Sistim Transportasi Laut di Kabupaten Buru dilakukan untuk menentukan seberapa besar kapasitas sarana dan prasarana transportasi sebagai elemen sistim yang harus disediakan dalam rangka menunjang proses pembangunan daerah.
Dimulai dengan melihat hubungan permintaan dan penawaran jasa transportasi pada kabupaten Buru untuk mengetahui quality komoditi masuk/keluar daerah. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemodelan permintaan (demand) terhadap jasa transportasi yang merupakan suatu pendekatan perekonomian dan kemudian dibuat peramalan (forecasting) terhadap besarnya permintaan untuk 10 tahun mendatang.
Dengan diketahuinya besar permintaan untuk tiap lintasan yang ada, selanjutnya ditentukan pola angkutan dan potensi muatan, jumlah kapal serta frekwensi operasional transportasi sebagai masukan bagi pemerintah daerah dalam pengambilan keputusan dengan memperhitungkan kapasitas terpasang yang dimiliki saat ini.

Kata kunci: Sistim Transportas Laut, Perencanaan.

Author : Augusta Izaac, Setijoprajudo, Firmanto Hadi
Program Studi Teknologi Kelautan Bidang Keahlian Teknik Transportasi Kelautan-ITS
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi II
Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 30 Juli 2005

credit to : http://mmt.its.ac.id

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[yim346] SNMT2005 - Analisis Teknis dan Ekonomis Pengadaan Kapal Barang untuk KAPET Seram

Kawasan Pengembangan Ekonomi Terpadu (KAPET) Seram telah dicetuskan pada tahun 1998 yang kegiatannya baru dimulai tanggal 7 Agustus 2001 dengan terbentuknya Badan Pengelola KAPET Seram.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh kapasitas moda tranportasi laut (kapal) berdasarkan data potensi daerah, sarana dan prasarana penunjang serta analisis infrastruktur transportasi laut di KAPET Seram, yang diproyeksikan untuk mengatasi permintaan jasa angkutan barang saat ini dan masa yang akan datang.
Analisis dimulai dengan melihat hubungan permintaan dan penawaran jasa transportasi yang terjadi di KAPET Seram untuk mengetahui kuantitas komoditi masuk maupun keluar kawasan. Selanjutnya, tingkat ketergantungan aktifitas perekonomian di KAPET Seram terhadap sektor kelautan /maritime dapat diketahui dengan menggunakan salah satu indikator ekonomi yaitu MDF (Maritime Dependency Factor) dan GAP (perbedaan total jumlah barang) untuk 10 tahun mendatang.
Langkah selanjutnya, perhitungan kapasitas kapal barang DWT (Dead weight Tonnage) disesuaikan besarnya permintaan. DWT tersebut digunakan sebagai pembanding dalam menentukan ukuran utama kapal dengan menggunakan metode optimasi 256 variasi ukuran utama. Dari 256 variasi ukuran utama dipilih ukuran utama yang biaya pembuatan paling minimum.
Berbasis ukuran utama kapal yang telah diperoleh sebelumnya, analisis ekonomis dengan menggunakan metode ratio NPV (Net Present Value) dan IRR (Internal Rate of Return). Setelah dilakukan kajian kelayakan dari aspek teknis dan ekonomis. Selanjutnya ditentukan dimensi armada (kapal barang) yang optimal untuk melayani permintaan jasa di KAPET Seram.

Kata kunci : Kawasan Pengembangan Ekonomi Terpadu,MDF,Kapal barang

Author : Jacobus Tupan,Wasis Dwi Aryawan, R.O. Saut Gurning

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi II
Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 30 Juli 2005

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[yim347] SNMT-2006 Perencanaan Galangan Reparasi Kapal TNI-AL

Pemeliharaan dan perawatan fisik dan teknis secara berkala perlu dilakukan oleh TNI-AL. Reparasi kapal-kapal TNI-AL banyak dikerjakan digalangan-galangan BUMN dan swasta nasional. Sehingga berakibat pada biaya yang mahal, waktu yang lebih lama karena harus mengikuti jadwal dock terkait, juga mempengaruhi jadwal kegiatan operasional AL dan faktor kerahasiaan sulit terjaga.
Sesuai dengan Master Plan 2005 – 2020 DBAL Ujung Surabaya dan Rencana Pembangunan Fasharkan Armatim Surabaya, yang memuat perencanaan fasilitas pemeliharaan dan perbaikan kapal (Fasharkan) yang berfungsi sebagai pendukung Armada TNI AL dalam hal fasilitas pemeliharaan dan perbaikan kapal. Disamping itu berkaitan dengan Blue Print TNI AL tahun 2003 untuk sepuluh tahun kedepan (2003- 2013) akan menambah jumlah armada kapal perang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan berdasarkan konstelasi geografis bagi keamanan wilayah perairan kita, untuk itu perlu adanya fasilitas pemeliharaan dan perbaikan kapal yang sanggup melayani semua jenis kapal perang TNI AL baik untuk perawatan dan perbaikan kapal. Dengan pertimbangan tersebut di atas, pembangunan galangan kapal untuk melayani reparasi kapal-kapal perang milik TNI AL sendiri sangat diperlukan.
Dalam penelitian ini, perencanaan galangan reparasi kapal ini menggunakan metode ZOPP (Ziel Orientierte Projekt Planung) diperkenalkan oleh GTZ tahun 1983, yang kemudian akan dibandingkan dengan rancangan galangan reparasi kapal dari TNI AL. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa layout galangan reparasi kapal yang secara teknis dan ekonomis menguntungkan dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.
Kata kunci: hankam, master plan DBAL, kapal perang, biaya reparasi, galangan kapal, Fasharkan, ZOPP.

Author : Mohammad Syaifi, Djauhar Manfaat, Heri Supomo, Jurusan Teknik Produksi Dan Material Kelautan, Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi III
Program Studi MMT-ITS, Surabaya 4 Pebruari 2006

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29 January 2009

The Job of a Naval Architect

Job description

A naval architect is a professional engineer who is responsible for the design, construction and repair of ships, boats, other marine vessels and offshore structures, both civil and military.

Modern engineering on this scale is a team activity conducted by professional engineers in their respective fields and disciplines. However, it is the naval architect who integrates their activities and takes ultimate responsibility for the overall project. They must also ensure that a safe, economic and seaworthy design is produced.

Naval architects must have an understanding of many branches of engineering and must be at the forefront of high technology areas such as computer aided design.
Typical work activities

Depending on the type of qualifications held and personal interests, naval architects may become specialists in one field or develop broad experience in several. Eventually they may find themselves in senior executive positions using their knowledge and experience of general management as well as their professional skills in engineering and project leadership.

Naval architects have a wide range of employment opportunities, both in the UK and worldwide. They are involved in a wide variety of work so it is difficult to categorise it comprehensively. However, the main areas are as follows:

  • Design. Naval architects must have an understanding of the many aspects of ship design - function, appearance and, especially important at sea, safety. Activities include using complex mathematical and physical models to ensure that the ship's design is satisfactory technically and that it meets the safety rules and standards.
  • Construction. A naval architect specialising in construction usually holds a management post, taking responsibility for the management of the whole shipyard or for sections of it such as planning, production or the complex operation of fitting out.
  • Consultancy. Typical activities include providing clients with engineering solutions, technical and commercial guidance, support and project management for concept design studies, new vessel constructions, refits and conversions.
  • Research and development. Naval architects are involved in undertaking maritime research in universities and industry.
  • Regulation, surveying and overseeing. Naval architects employed by classification societies as ship surveyors are engaged worldwide in evaluating the safety of ships and marine structures using the societies' rules and those of intergovernmental organisations such as the International Maritime Organisation. Typical activities include the approving of aspects of design such as strength, stability, and lifesaving.
  • Marketing and sales. Activities include giving professional advice and technical support to customers of the maritime industry.
  • Operations. Many shipping companies have technical departments in which naval architects are responsible for the many phases of ship and equipment procurement and for solving problems affecting the economics of maritime operations.
  • Education and training. There are also opportunities for naval architects with good qualifications to work in universities and colleges as professors and lecturers.
sumber : http://naval-architect-jobs.blogspot.com

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Profession of Naval Architect

A Naval Architect is a professional engineer who is responsible for the design, construction and repair of ships, boats other marine vessels and offshore structures, both civil and military, including:

* Merchant Ships - Oil/Gas Tankers, Cargo Ships, Cruise Liners etc.
* Passenger/Vehicle Ferries
* Warships - Frigates, Destroyers, aircraft Carriers, Amphibious Ships etc
* Submarines and underwater vehicles
* Offshore Drilling Platforms, semi Submersibles, FPSO's
* High Speed Craft - Hovercraft, Multi Hull ships, Hydrofoil Craft etc
* Workboats - Fishing Vessels, Tugs, Pilot Vessels, Rescue Craft etc.
* Yachts, Power Boats and other recreational craft

Some of these are amongst the largest and most complex and highly valued moveable structures produced by mankind. Without them to provide for the safe and efficient transport and recovery of the world's raw materials and products, modern society, as we know it could not exist.

Modern engineering on this scale is essentially a team activity conducted by professional engineers in their respective fields and disciplines. However, it is the Naval Architects who integrates their activities and take s ultimate responsibility for the overall project. This demanding leadership role requires managerial qualities and ability to bring together the often-conflicting demands of the various professional engineering disciplines involved to produce a product, which is 'fit for the purpose'.

In addition to this vital managerial role, the Naval Architect has also a specialist function in ensuring that a safe, economic and seaworthy design is produced.

To undertake all these tasks the Naval Architect must have an understanding of many branches of engineering and must be in the forefront of high technology areas such as computer aided design and calculation. He or she must be able to utilise effectively the services provided by scientists, lawyers, accountants and business people of many kinds.

A Naval Architect requires a creative, enquiring and logical mind; the ability to communicate clearly in speech and writing with others inside and outside the engineering profession, sound judgment and qualities of leadership. The education and training given to the Naval Architect are designed to develop these skills and to lead him or her to recognised qualifications and professional status.

Modern engineering on this scale is essentially a team activity conducted by professional engineers in their respective fields and disciplines. However, it is the Naval Architect who integrates heir activities and takes ultimate responsibility of the overall project. This demanding leadership role requires managerial qualities and ability to bring together the often-conflicting demands of the various professional engineering disciplines involved.

Naval Architects have a wide range of employment opportunities, both in the UK and worldwide. They are involved in such a wide variety of work that it is difficult to categorize it comprehensively. However, the main areas are as follows:

* Design
* Construction and Repair
* Consultancy
* Marketing and Sales
* Operations
* Regulations, Surveying and Overseeing
* Research and Development
* Education and Training

Each type of work has its own distinctive character and offers opportunities for initiative and imagination in a wide variety of technical and managerial posts as well as opportunities for foreign travel. The work place may be a large company, a small group, a consultancy or a government department.

Depending mainly on the type of qualifications held and personal inclination, Naval Architects may become specialists in one field or develop broad experience in several. Eventually they may find themselves in senior executive positions using their knowledge and experience of general management as well as their professional skills in engineering a project leadership. Indeed, aided by the breadth of their education, training and experience, professional Naval Architects are successful in top management posts in government, industry and commerce quite outside the maritime field.
sumber : http://naval-architect-jobs.blogspot.com

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[yim330] Corrosion of Aluminium - Vargel 2004

A global approach to corrosion, comprising the selection of alloys, design principles and service conditions
This book highlights the practical and general aspects of the corrosion of aluminium alloys with many illustrations and references. In addition to that, the first chapter allows the reader who is not very familiar with aluminium to understand the metallurgical, chemical and physical features of the aluminium alloys. The author Christian Vargel, has adopted a practitioner approach, based on the expertise and experience gained from a 40 year career in aluminium corrosion This approach is most suitable for assessing the corrosion resistance of aluminium - an assessment which is one of the main conditions for the development of many uses of aluminium in transport, construction, power transmission etc.
Collection name: Materials & Mechanical

Table of Contents

o Contents
* Part A: Aluminium and Its Alloys
o Chapter A.1. The Advantages of Aluminium
o Chapter A.2. Physical Properties of Aluminium
o Chapter A.3. The Metallurgy of Aluminium
o Chapter A.4. The Most Common Wrought Aluminium Alloys
o Chapter A.5. Selection Criteria for Aluminium Alloys

* Part B: The Corrosion of Aluminium
o Chapter B.1. The Corrosion of Aluminium
o Chapter B.2. Types of Corrosion on Aluminium
o Chapter B.3. Galvanic Corrosion
o Chapter B.4. Testing Methods
o Chapter B.5. Protection Against Corrosion
o Chapter B.6. The Corrosion Behaviour of Aluminium Alloys

* Part C: Atmospheric Corrosion of Aluminium
o Chapter C.1. Atmospheric Corrosion
o Chapter C.2. The Parameters of Atmospheric Corrosion
o Chapter C.3. Types of Atmospheres
o Chapter C.4. The Various Forms of Atmospheric Corrosion
o Chapter C.5. The Resistance of Aluminium to Atmospheric Corrosion

* Part D: Corrosion in Water
o Chapter D.1. Freshwater
o Chapter D.2. Brackish Waters and Wastewater
o Chapter D.3. Seawater
* Part E: The Action of Inorganic Products

o Chapter E.1. Oxides and Peroxides
o Chapter E.2. Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Noble Gases
o Chapter E.3. Metalloids and Halides
o Chapter E.4. Inorganic Bases
o Chapter E.5. Inorganic Acids
o Chapter E.6. Inorganic Salts

* Part F: The Action of Organic Products
o Chapter F.1. Hydrocarbons
o Chapter F.2. Halogen Derivatives
o Chapter F.3. Alcohols, Ethers, Thiols and Phenols
o Chapter F.4. Amines
o Chapter F.5. Aldehydes and Ketones
o Chapter F.6. Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives
o Chapter F.7. Other Organic Products

* Part G: The Effect of Other Environments
o Chapter G.1 Corrosion in Soil
o Chapter G.2. The Effect of Stray Currents and Alternating Current
o Chapter G.3. Fertilisers and Herbicides
o Chapter G.4. Construction Materials
o Chapter G.5. Food Industry
o Chapter G.6. Cleaning of Aluminium
o Chapter G.7. Behaviour in Fire

* Products that may be Dangerous in Contact with Aluminium
* General References
* Glossary
* Index

# Title : Corrosion of Aluminium
# Author : Christian Vargel
# Hardcover: 700 pages
# Publisher: Elsevier Science; illustrated edition edition (December 30, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0080444954
# ISBN-13: 978-0080444956


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[yim328] Audel Pipefitters and Welders Pocket Manual - 1996

This all-new reference is the best, most up-to-date guide for all working pipefitters and welders. Designed for the greatest ease of use, it explains and illustrates all of the methods, procedures, and tools required to design, install and maintain piping systems. Topics covered include welding, tungsten inert gas welding, steam heating systems, sprinkler systems, air conditioning and refrigeration, and plastic piping.

Table of Contents
1. Math and Metrics.
2. Calculating Offsets.
3. Pipe Welding with Oxyacetylene and Arc.
4. Automatic Fire Protection Systems.
5. Steam Heating Systems.
6. Hot-Water Heating Systems.
7. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration.
8. Process Piping Using Plastics.
9. Grooved-End and Plain-End Piping Systems.
10. Learning to Use an Instrument Level.
11. Pneumatic Control Systems.
12. Gas Piping.
13. Tungsten Inert Gas Welding.
14. Trouble-Shooting Tips for Arc Welding.
15. Pipe Welders’ Definitions.
16. Definitions of Heating and Air Conditioning Terms.
17. Glossary of Terms Relating to Plastic Piping.
Appendix: Miscellaneous Information.

# Title : Audel Pipefitters and Welders Pocket Manual
# Author : Charles N. McConnell
# Paperback: 320 pages
# Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (December 28, 1996)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0020346247
# ISBN-13: 978-0020346241


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Then Almitra spoke again and said, "And what of Marriage, master?"
And he answered saying:
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow

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[yim325] NSRP-SP2 Management of Shipyards 1982

Thus, herein is a collection of quotations that I found useful. They address management of shipyards that build, modernize and repair ships, specifically including naval ships, and heavy construction other than ships.

The quotations are organized per the following categories:


U.S. National Shipbuilding Research Program Panel SP-2 publications that were composed by shop engineers and managers employed by Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., (IHI) of Japan. Now, almost three decades later, because they emphasize proven logic and principles, they remain the most-copied documents for improving the effectiveness, and above all safety, of shipyard operations. If as a consequence of this posting just one life is spared, or even if just one injury is avoided, this latest effort is very worthwhile [Louis D. Chirillo]

The original post publications are presented as ZIPped files of Microsoft Word documents. Document quality is high in order to achieve good legibility; thus each file is relatively large. I put some of DjVu file, for smaller size without losing legibility

* Outfit Planning — December 1979; Download file OP.zip (70 MB) OP_complete.djvu(4.9MB)
* Accuracy Control — February 1982; Download file AC.zip (40 MB) AC_complete.djvu(4.9MB)
* Line Heating — November 1982; Download file LH.zip (48 MB) LH complete.djvu (3.8MB)
* Product Work Breakdown Structure — December 1982; Download file PWBS.zip (63 MB) PWBS Complete (6.3MB)
* Pipe Piece Family Manufacturing — March 1982; Download file PPFM.zip (36 MB) PPFM_complete.djvu (2.7MB)
* Integrated Hull Construction, Outfitting and Painting — March 1983; Download file IHOP.zip (45 MB) IHOP_complete.djvu (2.8MB)
* Design for Zone Outfitting — September 1983; Download file DFZO.zip (43 MB) DFZO_-_complete.djvu (3.0MB)

credit to : NSNET.COM

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Istilah dalam Keselamatan Pelayaran

  • Keselamatan dan Keamanan Pelayaran adalah suatu keadaan terpenuhinya persyaratan keselamatan dan keamanan yang menyangkut angkutan di perairan, kepelabuhanan, dan lingkungan maritim.
  • Kelaiklautan Kapal adalah keadaan kapal yang memenuhi persyaratan keselamatan kapal, pencegahan pencemaran perairan dari kapal, pengawakan, garis muat, pemuatan, kesejahteraan
  • Awak Kapal dan kesehatan penumpang, status hukum kapal, manajemen keselamatan dan pencegahan pencemaran dari kapal, dan manajemen keamanan kapal untuk berlayar di perairan tertentu.
  • Keselamatan Kapal adalah keadaan kapal yang memenuhi persyaratan material, konstruksi, bangunan, permesinan dan perlistrikan, stabilitas, tata susunan serta perlengkapan termasuk perlengkapan alat penolong dan radio, elektronik kapal, yang dibuktikan dengan sertifikat setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan dan pengujian.
  • Badan Klasifikasi adalah lembaga klasifikasi kapal yang melakukan pengaturan kekuatan konstruksi dan permesinan kapal, jaminan mutu material marine, pengawasan pembangunan, pemeliharaan, dan perombakan kapal sesuai dengan peraturan klasifikasi.
  • Kapal adalah kendaraan air dengan bentuk dan jenis tertentu, yang digerakkan dengan tenaga angin, tenaga mekanik, energi lainnya, ditarik atau ditunda, termasuk kendaraan yang berdaya dukung dinamis, kendaraan di bawah permukaan air, serta alat apung dan bangunan terapung yang tidak berpindah-pindah.
  • Kapal Perang adalah kapal Tentara Nasional Indonesia yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.
  • Kapal Negara adalah kapal milik negara digunakan oleh instansi Pemerintah tertentu yang diberi fungsi dan kewenangan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan untuk menegakkan hukum serta tugas-tugas Pemerintah lainnya.
  • Kapal Asing adalah kapal yang berbendera selain bendera Indonesia dan tidak dicatat dalam daftar kapal Indonesia.
  • Awak Kapal adalah orang yang bekerja atau dipekerjakan di atas kapal oleh pemilik atau operator kapal untuk melakukan tugas di atas kapal sesuai dengan jabatannya yang tercantum dalam buku sijil.
  • Nakhoda adalah salah seorang dari Awak Kapal yang menjadi pemimpin tertinggi di kapal dan mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung jawab tertentu sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.
  • Anak Buah Kapal adalah Awak Kapal selain Nakhoda.
  • Kenavigasian adalah segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan Sarana Bantu Navigasi-Pelayaran, Telekomunikasi-Pelayaran, hidrografi dan meteorologi, alur dan perlintasan, pengerukan dan reklamasi, pemanduan, penanganan kerangka kapal, salvage dan pekerjaan bawah air untuk kepentingan keselamatan pelayaran kapal.
  • Navigasi adalah proses mengarahkan gerak kapal dari satu titik ke titik yang lain dengan aman dan lancar serta untuk menghindari bahaya dan/atau rintangan-pelayaran.
  • Alur-Pelayaran adalah perairan yang dari segi kedalaman, lebar, dan bebas hambatan pelayaran lainnya dianggap aman dan selamat untuk dilayari.
  • Sarana Bantu Navigasi-Pelayaran adalah peralatan atau sistem yang berada di luar kapal yang didesain dan dioperasikan untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan efisiensi bernavigasi kapal dan/atau lalu lintas kapal.
  • Telekomunikasi-Pelayaran adalah telekomunikasi khusus untuk keperluan dinas pelayaran yang merupakan setiap pemancaran, pengiriman atau penerimaan tiap jenis tanda, gambar, suara dan informasi dalam bentuk apa pun melalui sistem kawat, optik, radio, atau sistem elektromagnetik lainnya dalam dinas bergerak-pelayaran yang merupakan bagian dari keselamatan pelayaran.
  • Pemanduan adalah kegiatan pandu dalam membantu, memberikan saran, dan informasi kepada Nakhoda tentang keadaan perairan setempat yang penting agar navigasi-pelayaran dapat dilaksanakan dengan selamat, tertib, dan lancar demi keselamatan kapal dan lingkungan.
  • Perairan Wajib Pandu adalah wilayah perairan yang karena kondisi perairannya mewajibkan dilakukan pemanduan kepada kapal yang melayarinya.
  • Pandu adalah pelaut yang mempunyai keahlian di bidang nautika yang telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk melaksanakan pemanduan kapal.
  • Pekerjaan Bawah Air adalah pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan instalasi, konstruksi, atau kapal yang dilakukan di bawah air dan/atau pekerjaan di bawah air yang bersifat khusus, yaitu penggunaan peralatan bawah air yang dioperasikan dari permukaan air.

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28 January 2009

[yim327] Art of Welding WPS - Vause

Art of Welding
This book sets out the basic techniques for oxyacetylene welding, brazing, flame cutting and electric arc welding with mild steel, cast iron, stainless steel, copper, brass etc. in sheet, plate or cast form

Title: Art of Welding (Workshop Practice Series) (Paperback)
by W. A. Vause (Author)
Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Special Interest Model Books (25 Jun 1986)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0852428464
ISBN-13: 978-0852428467


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[yim326] Advanced Welding Processes - Norrish

Welding has traditionally been regarded as a craft rather than a technological manufacturing process. This reputation has not been helped by the dependence of conventional joining techniques on highly skilled manual operators and the relatively high cost and poor reproduceability associated with many welding processes. Developments in welding technology have in the past been based largely on metallurgical research, which has enabled a wide range of materials to be joined, adequate joint properties to be maintained and the integrity of welded joints to be con- trolled. Whilst further work is still required in the materials research area, in particular to enable advanced materials to be joined effectively, much of the recent effort has been devoted to improved understanding of the basic processes, consumable and equipment development and control and automation.

This book outlines the common production welding processes, discusses developments in
consumables and processes and covers in some detail the developments in electronic power regulation, computer control, automation and process monitoring. It attempts to draw together the latest work in each area and indicates how the advances in welding technology may be used to produce cost-effective joints of appropriate quality.

1 An Introduction to Welding Processes
Introduction - Conventional welding processes - Summary
2 Advanced Process Development Trends
Introduction - Safety and environmental factors - Skill and training requirements - Areas for development - Process application trends - Summary
3 Welding Power Source Technology
Introduction - Basic power source requirements - Conventional power source designs - electronic power regulation systems - Output level, sequence and function control - Practical implications of electronic power regulation and control - Summary
4 Filler Materials for Arc Welding
Introduction - MMA consumables - Submerged arc welding consumables - Filler wires for GMAW and FCAW - Summary
5 Gases for Advanced Welding Processes
Introduction - Shielding gases for arc welding processes - Gases for laser welding - Summary
6 Advanced GTAW
Introduction - Process developments - Process variants - Control of GTAW and related processes - Summary
7 Gas Metal Arc Welding
Introduction - Metal transfer in GMAW - The physics of metal transfer - Summary: metal transfer phenomena - Control of conventional GMAW - Summary: process control - Recent
developments in the GMAW process - Summary
8 High Energy Density Processes
Introduction - Plasma keyhole welding - Laser welding - Electron beam welding - Summary 206
9 Narrow-gap Welding Techniques
Introduction - Principles and features of narrow-gap welding Narrow-gap welding processes - Summary and implications - Monitoring and Control of Welding Processes - Introduction - Manual control techniques - Monitoring - Automatic control techniques - Summary and implications
10. Welding Automation and Robotics
Introduction - Automation options - Simple mechanization - Dedicated and special-purpose automation - Robotic welding - Modular automation Programmable control - Remote-control slave and automatic systems - Advances in welding automation - Evaluation and justification of automated welding] - Summary

# Advanced Welding Processes (New Manufacturing Processes and Materials Series)
# Author: J. Norrish
# Hardcover: 375 pages
# Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing; 1 edition (July 2, 1992)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0852743254
# ISBN-13: 978-0852743256


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23 January 2009

[yim324] Welding Metallurgy - Sindo Kou

* Updated to include new technological advancements in welding
* Uses illustrations and diagrams to explain metallurgical phenomena
* Features exercises and examples

Content :
1 Fusion Welding Processes.
2 Heat Flow in Welding.
3 Chemical Reactions in Welding.
4 Fluid Flow and Metal Evaporation in Welding.
5 Residual Stresses, Distortion, and Fatigue.
6 Basic Solidification Concepts.
7 Weld Metal Solidification I: Grain Structure.
8 Weld Metal Solidification II: Microstructure within Grains.
9 Post-Solidification Phase Transformations.
10 Weld Metal Chemical Inhomogeneities.
11 Weld Metal Solidification Cracking.
12 Formation of the Partially Melted Zone.
13 Difficulties Associated with the Partially Melted Zone.
14 Work-Hardened Materials.
15 Precipitation-Hardening Materials I: Aluminum Alloys.
16 Precipitation-Hardening Materials II: Nickel-Base Alloys.
17 Transformation-Hardening Materials: Carbon and Alloy Steels.
18 Corrosion-Resistant Materials: Stainless Steels

# Title : Welding Metallurgy
# Author : Sindo Kou
# Hardcover: 480 pages
# Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 2 edition (November 1, 2002)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0471434914
# ISBN-13: 978-0471434917

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KKNH - Pada Sebuah Kapal

Nasrudin berlayar dengan kapal besar. Cuaca cerah menyegarkan, tetapi Nasrudin selalu mengingatkan orang akan bahaya cuaca buruk. Orang-orang tak mengindahkannya. Tapi kemudian cuaca benar-benar menjadi buruk, badai besar menghadang, dan kapal terombang ambing nyaris tenggelam. Para penumpang mulai berlutut, berdoa, dan berteriak-teriak minta tolong. Mereka berdoa dan berjanji untuk berbuat sebanyak mungkin kebajikan jika mereka selamat.

"Teman-teman!" teriak Nasrudin. "Jangan boros dengan janji-janji indah! Aku melihat daratan!"

Kisah Kisah Nasruddin Hoja
kisah lengkap ada d sini

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SSPC - Surface Preparation Standards and Specifications

SSPC Surface Preparation Standards and Specifications:

# SSPC-SP COM, Surface Preparation Commentary for Steel and Concrete Substrates
# SSPC-SP 1, Solvent Cleaning
# SSPC-SP 2, Hand Tool Cleaning
# SSPC-SP 3, Power Tool Cleaning
# SSPC-SP 5/NACE No. 1, White Metal Blast Cleaning
# SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, Commercial Blast Cleaning
# SSPC-SP 7/NACE No. 4, Brush-Off Blast Cleaning
# SSPC-SP 10/NACE No. 2, Near-White Blast Cleaning
# SSPC-SP 11, Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal
# SSPC-SP 12/NACE No. 5, Surface Preparation and Cleaning of Metals by Waterjetting Prior to Recoating
# SSPC-SP 13/NACE No. 6, Surface Preparation of Concrete
# SSPC-SP 14/NACE No. 8, Industrial Blast Cleaning
# SSPC-SP 15, Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning

# SP-1 Solvent Cleaning
# SP-2 Hand Tool Cleaning
# SP-3 Power Tool Cleaning
# SP-5 White Metal Blast Cleaning
# SP-6 Commercial Blast Cleaning
# SP-7 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning
# SP-10 Near-White Blast Cleaning
# SSPC-SP 14/NACE No. 8, Industrial Blast Cleaning

remaining...just wait here

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22 January 2009

[yim025] Certification Manual for Welding Inspector - 1994

It's already superseeded by latest version AWS CM CERTIFICATION MANUAL FOR WELDING INSPECTORS (AWS CM:2000)

An excellent reference and introduction for those studying for the CWI examination. An updated version of the best-seller used by thousands of CWI candidates since 1977. in this 3rd. ed., there has been an attempt to update the technical information. Only in the terminology used for describing various weld characteristics will note not changes. Important changes include the additional of more illustratin and photograph, the questions for each chapters. The chapter rearranged and combine much like the AWS Course Welding Inspection Technology.

Content :
1. The Welding Inspector
2. Welding Inspector Responsibilities
3. Code, Standards and Specifications
4. Weld Joint Geometry and Welding Terminology
5. Welding Symbols
6. Weldability, Welding Chemistry and Welding Metallurgy
7. Destructive TEsting
8. Welding PRocedure and Welder Qualification
9. Welding, Brazing and Cutting PRocesses
10. Weld and Base Metal Discontinuities
11. Nondestructive Examination Processes
12. Inspection Reports
Appendix A - Additional Resources & References
Appendix B - Sample Forms
Appendix C - Answer KEy


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nge- DjVU yuks

DjVu (pronounced "déjà vu") merupakan teknologi kompresi image/poto yang dikembangkan oleh sejak 1996 di AT&T Labs. DjVU mampu mengkompres dokumen 5-10 kali lebih baik dibanding metode yang ada, dengan kualitas yang sebanding. Sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai media penyimpanan data hasil scan, foto digital, dokument digital dan tidak memerlukan ruang h-d yang besar.
Paper "Studi banding penggunaan format DjVu dan format JPG untuk penyimpanan dokumen dalam bentuk elektronik" membuktikan keunggulan DjVu.

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gampang khan

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20 January 2009

[yme3370] Shipbuilding Technology and Education -1996

Some problem that will examined:
# the current state of research and technology application in the U.S. shipbuilding industry;
# current and proposed programs that invest in ship design and production-related research;
# the current state of U.S. education in naval architecture and marine engineering.

Improved technology is critical if the United States is to regain a place in world commercial shipbuilding markets. For the industry to be profitable, it is necessary—although not sufficient—for U.S. shipbuilders to be at least on a par technically with competing international yards. However, U.S. shipbuilders now lag behind in the four major technology categories the committee examined:

# business-process technologies—the principal ''up-front" management processes and other management activities, notably technologies for preliminary design, bidding, estimating, and sourcing, that are linked to the marketing capabilities of shipbuilders;
# system technologies—the engineering systems, such as process engineering and computer-aided design and manufacturing, that support shipyard operations;
# shipyard production processes technology—the methods used in fabricating, assembling, erecting, and outfitting vessels; and
# new materials and product technologies—the innovations, including new designs and new components, that meet particular market needs.

Relative to these four categories of technology as they are commercially applied, U.S. builders are somewhat behind in shipyard production technologies, are further behind in system technologies, and are quite far behind in business-process and new product and new materials technologies.

# Title : Shipbuilding Technology and Education
# Author : by National Research Council (Corporate Author), Committee on National Needs in Maritime Technology (Corporate Author)
# Paperback: 148 pages
# Publisher: National Academy Press (March 1996)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 030905382X
# ISBN-13: 978-0309053822

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[yim323] Welding of Aluminium and Its Alloys - Mathers

The Welding of Aluminium and its Alloys is a practical user's guide to all aspects of welding aluminium and aluminium alloys. It provides a basic understanding of the metallurgical principles involved showing how alloys achieve their strength and how the process of welding can affect these properties. The book is intended to provide engineers with perhaps little prior understanding of metallurgy and only a brief acquaintance with the welding processes involved with a concise and effective reference to the subject.

It is intended as a practical guide for the Welding Engineer and covers weldability of aluminium alloys; process descriptions, advantages, limitations, proposed weld parameters, health and safety issues; preparation for welding, quality assurance and quality control issues along with problem solving.


Introduction to the welding of aluminium
- Introduction - Characteristics of aluminium - Product forms - Welding: a few definitions

Welding metallurgy
- Introduction - Strengthening mechanisms - Structure of metals - Aluminium weldability problems - Oxide film removal during welding - Hot cracking - Strength loss during welding

Material standards, designations and alloys
- Designation criteria - Alloying elements - CEN designation system - Specific alloy metallurgy - Filler metal selection

Preparation for welding
- Introduction - Storage and handling - Plasma-arc cutting - Laser beam cutting - Water jet cutting - Mechanical cutting - Cleaning and degreasing

Welding design
- Introduction - Access for welding - Welding Speed - Welding position - Edge preparation and joint design - Distortion - Rectification of distortion - Fatigue strength of welded joints

TIG Welding
- Introduction - Process principles - Mechanised/automatic welding - TIG spot and plug welding

MIG Welding
- Introduction - Process principles - Welding consumables - Welding procedures and techniques - Mechanised and robotic welding - Mechanised electro-gas welding - MIG spot welding

Other welding processes
- Introduction - Plasma-arc welding - Laser welding - Electron beam welding - Friction welding

Resistance welding processes
- Introduction - Power sources - Surface condition and preparation - Spot welding - Seam welding - Flash butt welding

Welding procedure and welder approval
- Introduction - Welding procedures - Welder approval

Weld defects and quality control
- Introduction - Defects in arc welding - Non-destructive testing methods

- A, British and ISO standards related to welding and aluminium
- B, Physical, mechanical and chemical properties at 20 degrees
- C, Principal alloy designations: cast products
- D, Alloy designations: wrought products

# Title : Welding of Aluminium and Its Alloys
# Author : Gene Mathers (Editor)
# Hardcover: 236 pages
# Publisher: CRC; 1 edition (October 16, 2002)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0849315514
# ISBN-13: 978-0849315510

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19 January 2009

[yme0676] Practical Ship Production-Carmichael (1919)

This is a digital copy of a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by Google as part of a project

to make the world's books discoverable online. Shipbuilding has very old engineering history. Book digitized by Google from the library of the University of California and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.This book could be one of evidence for engineering achievement on shipbuilding technology in that era.

The purpose of this book is to present in convenient form the most important general principles of ship design, with which every naval architect should be familiar, and to describe the various processes in connection with the building of ships. Its nature is intended to be practical rather than theoretical, it being assumed that the principal problem with which the reader is concerned is the quick production of seagoing vessels from plans already in existence rather than the preparation of new plans.


Introductory - Buoyancy - Stability - Propulsion - Steering - Strength - Endurance - Utility

General Description of Ships - Form - General arrangement - Types - Tonnage - Materials used in construction

Transverse and longitudinal framing - Stem, stem post, rudder, etc - Shell plating and inner bottom - Decks - Bulkheads - Miscellaneous

Conditions to be fulfilled - Choice of principal elements - Construction of lines and distribution of weights - Principal plans - Final calculations - Detail plans and specifications

Site for Shipyard - Building slip and launching ways - Yard layout, shops, storehouses, etc -
Shipyard machine tools, etc - Personnel of a shipyard - Management

Ordering material - MoldS, templates, patterns, etc - Fabrication of material

Erection - Bolting-up, drilling and reaming - Riveting - Chipping, calking and testing - Protection against corrosion - Welding - Launching - Fitting out -


# Title : Practical Ship Production (1919)
# Author: Andrew Williams Carmichael
# Publisher: McGraw-Hill
# Year: 1919
# Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT
# Language: English
# Book contributor: University of California

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[yme2071] Text-book of theorectical naval architecture -Atwood (1917)

This book is one of classic book regarding of Naval Architecture studies. The material was described here become an fondation for further research. Many of subject still use untill today.

THIS book has been prepared in order to provide students and draughtsmen engaged in Shipbuilders' and Naval Architects drawing offices with a text-book which should explain the calculations which continually have to be performed. It is intended, also, that the work, and more especially its later portions, shall serve as a text-book for the theoretical portion of the examinations of the Science and Art Department in Naval Architecture. It has not been found possible to include all the subjects given in the Honours portion of the syllabus, such as advanced stability work, the rolling of ships, the vibration of ships, etc. These subjects will be found fully treated in one or other of the books given in the list on page 488.

A special feature of the book is the large number of examples given in the text and at the ends of the chapters. By means of these examples, the student is able to test his grasp of the principles and processes given in the text. It is hoped that these examples, many of which have been taken from actual drawing office calculations, will form a valuable feature of the book.


  1. Areas, Volumes, Weights, Displacement, Etc. . .
  2. Moments, Centre Of Gravity, Centre Of Buoyancy, Displacement Table, Planimeter, Etc
  3. Conditions Of Equilibrium, Transverse Metacentre, Moment Of Inertia, Transverse BM, Inclining Experiment, Metacentric Height, Etc. ...
  4. Longitudinal Metacentre, Longitudinal BM, Change Of Trim
  5. Statical Stability, Curves Of Stability, Calculations For Curves Of Stability, Integrator, Dynamical Stability
  6. Calculations Of Weights Strength Of Butt Connections, Davits, Pillars, Derricks, Shaft Brackets
  7. Strains Experienced By Ships Curves Of Loads, Shearing Force, And Bending Moment Equiva- Lent Girder, "Smith" Correction, Trochoidal Wave
  8. Horse-Power, Effective And Indicated Resistance Of Ships Coefficients Of Speed Law Of Comparison Propulsion
  9. The Rolling Of Ships
  10. The Turning Of Ships Strength Of Rudder Heads
  11. Launching Calculations
A. Sundry Proofs, Tchebycheff'S And Brown'S Displacement Sheet, Etc., And Miscellaneous Examples . .
B. Tables Of Logarithms
Table of Sines, Tangents And Cosines
Squares And Cubes
C. Syllabus Of Naval Architecture Examinations
D. Questions At Naval Architecture Examinations

Answers To Questions

# Title : Text-book of Theorectical Naval Architecture (1917)
# Author: Attwood, Edward Lewis, 1871-
# Unknown Binding: 494 pages
# Publisher: Longmans, Green, and co; Revised & enlarged edition (1917)
# Language: English
# ASIN: B0008ALO70
1917 edition
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Natural Gas Terminology

NGL (Natural Gas Liquids).
Heavier gaseous hydrocarbons: ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), normal butane (n-C4H10), isobutane (i-C4H10), pentanes and even higher molecular weight hydrocarbons. When processed and purified into finished by-products

LNG (Liquefied natural gas)
LNG is natural gas (primarily methane, CH4) that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or transport. Liquefied natural gas takes up about 1/600th the volume of natural gas at a stove burner tip. It is odorless, colorless, non-toxic and non-corrosive. Hazards include flammability, freezing and asphyxia.
The liquefication process involves removal of certain components, such as dust, helium, water, and heavy hydrocarbons, which could cause difficulty downstream. The natural gas is then condensed into a liquid at close to atmospheric pressure (Maximum Transport Pressure set around 25 kPa (3.6 psi)) by cooling it to approximately −163 °C (−260 °F). The reduction in volume makes it much more cost-efficient to transport over long distances where pipelines do not exist. Where moving natural gas by pipelines is not possible or economical, it can be transported by specially designed cryogenic sea vessels (LNG carriers) or cryogenic road tankers.
The energy density of LNG is 60% lower than that of diesel fuel.[1]

LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas)
LPG also called GPL, LP Gas, or autogas) is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles, and increasingly replacing chlorofluorocarbons as an aerosol propellant and a refrigerant to reduce damage to the ozone layer.
Varieties of LPG bought and sold include mixes that are primarily propane, mixes that are primarily butane, and the more common, mixes including both propane (60%) and butane (40%), depending on the season—in winter more propane, in summer more butane. Propylene and butylenes are usually also present in small concentration. A powerful odorant, ethanethiol, is added so that leaks can be detected easily. The international standard is EN 589.
At normal temperatures and pressures, LPG will evaporate. Because of this, LPG is supplied in pressurised steel bottles. In order to allow for thermal expansion of the contained liquid, these bottles are not filled completely; typically, they are filled to between 80% and 85% of their capacity. The ratio between the volumes of the vaporised gas and the liquefied gas varies depending on composition, pressure and temperature, but is typically around 250:1. The pressure at which LPG becomes liquid, called its vapour pressure, likewise varies depending on composition and temperature; for example, it is approximately 220 kilopascals (2.2 bar) for pure butane at 20 °C (68 °F), and approximately 2.2 megapascals (22 bar) for pure propane at 55 °C (131 °F). LPG is heavier than air, and thus will flow along floors and tend to settle in low spots, such as basements. This can cause ignition or suffocation hazards if not dealt with.
LPG is the lowest carbon emitting hydrocarbon fuel available in rural areas, emitting 19 percent less CO2 per kWh than oil, 30 percent less than coal and more than 50 percent less than coal- generated electricity distributed via the grid.
LPG has a typical specific calorific value of 46.1MJ/kg compared to 42.5MJ/kg for diesel and 43.5MJ/kg for premium grade petrol (gasoline).[1] However, its energy density per unit volume is lower than either petrol or diesel.

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[yim322] Soldering, Brazing and Welding - Pritchard

Soldering, Brazing & Welding is an ideal manual for anyone requiring comprehensive advice and instruction in these common forms of metalwork. Their applications are now increasingly widespread in the craft of metalwork, as well as more traditionally in light industry.

Topics covered include: procedure for making a soldering joint; selecting consumables and heat source for silver soldering; typical braze welding techniques and applications; oxy-acetylene equipment, setting up and fusion welding and finally, MIG, TIG and manual metal arc welding.

1. What is welding
2. Non-Fusion Joining MEthods
3. Oxy-Acetylene Welding
4. Manual MEtal Arc Welding
5. MIG Welding
6. TIG Welding
7. Welding Other Metals
8. Distortion Control
9. Quality in Welding

# Title : Soldering, Brazing and Welding
# Author : Derek Pritchard
# Paperback: 160 pages
# Publisher: Crowood Press (February 1, 2001)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1861263910
# ISBN-13: 978-1861263919


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Upcoming Album (2009)

Dream Theater entered the studio on October 7th, 2008, to begin work on their 10th album. As explained by Mike Portnoy on his forum, "Imagine a DT album with "A Change of Seasons", "Octavarium", "Learning to Live", "Pull Me Under" and "The Glass Prison"....all on one album..."[22]

On November 27th, 2008, Portnoy finished recording drum tracks for the new album.[23] James LaBrie will begin tracking vocals on January 19th, 2009.[24] Audio and video updates are available through the Jordan Rudess website.[25]

sumber : wikipedia

and...the new journey will begin....

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[yim321] - Added Masses of Ship Structures - Korotkin

Knowledge of added body masses that interact with fluid is necessary in various research and applied tasks of hydro- and aeromechanics: steady and unsteady motion of rigid bodies, total vibration of bodies in fluid, local vibration of the external plating of different structures. This reference book contains data on added masses of ships and various ship and marine engineering structures. Also theoretical and experimental methods for determining added masses of these objects are described. A major part of the material is presented in the format of final formulas and plots which are ready for practical use.

The book summarises all key material that was published in both in Russian and English-language literature.
This volume is intended for technical specialists of shipbuilding and related industries.


1 General Discussion of Body Motion in an Ideal Infinite Fluid
1.1 Formulation of the Problem
1.2 Kinetic Energy of the Fluid
1.3 Transformation of Added Masses under a Change of Coordinate System
1.4 Force and Torque Influencing a Body Moving in an Ideal Incompressible Fluid
1.5 Ellipsoids of Added Masses and Ellipsoids of Added Moments of Inertia

2 The Added Masses of Planar Contours Moving in an Ideal Unlimited Fluid
2.1 Sedov’s Technique
2.2 The Added Masses of Simple Contours
2.3 Added Masses of Lattices
2.4 Added Masses of a Duplicated Shipframe Contour Moving in Unlimited Fluid
2.5 Added Masses of an Inclined Shipframe
2.6 Added Masses of Catamarans and Twin Rudders

3 Added Masses of Three-Dimensional Bodies in Infinite Fluid
3.1 Added Masses of an Ellipsoid Moving in an Infinite Fluid
3.2 Oblate Spheroid, Elongated Ellipsoid of Revolution, Sphere, Disc and Elliptic Plates
3.3 Added Masses of Thin Finite-Span Airfoils
3.4 Added Masses of Thin Circular Cylindrical Airfoils
3.5 Approximate Methods to Determine Added Masses of 3D Bodies

4 Added Masses of Interacting Bodies
4.1 Added Masses of Interacting Bodies Moving in a Fluid
4.2 Added Masses of Bodies Moving Close to a Solid Boundary
4.3 Added Masses of Bodies Moving in an Enclosed Space Filled with a Fluid

5 Added Masses of Bodies Moving Close to a Free Surface
5.1 Boundary Conditions on a Free Surface
5.2 Added Masses of Vertical Cylindrical Obstacles
5.3 Added Masses of Shipframes when a Ship is Oscillating on a Free Surface
5.4 Added Masses of Inclined Ship Frames Rolling on a Free Surface
5.5 Added Masses of a Shipframe in Case of Hull Vibration on an Undisturbed Free Surface
5.6 Influence of a Free Surface on Added Masses of Submerged Cylinders and Ellipsoids
5.7 Added Masses of Simplest Bodies Floating on a Water Surface
5.8 Influence of the Separation of the Flow on a Body Surface on Added Masses
5.9 Effect of Fluid Compressibility on Added Masses of a Floating Plate at an Impact
5.10 Added Masses of Elliptic Contour under its Lift from a Water Surface
5.11 Added Masses of Inland Ships
5.12 Added Masses of Barges Consists
5.13 Added Masses of Rafts
5.14 Influence of Density Stratification of Fluid on Added Masses

6 Added Masses under Elastic Oscillations of Structures and Their Components
6.1 General Discussion
6.2 Methods of Finding Added Masses under Structure Oscillations
6.3 Added Masses of Multi-span Plates
6.4 Plate Immersed in a Compressible Fluid in the Presence of a Solid Boundary
6.5 Added Masses of Ship Hull Grillages and Fields
6.6 Added Masses of Cantilever Plates
6.7 Added Masses of Shells
6.8 Effect of a Solid Boundary on Added Masses of Shells
6.9 Added Masses at Complex Structure Motion
6.10 Added Masses of Plates with Cut-outs

7 Elastic One-Dimensional Oscillations of an Elongated Body in Fluid: Reduction Coefficients
7.1 General Discussion
7.2 Added Masses of Shipframes under Vibration
7.3 Reduction Coefficients of Simplest Elongated Bodies Vibrating in Transverse Direction
7.4 Influence of Shallow Water on Added Masses of a Hull under Vertical Vibrations

8 Added Masses of a Propeller
8.1 Forces and Torques of Inertial Nature Acting on a Propeller
8.2 Added Masses of Propeller Blades
8.3 Added Masses of a Propeller under Transversal Oscillations of Shafting
8.4 Added Masses of a Propeller in a Shroud
8.5 Influence of a Boundary on Added Masses of a Propeller

9 Methods for Experimental Determination of Added Masses
9.1 Method of Small Oscillations
9.2 Small Oscillations for Determining Added Masses of Bodies Floating on Water Surface
9.3 Experimental Method of Determining Added Mass of a Ship at Acceleration and Deceleration
9.4 Experimental Determination of Added Masses of Vibrating Models
9.5 Determination of Added Mass Coefficients by Methods of Electromagnetic Modeling
9.6 On Numerical Methods of Computation of Added Masses


# Title : Added Masses of Ship Structures (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications) (Hardcover)
# Author : Alexandr I. Korotkin (Author)
# Hardcover: 404 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 18, 2008)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1402094310
# ISBN-13: 978-1402094316


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[yim089] Corrosion Prevention and Protection: Practical Solutions - Ghali et.al

Corrosion Prevention and Protection: Practical Solutions presents a functional approach to the various forms of corrosion, such as uniform corrosion, pitting corrosion, crevice corrosion, galvanic corrosion, stress corrosion, hydrogen-induced damage, sulphide stress cracking, erosion-corrosion, and corrosion fatigue in various industrial environments.

This text is relevant to researchers and practitioners, engineers and chemists, working in corrosion in industry,government laboratories and academia. It is also suitable as a course text for engineering students as well as libraries related to chemical and chemical engineering institutes and research departments.




1 Introduction and Principles of Corrosion.
1.1 Impact of Corrosion.1.2 Preliminary Aspects of Thermodynamics and Kinetics.1.3 Nature of Corrosion Reactions.1.4 Oxidation and High-temperature Corrosion.1.4.1 Oxidation of Alloys.1.5 Corrosion Prevention.1.6 Design Factors.1.7 Life Prediction Analysis of Materials.1.8 Corrosion Protection.

2 Corrosion Testing, Detection, Monitoring and Failure Analysis.
2.1 Corrosion Testing.2.2 Corrosion Detection and Monitoring.2.3 Failure Analysis.

3 Regulations, Specifications and Safety.
3.1 Regulations and Specifications.3.2 Safety Considerations.

4 Materials: Metals, Alloys, Steels and Plastics.
4.1 Cast Irons.4.2 Carbon and Low-alloy Steels.4.3 Stainless Steels.4.4 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys.4.5 Copper and Copper Alloys.4.6 Nickel and its Alloys.4.7 Titanium and its Alloys.4.8 Cobalt Alloys.4.9 Lead and Lead Alloys.4.10 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys.4.11 Zinc and Zinc Alloys.4.12 Zirconium and its Alloys.4.13 Tin and Tin Plate.4.15 Polymeric Materials.

5 Corrosion Economics and Corrosion Management.
5.1 Corrosion Economics.5.2 Corrosion Management.5.3 Computer Applications.


6 The Forms of Corrosion.
6.1 Corrosion Reactions.6.2 Corrosion Media.6.3 Active and Active–Passive Corrosion Behavior.6.4 Forms of Corrosion.6.5 Types and Modes of Corrosion.6.6 The Morphology of Corroded Materials.6.7 Published Corrosion Data.

7 Practical Solutions.
7.1 Cathodic Protection of Water Mains.7.2 Internal Corrosion of Aluminum Compressed Air Cylinders.7.3 Some Common Failure Modes in Aircraft Structures.7.4 Premature Failure of Tie Rods of a Suspension Bridge.7.5 Corrosion and Lead Leaching of Domestic Hot and Cold Water Loops in a Building.7.6 Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete.7.7 Corrosion of Aluminum Components in the Glass Curtain Wall of a Building.7.8 Corrosion in a Water Cooling System.7.9 Pitting Corrosion of 90/10 Cupronickel Chiller Tubes.7.10 Weld Metal Overlay: a Cost-effective Solution to High-temperature Corrosion and Wear Problems.7.11 Equipment Cracking Failure Case Studies.7.12 Failure of a Conveyor Drive Shaft.7.13 Failure Analysis of Copper Pipe in a Sprinkler System.7.14 Failure of Rock Bolts.7.15 Failure Analysis of 316L Stainless Steel Tubing of a High-pressure Still Condenser.7.16 Failure of a Landing Gear Steel Pin.7.17 Hydrogen-induced Cracking.7.18 Micromechanisms of Liquid and Solid Metal-induced Embrittlement.7.19 Nitrate SCC of Carbon Steel in the Heat Recovery Steam Generators of a Co-generation Plant.7.20 Performance of Stainless Steel Rebar in Concrete.7.21 Corrosion of an Oil Storage Tank.7.22 Corrosion of a Carbon Steel Tank in a Phosphatizing Process.7.23 Underground Corrosion of Water Pipes in Cities.7.24 Corrosion in Drilling and Well Stimulation.


# Title : Corrosion Prevention and Protection: Practical Solutions
# Author : Edward Ghali, Vedula S. Sastri, M. Elboujdaini
# Hardcover: 574 pages
# Publisher: Wiley (March 9, 2007)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 047002402X
# ISBN-13: 978-0470024027

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[yim320] Welding Robots: Technology, System Issues and Application - Pires

From car manufacturing to the production of niche products, welding is now one of the most widespread and successful applications of industrial robotics.
Welding Robotics: Technology, System Issues and Application is a detailed overview of robotic welding at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The last few years-worth of evolution in robotic welding are described, illustrating their rapid innovations and featuring: Welding Technology; Sensors and Sensing Techniques; Industrial robotic welding systems; and Actual industrial application of modern-day robotic welding techniques.


1.Introduction and Overview
Introduction - Why Robotic Welding and a CAD Programming Interface? - Historical Perspective - Welding - Robotics - Why to Automate Welding? - Example of an SME Based Industrial Robotic System - Are Robots Adapted to Robotic Welding? - Objectives and Outline of the Book

2.Welding Technology
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) - Introduction - Welding Equipment - Power Sources - Welding Torch - Non-consumable Electrodes - Arc Striking Techniques - Shielding Gas Regulator - Process Parameters - Current - Welding Speed - Arc Length - Shielding Gases - Filler Metals - Electrode Vertex Angle - Cast-to-cast Variation - Process Variants - Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) - Introduction - Welding Equipment - Power Source - Electrode Feed Unit - Welding Torch - Process Parameters - Current - Voltage - Welding Speed - Electrode Extension - Shielding Gas - Electrode Diameter - Process Variants - Laser Beam Welding (LBW) - Introduction - Welding Equipment - Solid-state Lasers - Gas Lasers - Process Parameters - Beam Power and Beam Diameter - Focus Characterization - Travel Speed - Plasma Formation - Welding Gases - Absorptivity - Process Variants - Resistance Spot Welding (RSW) - Introduction - Welding Equipment - Power Sources - Electrodes - Process Parameters - Welding Current and Time - Welding Force - Process Variants - Friction Stir Welding (FSW) - Introduction - Welding Equipment - Process Parameters - Process Variants - Health and Safety

3. Sensors for Welding Robots
Introduction - Sensors for Technological Parameters - Arc Voltage - Welding Current - Hall Effect Sensor - Current Shunt - Wire Feed Speed - Sensors for Geometrical Parameters - Optical Sensors - Through-arc Sensing - Monitoring - Pulsed GMAW - Synergic Control - Short-circuit GMAW - Spray GMAW - Fault Detection Using Monitoring - Design of a Monitoring System for Quality Control - Monitoring System Development – An Example - Short-circuiting GMAW - Spray GMAW - Discussion

4.Robotic Welding: System Issues
Introduction - Modeling the Welding Process - Definition and Detection of the Process Parameters - Control of the Welding Process - Knowledge Base - Sensors and Interfaces - Programmable and Flexible Control Facility - Application to Robot Manipulators - Using RPC – Remote Procedure Calls - Using TCP/IP Sockets - Simple Welding Example - Semi-autonomous Manufacturing Systems - Chapter Final Notes

5.Robotic Welding: Application Examples
Introduction - A Robotic Welding System - Overview of the system - CAD Interface - Weld Panel - Weld Adjust - File Explorer - Robot Control Panel and RPC Server to Receive Events - Test Cases - Test Case 1 – Multi-layer Welding - Test Case 2 – Multiple Welding Paths - Discussion - IO and Memory Remote Access - Software Components - CAD Interface - Parameterization Approach - Code Generation Approach - Low-level Interfaces for Sensors

6. What’s Next?

# Title : Welding Robots: Technology, System Issues and Application
# Author : J. Norberto Pires (Author), Altino Loureiro (Author), Gunnar Bolmsjö (Author)
# Hardcover: 180 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 14, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1852339535
# ISBN-13: 978-1852339531
# Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.2 x 0.6 inches


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