19 January 2009

[yim321] - Added Masses of Ship Structures - Korotkin

Knowledge of added body masses that interact with fluid is necessary in various research and applied tasks of hydro- and aeromechanics: steady and unsteady motion of rigid bodies, total vibration of bodies in fluid, local vibration of the external plating of different structures. This reference book contains data on added masses of ships and various ship and marine engineering structures. Also theoretical and experimental methods for determining added masses of these objects are described. A major part of the material is presented in the format of final formulas and plots which are ready for practical use.

The book summarises all key material that was published in both in Russian and English-language literature.
This volume is intended for technical specialists of shipbuilding and related industries.


1 General Discussion of Body Motion in an Ideal Infinite Fluid
1.1 Formulation of the Problem
1.2 Kinetic Energy of the Fluid
1.3 Transformation of Added Masses under a Change of Coordinate System
1.4 Force and Torque Influencing a Body Moving in an Ideal Incompressible Fluid
1.5 Ellipsoids of Added Masses and Ellipsoids of Added Moments of Inertia

2 The Added Masses of Planar Contours Moving in an Ideal Unlimited Fluid
2.1 Sedov’s Technique
2.2 The Added Masses of Simple Contours
2.3 Added Masses of Lattices
2.4 Added Masses of a Duplicated Shipframe Contour Moving in Unlimited Fluid
2.5 Added Masses of an Inclined Shipframe
2.6 Added Masses of Catamarans and Twin Rudders

3 Added Masses of Three-Dimensional Bodies in Infinite Fluid
3.1 Added Masses of an Ellipsoid Moving in an Infinite Fluid
3.2 Oblate Spheroid, Elongated Ellipsoid of Revolution, Sphere, Disc and Elliptic Plates
3.3 Added Masses of Thin Finite-Span Airfoils
3.4 Added Masses of Thin Circular Cylindrical Airfoils
3.5 Approximate Methods to Determine Added Masses of 3D Bodies

4 Added Masses of Interacting Bodies
4.1 Added Masses of Interacting Bodies Moving in a Fluid
4.2 Added Masses of Bodies Moving Close to a Solid Boundary
4.3 Added Masses of Bodies Moving in an Enclosed Space Filled with a Fluid

5 Added Masses of Bodies Moving Close to a Free Surface
5.1 Boundary Conditions on a Free Surface
5.2 Added Masses of Vertical Cylindrical Obstacles
5.3 Added Masses of Shipframes when a Ship is Oscillating on a Free Surface
5.4 Added Masses of Inclined Ship Frames Rolling on a Free Surface
5.5 Added Masses of a Shipframe in Case of Hull Vibration on an Undisturbed Free Surface
5.6 Influence of a Free Surface on Added Masses of Submerged Cylinders and Ellipsoids
5.7 Added Masses of Simplest Bodies Floating on a Water Surface
5.8 Influence of the Separation of the Flow on a Body Surface on Added Masses
5.9 Effect of Fluid Compressibility on Added Masses of a Floating Plate at an Impact
5.10 Added Masses of Elliptic Contour under its Lift from a Water Surface
5.11 Added Masses of Inland Ships
5.12 Added Masses of Barges Consists
5.13 Added Masses of Rafts
5.14 Influence of Density Stratification of Fluid on Added Masses

6 Added Masses under Elastic Oscillations of Structures and Their Components
6.1 General Discussion
6.2 Methods of Finding Added Masses under Structure Oscillations
6.3 Added Masses of Multi-span Plates
6.4 Plate Immersed in a Compressible Fluid in the Presence of a Solid Boundary
6.5 Added Masses of Ship Hull Grillages and Fields
6.6 Added Masses of Cantilever Plates
6.7 Added Masses of Shells
6.8 Effect of a Solid Boundary on Added Masses of Shells
6.9 Added Masses at Complex Structure Motion
6.10 Added Masses of Plates with Cut-outs

7 Elastic One-Dimensional Oscillations of an Elongated Body in Fluid: Reduction Coefficients
7.1 General Discussion
7.2 Added Masses of Shipframes under Vibration
7.3 Reduction Coefficients of Simplest Elongated Bodies Vibrating in Transverse Direction
7.4 Influence of Shallow Water on Added Masses of a Hull under Vertical Vibrations

8 Added Masses of a Propeller
8.1 Forces and Torques of Inertial Nature Acting on a Propeller
8.2 Added Masses of Propeller Blades
8.3 Added Masses of a Propeller under Transversal Oscillations of Shafting
8.4 Added Masses of a Propeller in a Shroud
8.5 Influence of a Boundary on Added Masses of a Propeller

9 Methods for Experimental Determination of Added Masses
9.1 Method of Small Oscillations
9.2 Small Oscillations for Determining Added Masses of Bodies Floating on Water Surface
9.3 Experimental Method of Determining Added Mass of a Ship at Acceleration and Deceleration
9.4 Experimental Determination of Added Masses of Vibrating Models
9.5 Determination of Added Mass Coefficients by Methods of Electromagnetic Modeling
9.6 On Numerical Methods of Computation of Added Masses


# Title : Added Masses of Ship Structures (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications) (Hardcover)
# Author : Alexandr I. Korotkin (Author)
# Hardcover: 404 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 18, 2008)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1402094310
# ISBN-13: 978-1402094316


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