22 March 2009

[yim100] Boat Building - Howard (1973)

I'm not sure it's really existed

# Title : Boat Building
# Auhor : Howard Irving Chapelle
# Hardcover: 1 pages
# Publisher: W W Norton & Co Ltd (January 31, 1980)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0393031136
# ISBN-13: 978-0393031133

not yet available

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PEO’s ( Professional Engineers Ontario) TECHNICAL EXAMINATION PROGRAMS
Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) regulates the practice of professional engineering and governs those individuals and organizations that PEO licenses in order "that the public interest may be served and protected".

Below is NAVAL ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING TEXT LIST, that will helpfull to pass technical examination programs in concern subject :

98-Nav-A1 - Fundamentals of Naval Architecture
Prime Text:

  • Edward V. Lewis ed., Principles of Naval Architecture. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Chapters 1, 2, 3, Volume 1, 1988. [yim002]
Supplementary Texts:
  • Barnaby, Kenneth C., Basic Naval Architecture, 2nd edition. Hutchinson's Scientific and Technical Publications, 1954.
  • Van Lammeren, W.P.A. ed., Buoyancy and Stability of Ships. The Technical Publications H. Stam, 1969.
  • Attwood, Edward L. et al., Theoretical Naval Architecture. Longmans, Green and Co., 1953. [yme2071]...ed.1917
  • de Heere, R.F. Scheltema, Buoyancy and Stability of Ships. Technical Publications H. Stam, 1969.

98-Nav-A2 - Hydrodynamics of Ships (I): Resistance and Propulsion
  • Edward V. Lewis ed., Principles of Naval Architecture. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Chapters 5, 6, Volume II, 1988.

98-Nav-A3 - Hydrodynamics of Ships (II): Ship Motion
Prime Texts:
  • Saunders, Harold E. ed., Hydrodynamics in Ship Design. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Volumes I and II,
  • 1957, Volume III, 1965.
  • Vossers, G., Behaviour of Ships on Waves. The Technical Publishing Company H. Stam, 1962.
Supplementary Text:
  • Edward V. Lewis, ed., Principles of Naval Architecture. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Chapter 8, Volume III, 1989. [yim003]

98-Nav-A4 - Ship Structure and Strength of Ships
  • Taggart ed., Ship Design and Construction. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1980. [yim010]
  • Edward V. Lewis. ed., Principles of Naval Architecture. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Ch 4, Vol I, 1988. [yim002]

98-Nav-A5 - Ship Design
Prime Text:
  • Taggart ed., Ship Design and Construction. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1980. [yim010]
Supplementary Texts:
  • Schokker, J.C., Arkenbout et al., The Design of Merchant Ships. The Technical Publishing Company H. Stam., 1959.
  • Saunders, Harold E. ed., Hydrodynamics in Ship Design. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Volume I, 1957.

98-Nav-A6 - Advanced Strength of Materials (98-Mec-A4)
  • Ansel Ugural & Saul Fenster, Advanced Strength & Applied Elasticity, Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs New Jersey 07632, 1995
  • R.G. Budynas, Advanced Strength & Applied Stress Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1998, 2nd edition

98Nav-B1 - Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer (98-Mec A1)
  • F.P. Incropera & David “. DeWitt, Introduction to Heat Transfer, latest edition, John Wiley & Sons
  • Y. Cengel & M. Boles Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, 2nd editiion, McGraw Hill

98-Nav-B2 - Marine Engineering (98-Mar-A7)
Prime Text:
  • Harrington, Roy L. (ed.), Marine Engineering. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1971.
Supplementary Text:
  • Sullivan, James A., Fluid Power Theory and Applications, 3rd edition. Prentice Hall, Inc., 1989. ISBN 0-13-323080-5.
  • Henke, Russell W., Introduction to Fluid Power Circuits and Systems. Addison-Wesley, 1970, LCC Card No. 0-13-323080-5.
  • Labbarton, J.M. (ed.), Marine Engineers' Handbook. McGraw-Hill, 1945.
  • I.R. Cameron, Nuclear Fission Reactors. Plenum Press, 1982. ISBN 0-306-41073-7.
  • J.R. Lamarsh, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, 2nd edition. Addison-Wesley, 1983. ISBN 0-201-142007.

98-Nav-B3 - Small Commercial Ships
Prime Text:
  • Taggart ed., Ship Design and Construction. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1980. [yim010]
Supplementary Texts:
  • Schokker, J.C., Arkenbout et al., The Design of Merchant Ships. The Technical Publishing Company H. Stam., 1959.
  • Saunders, Harold E. ed., Hydrodynamics in Ship Design. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Volume I, 1957.

98-Nav-B4 - Advanced Structural Analysis
  • Timoshenko, S. and Young, D.H., Theory of Structures, 2nd edition. McGrawHill, 1965.

98-Nav-B5 - Ship Production and Shipyard Management
Prime Texts:
  • Buffa , Modern Production Operations Management, 6th edition. Wiley, 1980.
  • Juran and Gryna , Quality Planning and Analysis, 2nd edition. Wiley & Sons, 1980.
  • Taggart ed., Ship Design and Construction. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Chapter 15, 1980. [yim010]
Supplementary Texts:
  • Chase and Aquilano, Production and Operations Management: A Life Cycle Approach, 3rd edition. Erwin, 1981.
  • Halpern, The Assurance Sciences: An Introduction to Quality Control and Reliability. Prentice-Hall, 1978.
  • Kennedy and Nelville, Basic Statistical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd edition. Harper and Row, 1979.
  • Duncan, Quality Control and Industrial Statistics, 4th edition. Erwin, 1974.
  • Sule, D.R. (Dileep R.), Manufacturing Facilities. PWS-KENT Publishing Co., 1988. ISBN 0-534-91971-5.
  • Riggs, James L., Production Systems, 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1988.

98-Nav-B6 - Design and Manufacture of Machine Elements (98-Mec-A5)
  • Kalpakjian, Manufacturing Engineering & Technology, 34d edition, Addison Wesley ISBN# 1-201-53846-6
  • Shigley & Mischke, Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill, 5th edition (Metric/English edition) 1993
98-Mec-A6, Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • R.J. Smith & R.C. Dorf, Circuits, Devices & Systems, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1992

98-Nav-B7 - Environmental Control in Ships (98-Mar-B2)
Prime Texts:
  • McQuiston and Parker, Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning Analysis and Design. Wiley & Sons, 1982.
  • Irwin and Graf, Industrial Noise and Vibration Control. Prentice-Hall, 1979.
Supplementary Texts:
  • Jennings, Environmental Engineering. International Text Book Co., 1970.
  • Carrier and Trane Systems Manuals. (ASHRAE Handbooks).
  • ASHRAE: Environmental Control Principles: an Educational Supplement to ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals Volume

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20 March 2009

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19 March 2009

STRATEGIC and PLANNING 2009 - Perkapalan ITS

Rapat Strategic and Planning Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan dilaksanakan di Hotel SOMERSET Surabaya selama 2 Hari, 7 dan 8 Pebruari 2009.

Tiga agenda dalam Strategic and Planning 2009 :

1. Pembahasan, Penyusunan dan Pengesahan Kurikulum Baru 2009 oleh Tim Kurikulum Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan
2. Program Hibah Kompetisi Institusi Tema C (PHK-I Tema C)
3. Badan Layanan Umum (BLU).

Rapat tersebut dihadiri oleh 15 Dosen Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan.

1. Ir. Triwilaswandio W.P., MSc.
2. Aries Sulisetyono, ST., MASc., Ph.D
3. Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Sjarief Widjaja
4. Ir. Asjhar Imron, MSc., MSE., PED
5. Dr. Ir. P. Eko Panunggal
6. Prof. Dr. Ir. I. Ketut Aria Pria Utama, MSc.
7. Dr. Ir. Tri Achmadi
8. Dr. Ir. Wasis Dwi Aryawan, MSc.
9. Ir. Murdijanto, MEng.
10. Ir. P. Adrianto Dewanda, MASc.
11. Firmanto Hadi, ST., MSc.
12. I.G.N. Sumanta Buana, ST., MEng.
13. Dr.Ing. Setyo Nugroho
14. Dony Setyawan, ST., MEng.
15. Ahmad Nasirudin, ST., MEng.

Yang Menghasilkan kebijakan-kebijakan penting tahun 2009 - 2011.

Kurikulum Baru 2009, PHK-I Tema C 2009 dan Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan.

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Korkut - Catatan Kuliah Propulsi Kapal pada Fakultas NAOE di ITU, Turki

This is Prof. Emin Korkut's Lecture Notes of Propulsion Part as part for -GEM341E-Ship Hydrodynamics-
Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Istanbul Technical University
34469 Maslak-Istanbul

Lecture Notes

1. Propulsion Systems
2. Propeller Geometry
Propeller Drawing ppt pdf
3. Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Propellers
4. Basic Outlines of Propeller Design
5. Propeller Theories
6. Cavitation
7. Propeller Design
Wageningen propeller design example
8. Propeller Tests
Self propulsion test example

Download link are below:

1. Propulsion Systems
2. Propeller Geometry
Propeller Drawing ppt pdf
3. Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Propellers
4. Basic Outlines of Propeller Design
5. Propeller Theories
6. Cavitation
7. Propeller Design
Wageningen propeller design example
8. Propeller Tests
Self propulsion test example

sumber asli : Emin Korkut's Page

untuk Series Waginingen Propeler yang lengkap dapat dilihat di sini :
[4S/yim231] KT-KQ Diagram Wageningen B-Series Propeller

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17 March 2009

takedown url [498 ebook]

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[yim042] Tugas Manusia Dalam Dunia Milik Tuhan - Brownlee

Telah banyak orang Kristen, baik sebagai perorangan maupun sebagai gereja melibatkan diri dan bekerja dalam masalah sosial politik yang ada di dalam masyarakatnya, bahkan dunia. Namun apakah dasar theologisnya; bagaimanakah seharusnya orang Kristen memandang dunia, yang adalah milik Allah, dan masalah masalah ada di dalamnya; dan masalah apa yang sedang dihadapi oleh gereja gereja Kristen di Indonesia masa kini?
Dengan sederhana namun mendalam penulis menjawab pertanyaan pertanyaan di atas sesuai dengan kesaksian Alkitab; bagaimana hal itu dijawab di dalam sejarah; juga contoh contoh masalah yang dihadapi oleh gereja gereja Kristen di Indonesia masa kini dan tugasnya seperti masalah kemiskinan, pembangunan, perubahan perubahan nilai dalam masyarakat termasuk masalah lingkungan hidup serta implikasi sosial politiknya. Pada akhir uraiannya penulis melampirkan ringkasan dan penerapan dari Christ and Culture, oleh H. Richard Niebuhr.


# Title : Tugas manusia dalam dunia milik Tuhan : dasar theologis bagi pekerjaan orang kristen dalam masyarakat
# Auhor : Brownlee, Malcolm
# Publisher : BPK Gunung Mulia (1989)
# Paperback : 207 Pages
# Languange : Indonesia
ISBN-10: 9794151823

sumber : BPK Gunung Mulia

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[yim041] Reparasi Kapal - Broto Sasongko

Lecture Note
Broto Sasongko, “Reparasi Kapal,” Diktat Kuliah FT Kelautan ITS, 1979.

it's rare book..

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[yim040] Calculus -Boyce et.al.

This book gives a clear presentation of calculus with applications to engineering and the sciences. Emphasis is placed on the methods and applications of the calculus with some coverage of relevant theory, including functions, limits, continuity, differentiation, integrations in higher dimensions, and line and surface integrals. Particular attention is paid to those aspects of calculus that are important in developing effective problem solving methods - often involving estimating errors or constructing numerical approximations. The material is well-organized and comprehensive and features many applications. This book provides more thorough treatment of some major topics than most texts, such as: comparison tests for improper integrals; use of power series representations for functions; and the relation between linear approximations and differentiation. Other topics covered include elementary transcendental functions, infinite series, Taylor's approximation, polar coordinates, and vectors and three dimensional geometry.

Various Edition

# Title : Calculus
# Auhor : William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima, R.C. DePrima
# Publisher : John Wiley and Sons (WIE); International edition edition (April 27, 1988)
# Paperback : 1148 Pages
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0471633631
# ISBN-13: 978-0471633631

# Title : Students Solution Manual for Calculus
# Auhor : William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
# Paperback: 410 pages
# Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc (September 1988)
# ISBN-10: 0471854506
# ISBN-13: 978-0471854500

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16 March 2009

(1965) Benford - Fundamentals of ship design economics : lecture notes

My object in preparing these notes is to introduce students of naval architecture and marine engineering to engineering economy as a tool in ship design. The emphasis is on the principles of engineering economy. Methods of making practical application of these principles to commercial ship design are dealt with as well, but no effort is made to provide factual cost data. You will find such information available in industry, and years of experience may bring you the facility of
making reliable projections into the future.
There is no intent here to teach business administration. Overlapping areas exist, however, and I shall try to indicate which decisions are clearly management's prerogative, which may belong either to management or engineering, and which belong to engineering alone.
Problems in communication frequently arise in matters of the sort dealt with here. Businessmen, engineers, and economists all may use different words for the same thought or the same word for different thoughts. I make no claim that my particular definitions are better than anyone else's. But I do aim to be clear and consistent, and hope you will concentrate on the thoughts, not the semantics, herein.

Engineering economy.Naval architecture -- Economic aspects.Shipbuilding -- Costs.

Table of Content


# Title : Fundamentals of ship design economics : lecture notes
# Auhor : Martin Bates
# Paperback: 64 pages
# Publisher: THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN (January, 1965)
# Other Identifiers: UMR0300

Source : DeepBlueUMich

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[yim035] Technology of Ship Repairing - Benkovsky

Technology of Ship Repairing [IMPORT] (Hardcover)
by D. Benkovsky (Author), T. Swiatecki (Translator)

Various Edition

# Author: D. BENKOVSKY
# Binding: Hardcover
# Pages:

# Title: Technology of Ship Repairing
# Author: D. Benkovsky
# Binding: Hardcover
# Publisher: Central Books Ltd
# Pages: 573
# Date: 1967-01
# ASIN: 0714700428

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[yim034] Economic Theory and Operations Analysis - Baumol

Economic Theory and Operations Analysis (Prentice-Hall International Series in Management) (Hardcover)
by William J. Baumol (Author)

Various Edition

# Title : Economic Theory and Operations Analysis
# Auhor : William J. Baumol
# Hardcover: 695 pages
# Publisher: Prentice Hall College Div; 4 edition (February 1977)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 013227132X
# ISBN-13: 978-0132271325

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[yim033] Nucleus: English for Science and Technology: General Science - Bates

Nucleus: English for Science and Technology: General Science
by Martin & Dudley-Evans, Tony Bates (Author) .

Various Edition

# Title : Nucleus: English for Science and Technology: General Science
# Auhor : Martin & Dudley-Evans, Tony Bates
# Publisher : Prentice Hall; 5 edition (September 8, 2003)
# Paperback
# Publisher: Longman Group Ltd. (1978)
# ASIN: B000K9C2ZC

# Title : Nucleus: English for Science and Technology: General Science
# Auhor : Martin Bates
# Paperback: 64 pages
# Publisher: Longman (July 19, 1976)
# ISBN-10: 0582552621
# ISBN-13: 978-0582552623

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[yim032] Structural Design of Sea-Going Ships - Barabanov

Barabanov, N.
Structural Design of Sea-Going Ships.

Moscow:: Peace Publishers,, 1960. 463pp, 359 figure illustrations in text, index, tan cloth boards, black letters on spine. Translated from the Russian by Oleg Sapunov

Various Edition

# Title: Structural Design of Sea-Going Ships
# Author: N Barabanov
# Binding: Hardcover
# Publisher: Peace Publishers, Moscow
# Pages:
# Date: 1960-01-01

# Title: Structural Design of Sea-going Ships
# Author: N. Barabanov
# Binding: Hardcover
# Publisher: Central Books Ltd
# Pages: 462
# Date: 1966-06
# ASIN: 071470041X

# Title: Structural design of sea-going ships
# Author: N. V Barabanov
# Binding: Unknown Binding
# Publisher: Peace Publishers
# Pages: 463
# Date: 1966

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(2008) Zakaria - Prediction of Added Resistance of Ships by 3-D Green Function Method and its Comparision with Semi-3-D and 2-D Approaches

N M G Zakaria, Prediction of Added Resistance of Ships by 3-D Green Function Method and its Comparision with Semi-3-D and 2-D Approaches, IE(I) Journal – MR Vol 88, January 2008

Prediction of Added Resistance of Ships by 3-D Green Function Method and its Comparision with Semi-3-D and 2-D Approaches
N M G Zakaria [Department of Navel Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, , Dhaka]

This paper was received on June 22, 2007. Written discussion on the paper will be entertained till March 31, 2008

Prediction of added resistance plays an important role in many applications in sea-keeping. It has been observed that among the existing methods of calculating added resistance, 2-D strip theory based classical methods are very popular. Although prediction given by these classical methods are reasonable at least from their practical point of view from conventional medium to high speed ship, but some of their inherent limitations fail to provide reasonable results for blunt ship forms which are usually slow speed ships. Conceiving the fact that there are huge financial activities involved for these particular blunt type of ships, for example, bulk carriers, tankers etc in the transportation sector of world economy, their accurate prediction of sea-keeping parameters deserves special attention for an economically optimum design. This paper presents numerical results of added resistance for some fine to blunt type ships using 3-D Green Function method. Before solving motion equations, hydrodynamic forces for surface ship advancing in waves at constant speed have been calculated and the method is then used to calculate total potential and its derivatives in order to achieve the final goal of predicting the added resistance of ships in waves using 3-D near field approach. The application of this approach in sea-keeping problems of some real hull form ships has been described and comparison with experimental and numerical results, given by other 2-D and semi 3-D approaches, demonstrate that 3-D approach is valid in predicting added resistance of ship in waves and also provides better results in many cases particularly for blunt shaped slow speed vessel.

2-D strip theory; 3-D Green Function; Hull boundary; Heave and pitch response

Source :The Institution of Engineers (India)

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(2008) R Sharma, O P Sha - Shipping Demand Forecasting for the Development of an Integrated Container Shipping Model for Indian Ports

R Sharma, O P Sha, Shipping Demand Forecasting for the Development of an Integrated Container Shipping Model for Indian Ports, IE(I) Journal – MR Vol 88, January 2008

Shipping Demand Forecasting for the Development of an Integrated Container Shipping Model for Indian Ports
R Sharma, O P Sha [Department of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture, Indian Institute of Technology, , Kharagpur]

This paper was received on August 03, 2007. Written discussion on the paper will be entertained till March 31, 2008.

India is a maritime country, and in its overall economic development, shipping is a crucial activity. In recent times containerization of cargo has increased, and now in an integrated and globalized world sea transportable goods in our country are required to be transported in containers. In this paper, a demand forecasting model is presented in the overall context for the development of an integrated container shipping model for Indian ports. The present paper discusses a demand forecasting model in which a combined methodology based on neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms is used to predict an important parameter from shipping at some future point of time. Finally, a case study that is motivated by real world applications and data is presented to validate the forecasting model.

emand forecasting; Fuzzy logic driven decision modeller; Genetic algorithm driven fuzzy modeller design; Neural network modelling; Probabilistic modelling

Source :The Institution of Engineers (India)

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(2007) Cmde Retd N Kumar, S R Suresh - Trends in the Design Manufacture of Transportation Barges for Inland Water Ways

Cmde Retd N Kumar, S R Suresh, Trends in the Design Manufacture of Transportation Barges for Inland Water Ways, IE(I) Journal – MR Vol 88, July 2007

Trends in the Design Manufacture of Transportation Barges for Inland Water Ways
Cmde Retd N Kumar, S R Suresh [Hindustan Shipyard Ltd, Visakhapatnam]

This paper was presented and discussed at the Twentieth National Convention of Marine Engineers held at Visakhapatnam during February 24-25, 2007.

For a healthy and responsive transportation system, safety, security, conservation of energy and environmental quality are mandatory. This paper has discussed about the most efficient use of transport resources to attain substantial economic benefits without negative environmental impacts. A comparative study of the different modes of transport has been discussed which points towards Inland Water Transportation through Barges, as an efficient mode. The commonly used Barges have been elaborated with pictures for easy understanding and appreciation. The newly improved design of Barge results improved maneuverability, attainment of better speed, serving less accessible canals and rivers, carrying more pay-load by increasing Barge strength, reduction of construction costs by adopting innovative design, new materials and construction methods. This is termed as Inter-Barge concept, where Barge hulls are built faster and easier with less material and simple production. Moreover, FRP and weathering steel are suggested as new material of construction for their improved mechanical properties. Hence, the paper concludes that (i) use of Barges for transportation in Inland Waterways would be the invariable choice from the point of view of cargo capacities capable of being handled, relative energy efficiency and safety and (ii) adoption of new technology into their design and manufacture would lead to better cost effectiveness.

Barge; FRP; Inter-Barge Concept; Hulls; Screw propelles Ro Ro technology

Source :The Institution of Engineers (India)

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(2007) Bandyopadhyay - IWT — a Challenging Industry in India

D Bandyopadhyay, IWT — a Challenging Industry in India, IE(I) Journal – MR Vol 88, July 2007

IWT — a Challenging Industry in India
D Bandyopadhyay [MERI, Kolkata]

This paper was presented and discussed at the Twentieth National Convention of Marine Engineers held at Visakhapatnam during February 24-25, 2007.


The most efficient and cheaper mode of water transport for bulk commodities is Inland Water Transport (IWT), India has a lot of navigational waterways, but most of them are suffering from so many navigable hazards. In the Ninth Five-year Plan, major emphasis laid down upon IWT. Thrust laid down upon
proper infrastructure find, waterways modernization etc. Inland Waterways Authority of India was set up in the year 1986 for regulation and development of Inland Waterways in the country. The IWT is now governed by so many factors like legal framework, government support, fiscal concessions, foreign
investments regulatory framework etc. The paper is concluded with mentioning different constraints for developing IWT infrastructure and a number of recommendations.

IWT; Ninth Five-year Plan; IWAI; IV Act 1917; Bids

Source :The Institution of Engineers (India)

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(2007) Rao - Institutional Support — a Key Element for Sustainable Development of Dredging Industry in India

Dr V K M Rao, Institutional Support — a Key Element for Sustainable Development of Dredging Industry in India, IE(I) Journal – MR Vol 88, July 2007

Institutional Support — a Key Element for Sustainable Development of Dredging Industry in India
Dr V K M Rao [National Ship Design and Research Centre, Visakhapatnam]

This paper was presented and discussed at the Twentieth National Convention of Marine Engineers held at Visakhapatnam during February 24-25, 2007.

Maritime infrastructure linkages, namely, technical, financial and economic with rest of the economy have important policy implications. Inadequate port and shipping capacities for transportation requirements in the country results lack of foregone economic and commercial opportunities. The addition of adequate capacity is an immediate prerequisite to promote economic development in developing countries and India is no exception. The recent liberalized policies in the country provide tremendous opportunities for maritime sector to flourish. The paper highlights the need for the policy and management guidelines issued for institutional support for sustainable development of maritime infrastructure which inter-alia includes dredging sector. These guidelines should regulate different segments to develop in a harmonized environment by improvements in operational/ performance, quality and reliability of services required. Further, the focus should aim at increasing the value addition to the economy besides increase in capacity without huge additional investments. An integrated maritime development approach is possible only when synchronizing development measures on the physical infrastructure, operational superstructure and policy guidelines can be occurred simultaneously.

VLCC; Civil aviation; Major ports; Minor ports; Maritime management

Source :The Institution of Engineers (India)

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15 March 2009

[yim031] Business Logistics Management: Planning and Control - Ballou

A comprehensive discussion of the planning, organizing, and controlling of such activities as transportation, inventory maintenance, order processing, purchasing, warehousing, materials handling, packaging, customer service standards, and product scheduling.
Presents the subject of business logistics, focusing on planning, organizing, & controlling of these activities with a special emphasis on strategic planning & decision making as the most important part of the management process. CD-ROM included. DLC: Business logistics.
For undergraduate, MBA, and other courses in Business Logistics, Physical Distribution, Operations Management, Materials Management, and Supply Chain Management, in departments of business and engineering. This comprehensive discussion-covering the planning, organizing, and controlling of such activities as transportation, inventory maintenance, facility location, order processing, purchasing, warehousing, materials handling, packaging, customer service standards, and product scheduling-is specifically designed to help students solve actual challenges that they will encounter in today's marketplace. It provides the basic decision making tools and concepts used for finding cost reduction and strategic opportunities. Logware software on CD-ROM is included.

Various Edition

# Title : Business Logistics/Supply Chain Management and Logware CD Package (5th Edition)
# Auhor : Ronald H. Ballou
# Publisher : Prentice Hall; 5 edition (September 8, 2003)
# Hardcover: 816 pages
# ISBN-10: 0131076590
# ISBN-13: 978-01310765948

# Title : Business Logistics Management (4th Edition)
# Auhor : Ronald H. Ballou
# Publisher : Prentice Hall; 5 edition (September 8, 2003)
# Hardcover: 696 pages
# ISBN-10: 0137956592
# ISBN-13: 978-0137956593

# Title : Business Logistics Management: Planning and Control (Prentice-Hall International Series in Management)
# Auhor : Ronald H. Ballo
# Publisher : Prentice Hall; 4th edition (August 13, 1998)
# Hardcover: 688 pages
# ISBN-10: 0131048295
# ISBN-13: 978-0131048294

# Title : VBusiness Logistics Management: Planning and Control. 2nd ed.
# Auhor : Ronald H. Ballo
# Publisher: Prentice Hall College Div (1985)

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[yim030] Bahasa Indonesia -TPMKBI-ITS

Bahasa Indonesia, pengarang : Tim Pengajar Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia ITS

not yet Available

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[yim029] Kehadiran agama Hindu di Indonesia dan perannya dalam pembangunan nasional - Bagus (1993)

Kehadiran agama Hindu di Indonesia dan perannya dalam pembangunan nasional
by Ngurah Bagus, I Gusti

Type: Book; Indonesian
Publisher: Yogyakarta : diperb. oleh Sekretariat Panitia [Peringatan 100 Tahun Parlemen Agama-agama Sedunia dan Kongres Nasional I Agama-Agama di Indonesia], 1993.
OCLC: 69402446

# Document Type: Book
# Notes: Paper di sampaikan dlm. Peringatan 100 Tahun Parlemen Agama-agama Sedunia dan Kongres Nasional Agama-Agama di Indonesia I, Yogyakarta, 11-12 Oktober 1993.
# Description: 16 bl. ; 30 cm.
# Responsibility: oleh I Gusti Ngurah Bagus.

not yet Available

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14 March 2009

Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering provides a forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original research results in the field of Naval Architecture, Marine, Offshore & Ocean Engineering and related subjects. The journal invites submissions of papers with reference to the originality and quality of the research and practical experiences demonstrated. Papers are invited in areas related to the following topics:

* Ship Design and Economics
* Ship Production and Repair
* Ship Hydrodynamics and Structure
* Ship Maneuvering and Control
* Ship Resistance and Power
* Propellers, Rudders, Hydrofoil and Shafting
* Ship Hull Vibration
* Ship Building Materials
* Marine Engines and Fuels
* Intact and Damaged Stability
* Offshore and Ocean Engineering
* Safety and Environmental Applications
* Welding Technology
* Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
* Solid and Fracture Mechanics
* Design Optimization
* Experimental Methods and Applications
* Numerical Modeling and Simulation
Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering :

(June, 2008, Vol.5 No.1)

(December, 2007, Vol.4 No.2)

(June, 2007, Vol.4 No.1)

(December, 2006, Vol.3 No.2)

(June, 2006, Vol.3 No.1)

(December, 2005, Vol.2 No.2)

(June, 2005, Vol.2 No.1)

(December, 2004, Vol.1 No.1)

To get FULL TEXT, please follow their freewebiste

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13 March 2009

[MI/yim020] ASM Metals Handbook: Desk Edition

ASM Metals Handbook: Desk Edition
Metals Handbook Desk Edition Second Edition

Publisher: ASM International
Number Of Pages: 2571
Publication Date: 1998
ISBN / ASIN: 0871706547
EAN: 9780871706546
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: ASM International
Studio: ASM International

The "best" of the ASM Handbook in a single volume.

http://ifile.it/2sz1rqm (newlink)
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NORSOK STANDARD M (Material) Series

This NORSOK standard provides general principles, engineering guidance and requirements for materials selection and corrosion protection for hydrocarbon production and processing facilities and supporting systems for fixed offshore installations. This NORSOK standard also applies for onshore terminals, except for structural and civil works.

This NORSOK standard gives guidance and requirements for: corrosion and materials selection evaluations, specific materials selection where appropriate, corrosion protection, design limitations for specific materials, qualification requirements for new materials or new applications.

M-001 Materials selection (Rev. 4, August 2004)
M-101 Structural steel fabrication (Rev. 4, Dec. 2000)
M-102 Structural aluminium fabrication (Rev. 1, Sept. 1997)
M-120 Material data sheets for structural steel (Edition 5, November 2008)
M-121 Aluminium structural material (Rev. 1, Sept. 1997)
M-122 Cast structural steel (Rev. 1, June 2003)
M-123 Forged structural steel (Rev. 1, June 2003)
Surface preparation and protective coating (Rev. 5, June 2004)
M-503 Cathodic protection (Edition 3, May 2007)
M-506 CO2 corrosion rate calculation model (Rev. 2, June 2005)
M-601 Welding and inspection of piping (Edition 5, April 2008)
M-622 Fabrication and installation of GRP piping systems (Rev 1 April 2005)
M-630 Material data sheets for piping (Rev. 4, January 2004)
Qualification of manufacturers of special materials (Rev. 3, April 2004)
M-710 Qualification of non-metallic sealing materials and ..., (Rev. 2, Oct. 2001)

source: standard.no

M-Material AIO download (rar 7.9mb)

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12 March 2009

17 Civil Engineering Books-Lecture Notes e-Book Collection [HAKAN]

Massive collection of Civil Engineering Books-Lecture Notes
17 ebook
Just ctr+F and find what you need.


1. conjugate
2. Dynamicofstructures Chopra
3. EOZER 2
4. Erkan oezer-BA Ta 351 305 maguecue formuelleri
5. Finite Element method
6. Formulas for Stress Strain and Structural Matrices
7. Iterative Methods for Solving
8. Lecture Summary
9. LOS
10. Numerical Analysis
11. Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets 2nd Edition Steven T. Karris
12. OES
13. Reinforced concrete analysis and design
14. stab exercises
15. Stability Niazy
16. Theory of Elasticity
17. tunnel entire

Downlink :

1. http://rapidshare.com/files/101788591/conjugate.pdf
2. http://rapidshare.com/files/104490151/Dynamicofstructures_Chopra.rar
3. http://rapidshare.com/files/147502819/EOZER_2.rar
4. http://rapidshare.com/files/147500488/Erkan_oezer-BA_Ta__351___305_maguecue_formuelleri.pdf
5. http://rapidshare.com/files/101259078/Finite_Element_method.rar
6. http://rapidshare.com/files/99063741/Formulas_for_Stress__Strain__and_Structural_Matrices.rar
7. http://rapidshare.com/files/101862578/Iterative_Methods_for_Solving.pdf
8. http://rapidshare.com/files/101790660/Lecture_Summary.ppt
9. http://rapidshare.com/files/101036420/LOS.rar
10. http://rapidshare.com/files/104492384/Numerical_Analysis.rar
11. http://rapidshare.com/files/105177967/Numerical_Analysis_Using_MATLAB_and_Spreadsheets_2nd_Edition__Steven_T._Karris.rar
12. http://rapidshare.com/files/99160559/TOES.rar
13. http://rapidshare.com/files/102185708/Reinforced_concrete_analysis_and_design.pdf
14. http://rapidshare.com/files/102589836/stab_exercises.pdf
15. http://rapidshare.com/files/102096586/Stability_Niazy.rar
16. http://rapidshare.com/files/102186040/Theory_of_Elasticity.pdf
17. http://rapidshare.com/files/102910288/tunnel_entire.pdf

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[yim024] Lecture Notes on Ship Propulsion and Performance - Atlar (2000)

Atlar, M., “Lecture Notes on Ship Propulsion and Performance”, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2000.

who is Atlar?
Name: Mehmet Atlar (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., C.Eng, MRINA, and MSNAME)
Date of Birth: 12 September 1955

University of Newcastle
Dept. of Marine Technology
Armstrong Building
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU

# Title: Lecture Notes on Ship Propulsion and Performance
# Author: Mehmet Atlar
# Language: English
# Publisher: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 2000.

not yet available

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[yim023] 2004 Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 3, Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures

ASTM Standards series ASTM International is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world-a trusted source for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. Known for their high technical quality and market relevancy, ASTM International standards have an important role in the information infrastructure that guides design, manufacturing and trade in the global economy.

Volume List Section 03 - Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures

Volume 03.01 Metals - Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests; Metallography
Volume 03.02 Wear and Erosion; Metal Corrosion
Volume 03.03 Nondestructive Testing
Volume 03.04 Magnetic Properties
Volume 03.05 Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials
Volume 03.06 Molecular Spectroscopy; Surface Analysis

# Title : Volume 03.01 Metals-Mechanical Testing, Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests, Metallography
# Publisher: ASTM Intl (July 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803137028
# ISBN-13: 978-0803137028

# Title : Volume 03.02 Wear and Erosion, Metal Corrosion
# Publisher: ASTM Intl (August 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803137036
# ISBN-13: 978-0803137035

# Title : Volume 03.03 Nondestructive Testing
# Publisher: Astm Intl (May 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803137044
# ISBN-13: 978-0803137042

# Title : Volume 03.04 Magnetic Properties
# Publisher: Astm Intl (May 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803137052
# ISBN-13: 978-0803137059

# Title : Volume 03.05 Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials
# Publisher: ASTM Intl (October 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803137060
# ISBN-13: 978-0803137066

# Title : Volume 03.06 Molecular Spectroscopy, Surface Analysis
# Publisher: ASTM Intl (October 7, 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803137079
# ISBN-13: 978-0803137073

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[yim022] 2004 Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 2, Nonferrous metal products.

ASTM Standards series ASTM International is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world-a trusted source for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. Known for their high technical quality and market relevancy, ASTM International standards have an important role in the information infrastructure that guides design, manufacturing and trade in the global economy.

Volume List Section 02 - Nonferrous Metal Products

Volume 02.01 Copper and Copper Alloys
Volume 02.02 Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys
Volume 02.03 Electrical Conductors
Volume 02.04 Nonferrous Metals--Nickel, Cobalt, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Cadmium, Precious, Reactive, Refractory Metals and Alloys; Materials for Thermostats,
Electrical Heating and Resistance Contacts, and Connectors
Volume 02.05 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings; Metal Powders, Sintered P/M Structural Parts

# Title : Volume 02.01 Copper and Copper Alloys
# Publisher: ASTM Intl (May 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803136854
# ISBN-13: 978-0803136960

# Title : Volume 02.02 Aluminum And Magnesium Alloys
# Publisher: ASTM Intl (September 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803136978
# ISBN-13: 978-0803136977

# Title : Volume 02.03 Electrical Conductors
# Publisher: Astm Intl (May 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803136986
# ISBN-13: 978-0803136984

# Title : Volume 02.04 Nonferrous Metals--Nickel, Cobalt, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Cadmium, Precious, Reactive, Refractory Metals and Alloys; Materials for Thermostats, Electrical Heating and Resistance Contacts, and Connectors
# Publisher: ASTM Intl (June 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803136994
# ISBN-13: 978-0803136991

# Title : Volume 02.05 Metallic and Inorganic Coatings; Metal Powders, Sintered P/M Structural Parts
# Publisher: ASTM Intl (May 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0803137001
# ISBN-13: 978-0803137004

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(2005) Oosterhuis - Model-scale podded propellers for maritime research

G. Oosterhuis, Model-scale podded propellers for maritime research, Doctoral degree 12-10-2006; Department of Applied Physics

Model-scale podded propellers for maritime research
Gerrit Oosterhuis [doctoral thesis, Eindhoven : Technische Universiteit Eindhoven], H.C.W. Beijerinck, Tom J.C. van Terwisga [Promotor], J. Tukker [co-promotor]

This project was financially supported by the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN), Wageningen, NL and the Stan Ackermans Institute of the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, NL.

Podded propellers constitute a major new development in ship design, especially for cruise liners but also increasingly for freight ships. A podded propeller (pod) consists of an electric motor which directly drives the propeller. This motor unit is located inside a gondola that is hanging from a strut. This strut has a rotating connection to the ship. Advantages with respect to conventional propulsion are an increase in fuel efficiency (up to 10%), better manoeuvrability and low vibrations. However, recent service breakdowns have slowed down the market. The availability of highly accurate model-scale measurements may help to discover the causes of failure in these 23 MW devices.
The Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) provides the maritime industry with performance predictions and design consultancy. Part of this is based on model-scale tests performed in large water basins, so-called ‘towing tanks’. The ability to perform highly accurate model-scale experiments with pods is a major challenge for MARIN. As yet, all model-scale experiments with pods have been performed with electric motors external to the pod, using bevel gears to drive the propeller axis. This set-up limits the geometric modelling flexibility. Also, it introduces vibrations, which make it difficult to measure dynamic loads which are essential for analysing manoeuvring tests. Further, the sixcomponent load balance that measures the propulsive force of the pod-unit does not deliver the <1% accuracy that is required. The goal of the project was to solve the existing technology problems and to design a new pod model. With this new pod model, new testing opportunities will be created. A successful new design will generate a new impulse to pod research as well as new market opportunities for MARIN.
The key to reaching this goal is to design a pod model with the powering motor housed inside the gondola. Hydrodynamic scaling laws in combination with flexibility requirements demand a very high power density from the drive motor; up to 1:6MW=m3, which is about 2-3 times larger than the full scale power density. This makes the search for and the design of the
drive motor a challenging task.Of the available choices – a hydraulic or an electric motor – a hydraulic motor has the
highest power density. However, hydraulic solutions have many negative side effects like: low user-friendliness and disturbance of the pod-unit force measurements. Most electric motors lack power density when used according to supplier specifications, which is the reason that currently no solutions are available in the field. The key step is to utilise the towing tank water as efficient cooling medium while accepting a reduced lifetime. With these boundary conditions, the supplier specifications can ’thoughtfully’ be overruled. For an electric motor, this approach leads to an increase in power density by a factor of 2-4, so that sufficient shaft power can be achieved.

In hydrodynamic research on pods, several standard types of experiment on model scale exist which all imply different requirements for the pod model. As a result, no single generic solution exists Therefore, a toolbox has been defined which provides direct propeller drive solutions, with the propeller drive motor located inside the pod gondola. The toolbox covers
over 80% of all model-scale experiments with pods at MARIN. A direct propeller drive is the core of solving problems with the existing devices.
In this project, the two most relevant tools for MARIN have been designed and tested successfully. First, a small scale (1:30) basic pod model has been realised, which is especially suited for manoeuvring and sea-keeping tests. Here, the drive motor is an electric motor with a gear box, which was optimised to deliver 3.5 times its supplier-rated power. No measurements at the propeller shaft are possible. However, the measured motor current can be used to provide a measure for the motor torque with an accuracy of 1% up to a measurement frequency of 10 Hz. This measurement frequency is sufficient for manoeuvring and sea-keeping tests Second, a direct propeller drive has been realised for large-scale (1:20) powering experiments. This design path yielded a more complex, large-scale pod model which is equipped for most regular powering optimisation tests. The drive motor was purchased as a separate rotor-stator package and optimised through water cooling to deliver a torque up to 17 Nm, which is about 3 times the supplier-rated limit and 50% higher than required. Using separate motor parts allowed full integration of the direct-drive motor and the force sensor in the propeller shaft.
The six-component force balance that is used to determine the propulsive forces of the pod-unit was found to lack accuracy, with typical errors of 2-5%, depending on the loading case. The existing balance is also not suitable for dynamic measurements as of its low resonance frequency of about 10 Hz, where 80 Hz is required. Therefore, first the correct implementation of underlying theory in calibration routines and data processing has been reviewed and updated. Also, a new six-component, pod-unit force balance has been designed, to fit the state-of-the-art accuracy requirements. Measurement errors could be be reduced to 1.5% for complex combined loads. Finally, dynamic pod-unit force measurements during manoeuvring have been proven feasible up to a measurement frequency of 40 Hz, which equals a typical first blade harmonic.
The current results also form the starting point for further design efforts. First, the developed concepts have to be implemented in the operational towing tank processes. Further, the next major challenge is to further improve the data quality of dynamic pod-unit force measurements during manoeuvring.
The design of an innovated pod model has removed a major obstacle on the way to new model-scale testing opportunities. Existing test services will improve when the current concepts are implemented. This will consolidate MARIN’s leading position in model-scale research on pods. Furthermore, with the developed tools MARIN is prepared for future developments, thus capable to stay ahead of global competitors.
Finally, the innovated pod model provides the maritime community with a range of opportunities to gain deeper knowledge on podded propulsion. This knowledge will help to strengthen the position of pods in the maritime market. In this way, podded propellers can continue to grow, offering their benefits to the maritime industry and the global society.

dissertations the and tu/e; mechanics: dissertations. heat: dissertations; ship propulsion. ship performance; propellers; digital full-text; ship propellers; ship propulsion; electric propulsion; model research; force measurement; sensor technology

Source :Universiteitsdrukkerij Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Full-text, pdf (9,35 Mb)
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[yim019] ANSYS/Flotran Manual and Guidelines

The ANSYS/FLOTRAN derived product and the FLOTRAN CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) option to the other ANSYS products offer you comprehensive tools for analyzing two-dimensional and three-dimensional fluid flow fields.
We can achieve solutions for the following:

* Lift and drag on an airfoil
* The flow in supersonic nozzles
* Complex, three-dimensional flow patterns in a pipe bend.

In addition, you can use the features of ANSYS and ANSYS/FLOTRAN to perform tasks including:

* Calculating the gas pressure and temperature distributions in an engine exhaust manifold
* Studying the thermal stratification and breakup in piping systems
* Using flow mixing studies to evaluate potential for thermal shock
* Doing natural convection analyses to evaluate the thermal performance of chips in electronic enclosures.
* Heat exchanger studies involving different fluids separated by solid regions.

How to operate this software?

below list from ANSYS na STU Bratislava

ANSYS Commands Reference (Command Dictionary)
ANSYS Elements Reference (Element Dictionary)
Master Table of Contents for All Analysis Guides
ANSYS Basic Analysis Procedures Guide
ANSYS Modeling and Meshing Guide
ANSYS Structural Analysis Guide
ANSYS Thermal Analysis Guide
ANSYS CFD FLOTRAN Analysis Guide (pdf format : 4.2mB)
ANSYS Electromagnetic Field Analysis Guide
ANSYS Coupled-Field Analysis Guide
ANSYS Advanced Analysis Guide
ANSYS Operations Guide
Master Table of Contents for All Programming Guides
ANSYS APDL Programmer's Guide
Guide to Interfacing with ANSYS
ANSYS UIDL Programmer's Guide
ANSYS Guide to User Programmable Features
ANSYS Commands Topic Index
ANSYS Elements Topic Index
ANSYS Guides Topic Index
ANSYS Tutorials

Other Resources :
Introduce the finite element method using ANSYS and FLOTRAN
Best Practice Guidelines for Marine Applications of CFD
CFD Online

For more information, just use www.google.com

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[yim018] 2004 Annual Book of astm Standards

ASTM Standards series ASTM International is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world-a trusted source for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services. Known for their high technical quality and market relevancy, ASTM International standards have an important role in the information infrastructure that guides design, manufacturing and trade in the global economy.
ASTM International, originally known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), was formed over a century ago, when a forward-thinking group of engineers and scientists got together to address frequent rail breaks in the burgeoning railroad industry. Their work led to standardization on the steel used in rail construction, ultimately improving railroad safety for the public. As the century progressed and new industrial, governmental and environmental developments created new standardization requirements, ASTM answered the call with consensus standards that have made products and services safer, better and more cost-effective. The proud tradition and forward vision that started in 1898 is still the hallmark of ASTM International.
Today, ASTM continues to play a leadership role in addressing the standardization needs of the global marketplace. Known for its best in class practices for standards development and delivery, ASTM is at the forefront in the use of innovative technology to help its members do standards development work, while also increasing the accessibility of ASTM International standards to the world.
ASTM continues to be the standards forum of choice of a diverse range of industries that come together under the ASTM umbrella to solve standardization challenges. In recent years, stakeholders involved in issues ranging from safety in recreational aviation, to fiber optic cable installations in underground utilities, to homeland security, have come together under ASTM to set consensus standards for their industries.
Standards developed at ASTM are the work of over 30,000 ASTM members. These technical experts represent producers, users, consumers, government and academia from over 120 countries. Participation in ASTM International is open to all with a material interest, anywhere in the world

Section List

Section 01 - Iron and Steel Products (8 volume)
Section 02 - Nonferrous Metal Products (5 volume)
Section 03 - Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures
(6 volume)
Section 04 - Construction (13 volume)
Section 05 - Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels (6 volume)
Section 06 - Paints, Related Coatings, and Aromatics (4 volume)
Section 07 - Textiles (2 volume)
Section 08 - Plastics (4 volume)
Section 09 - Rubber (2 volume)
Section 10 - Electrical Insulation and Electronics (4 volume)
Section 11 - Water and Environmental Technology (6 volume)
Section 12 - Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy (2 volume)
Section 13 - Medical Devices and Services (2 volume)
Section 14 - General Methods and Instrumentation (4 volume)
Section 15 - General Products, Chemical Specialties, and End Use Products (9 volume)

# Title : 2004 Annual Book of Astm Standards Complete Set
# Author :Myron L. Begeman, B.H. Amstead
# Hardcover: 77 volume set
# Publisher: ASTM Intl (January, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0803136854

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11 March 2009

Cirine wong soko entute

1. Wong sing ORA JUJUR
Wong sing nek ngentut terus nyalahke wong liyo.
2. Wong GOBLOG
Wong sing ngempet ngentut sampai jam-2-an.
Wong sing ngerti kapan kudu ngentut.
4. Wong sing SENGSORO
Wong sing pengin banget ngentut ning ora iso ngentut.
5. Wong sing MISTERIUS
Wong sing nek ngentut wong liyo ora ono sing ngerti.
6. Wong sing GUGUPAN
Wong sing ujug-2 nyetop entute nek pas lagi ngentut.
7. Wong sing PERCOYO DIRI (PD)
Wong sing ngiro nek entute dhewe ambune mesti wangi.
8. Wong sing KEJEM (SADIS)
Wong sing nek ngentut terus dikibasno nang koncone.
9. Wong sing ISINAN
Wong sing nek ngentut terus ke'isinan dhewe.
10.Wong sing STRATEGIS
Wong sing nek ngentut ning ngarep'e wong lio iso nylamurke entut'e nganti wong liyo ora
kepikiran maneh.
11.Wong sing BODHO
Wong sing nek bar ngentut terus ambegan njero-2 dienggo ngganti entute sing metu.
12.Wong sing GEMI
Wong sing nek ngentut metune diatur sethithik-2.
13.Wong sing SOMBONG
Wong sing seneng ngambu entute dhewe.
14.Wong sing RAMAH
Wong sing seneng ngambu entute wong liyo.
15.Wong sing ORA RAMAH
Wong sing nek ngentut malah mendhelik lan ngamuk-2.
16.Wong sing KE-KANAK-2-AN
Wong sing senenge ngentut nang njero banyu ben iso ngematno munine blekuthuk-2.
17.Wong sing ATLETIS
Wong sing nek ngentut karo ngeden.
18.Wong JUJUR
Wong sing ngakoni nek awak'e bar ngentut.
19.Wong PINTER
Wong sing iso niteni ambune entut wong lione.
20.Wong SIAL
Wong sing dientuti terus karo wong lio.
Wong sing nek ngentut mesthi katutan ampase.
22.Wong sing ORA IKHLAS
Nggak mambu entute dewe wong liya sing mambu muring- 2.
23.Wong sing GEMI
Wong sing menowo ngentut metune swara entut di-endat-2 dadi ping 7.
24.Wong sing SOK AMAL
Wong sing menowo ngentut metune dibrolno sak ampase.
Angger ngentut silite ditempeli terompet ben samsaya banter swarane.
26.Wong RA UMUM
Yen ngentut dilagokake.
Yen ngentut di-penggak-2 kareben swarane kadya unining bedil.
Wis ngueden methuthut ra muni entute malah bole sing metu.
29.Wong SOLO / YOGYA (mohon maaf untuk yang sering ke Solo !)
Entute aluun banget dawa lan sajak ndandang gulo.
Ndiskusekake soal entut (kayata sing maca).

Tambahan :
Wong GENDHENG : Wong sing ngamati ciri-2-ne wong liya saka carane ngentut !

sumber :milis

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[yim016] Manufacturing Processes - Amstead et.al. (1977)

This new edition of a classic text presents the most recent information in the technology of manufacturing. It describes the processes whereby materials are converted into products, without losing sight of the economics involved. Manufacturing systems and manufacturing integration are developed, and new topics include recent progress in numerical control, electronic fabrication, robotics, group technology, plant layout, conveyors, vision sensing, and safety. In addition to this, there is an expanded discussion of quality control and an entire chapter on operations planning and cost estimating. Also included is career guidance and many problems and case studies.

Table of Contents



# Title : Manufacturing Processes
# Author :Myron L. Begeman, B.H. Amstead
# Hardcover: 752 pages
# Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 7th edition (January 26, 1977)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0471062456
# ISBN-13: 978-047106245

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[yim015] Modern Welding - Althouse et.al (2004)

Modern Welding is a comprehensive text that has long been the standard for teaching the theory, fundamentals, equipment, and techniques of welding technology. The 2004 edition includes coverage of new processes, such as friction stir welding, and has been reorganized to place stronger emphasis on the more-widely used arc processes. In addition to covering all welding and cutting processes, the text includes thorough coverage of welding symbols, testing and inspecting, and getting a job in the welding industry. Correlated with the QC-10 Standard.

Table of Contents

1. Safety in the Welding Shop
2. Print Reading
3. Reading Welding Symbols
4. Welding and Cutting Processes
5. Shielded Metal Arc Welding Equipment and Supplies
6. Shielded Metal Arc Welding
7. GTAW and GMAW Equipment and Supplies
8. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
9. Gas Metal Arc Welding
10. Plasma Arc Cutting
11. Arc and Oxygen Arc Cutting and Gouging
12. Oxyfuel Gas Welding Equipment and Supplies
13. Oxyfuel Gas Welding
14. Oxyfuel Gas Cutting Equipment and Supplies
15. Oxyfuel Gas Cutting
16. Soldering
17. Brazing and Braze Welding
18. Resistance Welding Equipment and Supplies
19. Resistance Welding
20. Special Welding Processes
21. Special Ferrous Welding Applications
22. Special Nonferrous Welding Applications
23. Pipe and Tube Welding
24. Special Cutting Processes
25. Automatic and Robotic Welding
26. Metal Surfacing
27. Production of Metals
28. Metal Properties and Identification
29. Heat Treatment of Metals
30. Inspecting and Testing Welds
31. Procedures and Welder Qualifications
32. The Welding Shop
33. Getting and Holding a Job in the Welding Industry
34. Technical Data

# Title : Modern Welding
# Author : Andrew D. Althouse, Carl H. Turnquist, William A. Bowditch, Kevin E. Bowditch, Mark A. Bowditch
# Hardcover: 784 pages
# Publisher: Goodheart-Willcox Co; 10th edition (January 1, 2004)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1566379873
# ISBN-13: 978-1566379878

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