[yim012] Dharmapada : Sabda-Sabda Sang Budha
Dharmapada (Sabda-Sabda Buddha Gotama)
English from budhhanetdotnet
The Dhammapada, Buddha's Path of Wisdom — Ven. Acharya Buddharakkita.
Translated from the Pali by Acharya Buddharakkhita and with an introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi. The Dhammapada is the best known and most widely esteemed text in the Pali Tipitaka, the sacred scriptures of Theravada Buddhism. The work is included in the Khuddaka Nikaya ("Minor Collection") of the Sutta Pitaka, but its popularity has raised it far above the single niche it occupies in the scriptures to the ranks of a world religious classic. Composed in the ancient Pali language, this slim anthology of verses constitutes a perfect compendium of the Buddha's teaching, comprising between its covers all the essential principles elaborated at length in the forty-odd volumes of the Pali Canon.
The Dhammapada, a Translation — Ven. Thanissaro, Bhikkhu.
The Dhammapada, an anthology of verses attributed to the Buddha, has long been recognized as one of the masterpieces of early Buddhist literature. Only more recently have scholars realized that it is also one of the early masterpieces of the Indian tradition of Kavya, or belles lettres. This translation is an attempt to render the verses into English in a way that does justice to both of the traditions to which the text belongs. Although it is tempting to view these traditions as distinct, dealing with form (Kavya) and content (Buddhism), the ideals of Kavya aimed at combining form and content into a seamless whole.
Treasury of Truth - Dhammapada (Text Version) — Ven. W. Sarada Maha Thero.
This work lends itself readily to an in-depth study of this religious classic of mankind, to the great delight of both the scholar and the student. This PDF file is the text version only of the Illustrated Dhammapada by Ven. Sarada Maha Thero. The Pali text has explanatory translation of the verses with commentary in English
Treasury of Truth - Illustrated Dhammapada — Ven. W. Sarada Maha Thero.
This archived zipped file (21,511KB) is the Illustrated version of the Dhammapada or Treasury of Truth, compiled by Venerable Weragoda Sarada Maha Thero. [ PLEASE NOTE: LARGE FILE SIZE ]
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Ancient budhist text
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