(2007) Yaragal,et.al - Performance of Major Ports using Performance Appraisal Index
S C Yaragal, M K Nagaraj, Performance of Major Ports using Performance Appraisal Index, IE(I) Journal-MR Vol 87, January 2007
Performance of Major Ports using Performance Appraisal Index
S C Yaragal [Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore] and M K Nagaraj [Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore]
Infrastructure plays a very important role in the economic progress of the nation. 90% of the international cargo is transported by the ships. In this view, the performance of ports plays an important role. The performance of the port should be assured based on multiple parameters. Such a study helps not only in comparing different ports based on performance, but also helps in corrective measures, identifying weakness areas and strengthening of key parameters. In the present study, a performance appraisal index for major ports is evolved using different parameters, to compare the efficiency of major ports in India. Important parameters are selected from the statistics of major ports in India.
Sensitivity analyses are also performed, to evolve strategies for productive decision making for better performance.
Performance; Parameters; Performance Appraisal Index value (P A I); Scaling; Average turn round time (days); Traffic; Hinterland
Source :The Institution of Engineers (India)
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