Basic Naval Architecture : Instructor Guide and Problem Set - Van Mater (1988)
A project of the SNAME Ship Production Committee Education and Training Panel
This publication as part of a video lecture course presenting the fundamentals of naval architecture was developed as part of the government-industry-supported National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP). This publication contains the instructor syllabus, problem sets, and solutions that complement the videotapes. The notes include many of the slides used in the videotapes and are intended to be used by the instructor for overhead transparencies.
This material was developed to convey to trade school students the foundations of naval architecture. This level of material presented makes it suitable for engineers transferring into the field of naval architecture, a college level study course for students not majoring in the field (e.g. Ocean Engineering majors) or a naval or merchant marine officer candidate program.
Total lecture notes up to 45 unit, and devided into 3 volume.
Unit 1 Introduction
Scope and coverage of course. Text, references,materials required. Background required. Math diagnostic examples.
Unit 2 Ship Types and Ship Systems - 1
The ship as an element in a transportation system. Photos of ship types. General cargo, container, R O N , passengerlcar ferries, Seabee and Lash, tankers, various types of bulk carriers, QE2, cruise ships.
Unit 3 Ship Types and Ship Systems - 2
Photos of ship types continued. Tugs, offshore supply boats, integrated tug-barge, river towboats. SWATH, catamaran, SES, ACV, planing boats, hydrofoil craft, offshore drilling and production rigs. Naval ships, submarines, battleship,aircraft carrier.
Unit 4 Ship Types and Ship Systems - 3
Nomenclature - 1
Merchant ship types by trade. Naval ships as elements in a warfare system. Ship types classified by type of support. Nomenclature - units. Directions on board ship. Ship dimensions. Weight, displacement, tonnage, load lines.
Unit 5 Nomenclature - 2
Parts of a ship. Decks and bulkheads. Doors, hatches, scuttles, manholes. Spaces on board ship. Anchoring and mooring.
Unit 6 Nomenclature - 3
Boat handling equipment. Cargo handling equipment. Dunnage, sparring and ceiling. Structural nomenclature. Strakes, stringers, floors, double and single bottoms, keels, stem castings, stem castings.
Unit 7 Dimension, Form and Flotation - 1
Ship geometry. Dimensions. Freeboard and draft. Displacement and tonnage. Lines drawing. Form coefficients.
Unit 8 Dimension, Form and Flotation - 2
Form coefficients example. Centers - CG, CB, metacenter, GM. Moments. Example of LCG calculation.
Unit 9 Dimension, Form and Flotation - 3
Archimedes Principle. Curves of form and hydrostatic parameters. Bonjean's curves.
Unit 10 Dimension, Form and Flotation - 4
Differentiation and integration. Trapezoidal rule. Simpson's rule. Sectional area curve. Displacement calculation example.
Unit 11 The Ship at Rest - Static Stability - 1
Stable, neutral, unstable equilibrium. Position of the metacenter and equilibrium. GM, GZ, righting moment. Static stability curve. Weight shifts. BM. Moment of inertia. Rectangular barge example.
Unit 12 The Ship at Rest - Static Stability - 2
Transverse weight shift example. Inclining experiment, example, Cross curves of stability. Corrections for actual KG. Corrections to static stability curve.
Unit 13 The Ship at Rest - Static Stability - 3
Negative GM. Longitudinal weight shift example, change of trim. Small weight additions,
Unit 14 The Ship at Rest - Static Stability - 4
Multiple weight additions. Tabular format, example. New drafts. Angle of list. Weight removals.
Unit 15 Ship Hazards and Vulnerability - 1
Floodable length defmitions. Floodable length curve. Free surface. Virtual rise of G. Pocketing.
Unit 16 Ship Hazards and Vulnerability - 2
Free communication effect. Added weight versus lost buoyancy. Shock. USN intact stability criteria. CFR 46 stability criteria,
Unit 17 Ship Hazards and Vulnerability - 3
Subdivision of naval ships. Protection of vital spaces. Assumed damage conditions. CFR 46 requirements. Grounding and stranding.
Unit 18 Ship Hazards and Vulnerability - 4
Dry docking. Stability during docking. Example. Freeboard and load lines, merchant ships and naval ships.
Unit 19 Submarine Hydrostatics and Stability
Submarine types and features. Ballast tanks. Submerging and surfacing. Submarine stability.
Unit 20 Forces Opposed to Propulsion - 1
Background. Wave making resistance. Frictional resistance. Froude's Law of Comparison. Residuary resistance. Model testing. Ship wave systems. Resistance coefficients.
Unit 21 Forces Opposed to Propulsion - 2
Correlation allowance. Friction formulations. Cf, Cw, Ct curves. Form drag. Bulbous bows.
Unit 22 Forces Opposed to Propulsion - 3
Propulsive Forces and Propulsion Systems - 1
Resistance of submarines. Appendage resistance. Resistance in shallow water. Added resistance in a seaway. Hull roughness. Types of propulsors. Powering definitions and efficiencies. The screw propeller.
Unit 23 Propulsive Forces and Propulsion Systems - 2
Momentum theory. Propeller geometry, wake, slip. Propeller curves. Propeller design.
Unit 24 Propulsive Forces and Propulsion Systems - 3
Number of blades. Hull-propeller interactions. The efficiency chain. Cavitation, super-cavitating propellers, Water jets,
controllable pitch propellers, Kort nozzles. Vertical axis propellers.
Unit 25 Propulsive Requirements and Power Selection - 1
Hull types and speed regimes. Scaling laws. Example. Model test expansion - example.
Unit 26 Prcpulsive Requirements and Power Selection - 2
Power prediction example. Standard series. Service power margin. Engine selection. Diesel engines. Combined plants. Gas turbines. Steam propulsion. Nuclear power. Comparisons.
Unit 27 Maneuverability and Ship Control
The rudder; force, iiit-drag, torque, aspect ratio. Rudder types. Motion of a ship in a turn. Thrusters. Z-drive s ys terns. Active rudders. Comparisons.
Unit 28 The Ship in Motion with the Sea - 1
Definitions. Sinusoidal waves. Trochoidal waves. Regular and irregular waves.Long-crested and short-crested waves. Seaway
descriptions. Sea spectra. Ship motion computer programs.
Unit 29 The Ship in Motion with the Sea - 2
Designing for ship motions. Rolling. Pitching. Yawing. Translational motions. SWATH ships.
Unit 30 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 1
Basic concepts, stress, strain. Stress-strain diagram. Hooke's Law. Neutralaxis. The flexure formula. Secion Modulus. Beams in bending.
Unit 31 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 2
Bending moment. Simple supports. Fixed-end supports. Bending moment and shear force diagrams. Steel handbook.
Unit 32 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 3
Section modulus example. Stress analysis example.
Unit 33 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 4
Loads on the ship's structure. Barge bending moment and shear force example. Stresses in deck and bottom.
Unit 34 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 5
Ship bending moment, shear force and stress diagrams in still water and in trochoidal waves. ABS requirements. Bending moment estimates. Strength and stiffness.
Unit 35 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 6
Properties of shipbuilding materials. Shipbuilding steels, ductility, toughness, Aluminum, GRP. S tee1 shapes, designation. Steel plate. Stiffened plating.
Unit 36 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 7
Failure modes for steel structures. Plasticity. Buckling. Fracture, fatigue. Stress concentrations. Structural continuity. Crack arrestors. Causes for cracking.
Unit 37 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 8
Framing systems. Structural terminology. Double bottom, single bottom construction. Bow and stern construction.
Unit 38 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 9
Bulkheads. ABS requirements. Hatch comers, intersections, connections, brackets. Deckhouses. Foundations.
Unit 39 The Strength and Structure of Ships - 10
The midship section drawing. Section modulus calculation. Typical midship sections. Mariner, FFG-7, "Bear" class cutter, tanker, bulk carrier, RO/RO ship, SL-7 container ship. The weight estimate.
Unit 40 The Ship Design Process- 1
Merchant vessel design. Mission requirements. The design spiral. Parametric design studies. Feasibility studies. Concept, preliminary, contract design phases. Deliverables. Detail design.
Unit 41 The Ship Design Process- 2
Concept design example.
Unit 42 The Ship Design Process- 3
Steps in preliminary design. Contract design. Design margins. Naval ship design and procurement.
Unit 43 Shipbuilding Methods - 1
Use of the computer in design and manufacturing. CAD/CAM drafting, lofting, shell plate development, nesting. Scheduling
and critical path analysis, production control. Work measurement and analysis, ordering and inventory control, weight management.
Unit 44 Shipbuilding Methods - 2
Steel cutting methods, cold forming and hot forming processes. Older shipbuilding methods. Modern shipbuilding methods. Design for ship production. Modules and subassemblies. Zone outfitting. Design of details for ease of construction.
Unit 45 Basic Naval Architecture - Shipbuilding Methods - 3
Launching methods. End launching, key events. Side launching. Launch from floating drydock, graving dock, and moveable platform (S ynchro-Lift type).
Course closure.
# Title : Basic Naval Architecture -- Instructor Guide and Problem Set (vol. 1,2 and 3)
# Author : Van Mater, Dr. Paul R.,
# Hardcover: 1200pages
# Publisher: The University of Michigan, Transportation research institute (January, 1988)
# Language: English
# UMTRI- 88-54-1
Source : MIT
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