(2007) Cmde Retd N Kumar, S R Suresh - Trends in the Design Manufacture of Transportation Barges for Inland Water Ways
Cmde Retd N Kumar, S R Suresh, Trends in the Design Manufacture of Transportation Barges for Inland Water Ways, IE(I) Journal – MR Vol 88, July 2007
Trends in the Design Manufacture of Transportation Barges for Inland Water Ways
Cmde Retd N Kumar, S R Suresh [Hindustan Shipyard Ltd, Visakhapatnam]
This paper was presented and discussed at the Twentieth National Convention of Marine Engineers held at Visakhapatnam during February 24-25, 2007.
For a healthy and responsive transportation system, safety, security, conservation of energy and environmental quality are mandatory. This paper has discussed about the most efficient use of transport resources to attain substantial economic benefits without negative environmental impacts. A comparative study of the different modes of transport has been discussed which points towards Inland Water Transportation through Barges, as an efficient mode. The commonly used Barges have been elaborated with pictures for easy understanding and appreciation. The newly improved design of Barge results improved maneuverability, attainment of better speed, serving less accessible canals and rivers, carrying more pay-load by increasing Barge strength, reduction of construction costs by adopting innovative design, new materials and construction methods. This is termed as Inter-Barge concept, where Barge hulls are built faster and easier with less material and simple production. Moreover, FRP and weathering steel are suggested as new material of construction for their improved mechanical properties. Hence, the paper concludes that (i) use of Barges for transportation in Inland Waterways would be the invariable choice from the point of view of cargo capacities capable of being handled, relative energy efficiency and safety and (ii) adoption of new technology into their design and manufacture would lead to better cost effectiveness.
Barge; FRP; Inter-Barge Concept; Hulls; Screw propelles Ro Ro technology
Source :The Institution of Engineers (India)
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