(2006) Oza - Development of Condensate Processor Unit for Naval Ships
Kumar Oza, Development of Condensate Processor Unit for Naval Ships, IE(I) Journal-MR Vol 87, January 2007
Development of Condensate Processor Unit for Naval Ships
Kumar Oza [Director Director, , Toyota Chemical Industries Pvt Ltd.]
This paper was presented and discussed at the 19th National Convention of Marine Engineers held at Pune during February 24–25, 2006.
The introduction of light weight, high speed and sleek ships are replacing the earlier generation of warships all over the world for the past several years. The conventional Steam turbines are giving way to the diesel or gas turbines as the main propulsion systems, aimed at quick start and easy manoeuvrability to score over and to meet the present day challenges. However, in the situation of a prolonged conflict, the steam based system is the most reliable trust worthy and superior to diesel or gas turbine. Therefore, combat ships based on steam propulsion system still exist in most of the nations all over the world. Evaporators are used to distil sea water and the distillate is used as feed to the boilers for the generation of steam. The generated steam is used to operate the main propulsion system, auxiliary machinery, generation of electricity, domestic applications, even catapult system for the launching of aircrafts etc. The spent steam is condensed and reused as feed again for the boilers.
However, the loss of feed in the process is compensated through the make up feed from the evaporators. Sea water is extensively used for cooling the machinery and condensation of steam on board. From extensive use and fair wear and tear, contamination of condensate is imminent and that becomes a nightmare for the boiler operators. During operations the boiler operators continuously monitor the impurity level of the boiler water, the chloride level in particular. As the chloride level crosses the specified allowable limit, blow downs are resorted to and fresh feed is used to compensate for the losses, for sustained operation and longevity of the machinery. Limitations of space, difficulty in adoption of the new technology for processing the condensate prior to reuse, shortage of manpower etc are some of the major hurdles, the combat ships have to contend with. But not withstanding the above, there are combat ships designed, built and operated with the state of art technology for processing the condensate before reuse, for the safety of the machinery and ease for the operators. Indian Navy has already opened up its ships for the participation of Indian industries for the development and manufacture of ship borne machinery and adaptation of the technological developments for improving the quality of the war ships built in the country. In this respect, M/s Toyota Chemical Industries P Ltd, with its pioneering experience in the development and manufacture of ion exchange resins and design/manufacturing of water treatment plants, have ventured into the area of processing the condensate on a serving Indian naval ship, for the first time in the history of the Indian Navy. It had been designed, fabricated, fitted and successfully operated the condensate processing units on a naval ship to the fullest satisfaction of the naval authorities. The successful completion of the work gives out a clear message about the capacity of the Indian Industry to integrate the civilian applications of the technology in meeting the challenges and stringent operational requirements, through mutual interaction and working together, with any of the defence forces in the country.
Chloride level; Processor unit; Changed running conditions; Resin; Regeneration unit
Source :The Institution of Engineers (India)
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