[yim127] Corrosion Science and Technology-Talbot (1997)
Corrosion Science and Technology menerangkan semua aspek-aspek penting dari material yang sering digunakan dalam industri dan memandu pembaca untuk menentukan penggunakaannya secara praktis dilapangan. Pembahasan sifat material yang berhubungan dengan aspek pengendalian korosi meliputi aspek kimia, elektrokimia, dan metalurgi. Ketiga aspek ini akan dicarikan benang merah sehingga dapat ditentukan keuntungan ekonomis yang maksimal dari penggunaan material tersebut dalam lingkungan tertentu. Struktur dari reaksi kimia yang mungkin terjadi dari setiap material meliputi air, oksida dan logam itu sendiri akan dibahas, selain itu diterangkan juga mengenai karakteristik masing-masing logam dan paduannya serta hubungannya dengan kegunaan khusus dalam ketahanan terhadap korosi. Buku ini juga menerangkan tentang prinsip dasar sains dan kondisi real penggunaan di lapangan serta beberapa studi kasus pengendalian korosi. Informasi singkat mengenai literatur yang berhubungan dengan korosi, dicantumkan juga dalam buku ini, untuk membantu pembaca menemukan bahan bacaan yang relevan untuk topik-topik khusus.
Corrosion is the transformation of metallic structures into other chemical structures, most often through the intermediary of a third structure, i.e., water and a first task is to characterize these structures and examine how they determine the sequences of events that result in metal wastage.
These matters are the subjects of Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5. The information is applied in Chapter 6 to examine the options available for the most usual strategy to control corrosion, the application of protective coatings. Chapters 7 through 9 examine the attributes and corrosion behavior of three groups of metallic materials, plain carbon steels and irons, stainless steels,and aluminum alloys.
The final chapters deal with some practical implications. Corrosion control is only one aspect of the technologies within which it is exercised and the approaches adopted must accommodate other requirements in the most economic way. For this reason, some total technologies are selected to illustrate how the approach to corrosion control is conditioned by their particular circumstances.
1 Overview of Corrosion and Protection Strategies
1.1 Corrosion in Aqueous Media
1.2 Thermal Oxidation
1.3 Environmentally Sensitive Cracking
1.4 Strategies for Corrosion Control
1.5 Some Symbols, Conventions, and Equations
2 Structures Concerned in Corrosion Processes
2.1 Origins and Characteristics of Structure
2.2 The Structure of Water and Aqueous Solutions
2.3 The Structures of Metal Oxides
2.4 The Structures of Metals
3 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Corrosion Processes
3.1 Thermodynamics of Aqueous Corrosion
3.2 Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion
3.3 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Dry Oxidation
Sample Problems and Solutions
Appendix: Construction of Some Pourbaix Diagrams
4 Mixed Metal Systems and Cathodic Protection
4.1 Galvanic Stimulation
4.2 Protection by Sacrificial Anodes
4.3 Cathodic Protection by Impressed Current
5 The Intervention of Stress
5.1 Stress-Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
5.2 Corrosion Fatigue
5.3 Erosion-Corrosion and Cavitation
5.4 Precautions Against Stress-Induced Failures
6 Protective Coatings
6.1 Surface Preparation
6.2 Electrodeposition
6.3 Hot-Dip Coatings
6.4 Conversion Coatings
6.5 Paint Coatings for Metals
6.5.1 Paint Components
6.5.2 Application
6.5.3 Paint Formulation
6.5.4 Protection of Metals by Paint Systems
7 Corrosion of Iron and Steels
7.1 Microstructures of Irons and Steels
7.2 Rusting
7.3 The Oxidation of Iron and Steels
8 Stainless Steels
8.1 Phase Equilibria
8.2 Commercial Stainless Steels
8.3 Resistance to Aqueous Corrosion
8.4 Resistance to Dry Oxidation
8.5 Applications
Problems and Solutions
9 Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum and Its Alloys
9.1 Summary of Physical Metallurgy of Some Standard Alloys
9.2 Corrosion Resistance
10 Corrosion and Corrosion Control in Aviation
10.1 Airframes
10.2 Gas Turbine Engines
11 Corrosion Control in Automobile Manufacture
11.1 Overview
11.2 Corrosion Protection for Automobile Bodies
11.3 Corrosion Protection for Engines
11.4 Bright Trim
12 Control of Corrosion in Food Processing and Distribution
12.1 General Considerations
12.2 The Application of Tinplate for Food and Beverage Cans
12.3 Dairy Industries
12.4 Brewing
13 Control of Corrosion in Building Construction
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Structures
13.3 Cladding
13.4 Metal Roofs, Siding, and Flashing
13.5 Plumbing and Central Heating Installations
13.6 Corrosion of Metals in Timber
13.7 Application of Stainless Steels in Leisure Pool Buildings
Title: Corrosion Science and Technology
Author: David Talbot
ISBN: 0849382246
Publisher: CRC-Press
Publication Date: 1997-12-28
Edition:1 edition (November 20, 1997)
Number Of Pages: 432
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