[yim017] Computational Fluid Dynamics-Anderson-1995
The Beginner's guide to Computational Fluid Dynamics From aerospace design to applications in civil, mechanical, and chemical engineering, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is as essential as it is complex. The most accessible introduction of its kind, Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics With Applications, by experienced aerospace engineer John D. Anderson, Jr., gives you a thorough grounding in: the governing equations of fluid dynamics--their derivation, physical meaning, and most relevant forms; numerical discretization of the governing equations--including grids with appropriate transformations and popular techniques for solving flow problems; common CFD computer graphic techiniques; applications of CFD to 4 classic fluid dynamics problems--quasi-one-dimensional nozzle flows, two-dimensional supersonic flow, incompressible couette flow, and supersonic flow over a flat plate; state-of-the-art algorithms and applications in CFD--from the Beam and Warming Method to Second-Order Upwind Schemes and beyond.
About the Author
John D. Anderson, Jr. is the Curator of Aerodynamics at the National Air And Space Museum Smithsonian Institute and Professor Emeritus at the University of Maryland.
Product Details
Table of Contents
Pt. I. Basic Thoughts and Equations
1. Philosophy of Computational Fluid Dynamics
2. The Governing Equations of Fluid Dynamics: Their Derivation, a Discussion of
Their Physical Meaning, and a Presentation of Forms Particularly Suitable to CFD
3. Mathematical Behavior of Partial Differential Equations: The Impact on CFD
Pt. II. Basics of the Numerics
4. Basic Aspects of Discretization
5. Grids with Appropriate Transformations
6. Some Simple CFD Techniques: A Beginning
Pt. III. Some Applications
7. Numerical Solutions of Quasi-One-Dimensional Nozzle Flows
8. Numerical Solution of a Two-Dimensional Supersonic Flow: Prandtl-Meyer
Expansion Wave
9. Incompressible Couette Flow: Numerical Solutions by Means of an Implicit
Method and the Pressure Correction Method
10. Supersonic Flow over a Flat Plate: Numerical Solution by Solving the Complete
Navier-Stokes Equations
Pt. IV. Other Topics
11. Some Advanced Topics in Modern CFD: A Discussion
12. The Future of CFD
Appendix A Thomas' Algorithm for the Solution of a Tridiagonal System of Equations
Title : Computational Fluid Dynamics
Authot : John D. Anderson
Hardcover: 574 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 1 edition (February 1, 1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0070016852
ISBN-13: 978-0070016859
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