[yim036] DMV_Ch.16_Seakeeping Consideration in Design
The Success of ship design depends ultimately on its performance in a seaway. The prediction of ship motions, resistance and propulsion characteristic, structural loas and dynamic effects in a realistic seaway is such a complex problem that ship designers are generally forced to select their hull forms and ship dimensions on the basis of calm water performance without much consideration of the sea and the weather condition. Recent Sophicasted experimental techniques and computer applications in ship motion theories have made it possible for ship designer to consider the seakeeping qualities of his ship at an early stage. It shall be noted that any analysis of the seakeeping design is essentially of probabilistic nature, since the environment it self in which the ship operates can be analyzed only in a probabilistic manner by statistical methods
16.1 General
16.2 Design Parameters
Block Coefficient
Prismatic Coefficient
Waterplane Area Coefficient
Freeboard and Flare
Shape of Forebody Sections
LCG Position
Longitudinal Radius of Gyration
Bulbous Bow
Wave Characteristic
Wave Length
Wave Direction
Wave Height
16.3 Prediction by Regression Analysis
Equation of Motion
Longitudinal Bending Moments in HEad Seas
16.4 Design Criteria
16.5 Data for Seakeeping Design
16.6 Extreme Values as Design Considerations
16.7 Spesific Design Requirements
Ship Speed in Seaway
Deck Wetness and Slamming
Design Consideration for Slamming
Stil Water Loads
Free Surface Tank
U-Tube Tank
Active Antiroll Tanks
Antiroll Fins
Antipitching Fins
16.8 Design Plot
Dynamics of Marine Vehicles
By Rameswar Bhattacharyya
Published by Wiley, 1978
ISBN 0471072060, 9780471072060
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