[yme0109] A New System of Naval Architecture - Annesley (1822)
William Annesley's System of Naval Architecture consists in building, from a justly proportioned model, vessels of every description, and dimensions, with planks or boards as t he tonnage requires) which are laid in courses at right angles alternately, longitudinal, vertical, or oblique, where the curve requires it, upon moulds formed from sections of the model. These moulds are not (unaptly) compared with centres of arches in civfl architecture, and may be removed when the last athwart course is laid on.
The first course is caulked and payed after the moulds are removed; each succeeding one may be caulked, payed, and papered, as laid on, until the last, which is finished as usual.
Kata dan frase kunci
gunwale, rabbet, Nine Elms, Naval Architecture, cut-water, schooner, Deptford, red pine, spiled, ellipsis, Flaunches, scarphed, tarred paper, chamfered, strakes, Belfast, buoyancy, Quebec, Prince Regent, Mandril
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Origin and Progress of the System
3. Measurement
4. Simplicity and Economy in Building
5. Capacity. Strength
6. Tightness
7. Durability
8. Buoyancy. Sailing
9. Elegance must consist in the Propriety of Form
12.Bilge, or Side Keels
13.Vessels of War
14.Circular Port Holes
15.Fishing Vessels
16.Canal Boats, Barges, and Lighters
18.References to Plates
19.National Saving
Final Remarks
# Title : A New System of Naval Architecture
# Author: William Annesley
# Media count: 328 pages
# Publisher: W. Nicol, and sold by G. and W. Nicol (1922)
# Language: English
# Hardcover
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