Hukum Laut Nasional - Dasar
Dasar-dasar hukum laut nasional dn batas wilayah laut
Hukum maritim domestik
- Ordonansi lingkungan pantai dan laut wilayah 1939 []
- Deklarasi Djuanda 1957 selanjutnya diresmikan menjadi UU No.4/PRP/1960 tentang Perairan Indonesia [] []
- UU No.1/1973 (Landas Kontinen Indonesia) []
- UU No 5/1983 (ZEE Indonesia) []
- UU No 17/1985 (ratifikasi UnCLOS III) []
Hukum Laut Internasional
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
a. UNCLOS I (1958)
- Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, entry into force: 10 September 1964
- Convention on the Continental Shelf, entry into force: 10 June 1964
- Convention on the High Seas, entry into force: 30 September 1962
- Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources of the High Seas, entry into force: 20 March 1966
- In 1960, the United Nations held the second Conference on the Law of the Sea (“UNCLOS II”); however, the six-week Geneva conference did not result in any new agreements. Generally speaking, developing nations and third world countries participated only as clients, allies, or dependents of United States or the Soviet Union, with no significant voice of their own.
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