[tim316] Shipbuilding Specifications : Best Practice Guidelines - Fisher
The development of Contract Specifications and Contract Plans for new ship construction is a challenge to the most seasoned professionals because those persons developing them cannot be sure how the selected shipbuilder will interpret any ambiguities in them. Based on numerous “lessons learned”, which lessons have undoubtedly been learned the “hard” way, this paper presents perspectives that should be borne in mind when developing those specifications and plans. The differentiation between different forms of specifications is made, for example, to illustrate that responsibilities and risks are assigned to different parties for each different form of specification; and the developer has to decide in advance which party is to have which responsibilities. Similarly, for design development, the transfer of decision-making authority from the Purchaser's (i.e., owner’s) architect-engineer to the Contractor's (i.e., shipbuilder’s) engineering staff is clarified in this paper, thus giving the developers of the Contract Specifications the opportunity to alter the point in design development at which that ransfer of authority takes place. Means of overcoming the oftenencountered
perils of owner-furnished equipment are also addressed through improved specification writing. Many other aspects of the development of Shipbuilding Contract Specifications and Contract Plans are also discussed in this paper.
# Title : Shipbuilding Specifications : Best Practice Guidelines
# Auhtor : Dr. Kenneth W. Fisher,
# Journal : International Journal of Maritime Engineering
# Publisher : Royal Institution of Naval Architects
# Date Pulished : July 2004
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