[4S/yim502] ABS Guidance Notes on The Inspection, Maintenance and The Application of Marine Coatings Systems
These Guidance Notes start with an explanation of the chemistry and mechanics of corrosion. While coatings act as a barrier to corrosion, they are porous. The Guidance Notes review the way coatings work to reduce corrosion rates. The myriad of different coatings available can be confusing without a framework to aid understanding. These Notes define the generic categories and their characteristics.
The methods of surface preparation are introduced along with safety guidance and the advantages or disadvantages of each. The factors affecting coating application are examined. These include environmental controls, film thicknesses and the methods of application, among others. Coating technology uses specific measuring equipment and the typical devices are briefly described. In addition to coating technology, the proliferation of coating regulations are explained in context for ballast water tanks, void spaces, outer shell and cargo holds.
Once a vessel is in-service the coatings are subject to various stresses. To aid in the assessment of how the coatings are performing, typical failures are illustrated and guidance is provided on their repair and maintenance.
Also summarized is the ABS Guide for the Class Notation Coating Performance Standard (CPS) which details the procedure to obtain the ABS CPS notation and provides useful summary information on the responsibilities of the various parties during the coating application process.
Still under discussion at IMO is the extension of the coatings regulatory regime to cover cargo holds/tanks as well as void spaces. In particular, void spaces below bulkhead decks, within and forward of the cargo area of oil tankers and the cargo length of bulk carriers.
Copyright © 2007
American Bureau of Shipping
CHAPTER 1: Corrosion
(1.General - 2.Uncoated steel and the corrosion reaction - 3.Factors influencing corrosion rate - 4. Types of corrosion)
CHAPTER 2: Coatings and corrosion
(1. General - 2.Factors affecting coating lifetime - 3.Types of coating breakdown - 4.Anti-corrosion protection by coatings - 5.Coating compatibility - 6.Stripe coats)
CHAPTER 3: Coating types and their uses
(1.General - 2.Paint composition - 3.Binders - 4.Cross-linked (thermoset) coatings - 5.Thermoplastic coatings - 6.Pigments and extenders - 7.Solvents - 8.Anti-corrosion paints - 9.Impact and abrasion-resistant coatings - 10.Shop primers)
CHAPTER 4: Surface preparation
(1.General - 2.Surface cleanliness - 3.Surface cleaning and conditioning - 4.Solvent cleaning - 5.Abrasive blasting - 6.Spot blasting - 7.Sweep blasting - 8.Hydro blasting/water jetting - 9.Power tool cleaning - 10.Pickling - 11.Preparation of non-ferrous meta - 12.Edge and weld preparation at new building - 13.Surface preparation standards)
CHAPTER 5: Paint Application
(1.General - 2.Surface preparation - 3.Film thickness measurement - 4.Methods of paint application - 5.Curing conditions)
CHAPTER 6: Cathodic protection in ballast tanks and cargo holds
(1.General - 2.Sacrificial anodes - 3.Impressed current cathodic)
CHAPTER 7: Anti-Fouling
(1.General - 2.Fouling - 3.Anti-fouling system (AFS) - 4.Self-polishing anti-fouling coat - 5.Insoluble matrix (controlled depletion) coatings - 6.Foul release coatings) 7.Coating compatibility)
CHAPTER 8: Performance Standards for Protective Coatings
(1.Introduction - 2.Scope and application - 3.Review of the inspection agreement - 4.Primary surface preparation - 5.Secondary surface preparation - 6.Coating application 7.Coating inspection requirements - 8.Verification requirements - 9.Coating film thickness measurement - 10.Coating system approval - 11.ABS CPS Guide)
CHAPTER 9: Coating requirements for void spaces
CHAPTER 10: Coating requirements for cargo spaces
(1.Oil tankers - 2.Bulk carriers)
CHAPTER 11: Coating Technical File
(1 Statement of Compliance or Type Approval Certificate - 2.Technical datasheet - 3.Shipyard work records - 4.Inspection procedures - 5.Daily logs - 6.Shipyard’s verification report - 7.In-service repair procedure)
CHAPTER 12: Coating failures
(1.General - 2.Coating defects during application - 3.In-service coating failures)
CHAPTER 13: Assessment of coating breakdown
(1.Introduction - 2.Assessment of existing coating systems for all vessels except tankers - 3.Assessment of existing coating systems cargo holds - 4.Assessment of existing surface coating systems in oil carriers chemical carriers, and double hull oil carriers)
CHAPTER 14: Examples
CHAPTER 15: Glossary and definitions
CHAPTER 16: Appendices
Appendix A – IMO PSPC MSC215 (82)
Appendix B – IACS PR 34
Appendix C – IACS SC 122
Appendix D – IACS SC 127
Appendix E – IACS PR Z17
Appendix F – IACS Z9 177
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